Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Set in the Star Frontiers setting 100 years after the original Warriors of White Light Module pursuing all new adventures in the classic setting. Most original TSR printed game materials are constitute history in this game.

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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Shadow Shack » Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:55 pm

It's too late to request "issued items" (a kilo of D-19 and a few detonators would be nice LOL), so Grelude simply has what is listed on his character sheet:

1 Civilian SkienSuit
1 Laser Pistol w/20 SEU clip
1 50SEU PowerBeltPack
1 Sonic sword w/20 SEU clip
1 StunStick w/ 20SEU PowerClip
1 Electric Sword w/20SEU PowerClip *
1 chronocom and ID card
1 flashlight
1 rope

along with the Spacesuit w/armor, 1 extra LS pack, 1 extra patches (2), and magnetic boots, and assuming it fits over the vacc suit/armor...the combat harness too.

* I had ammended the character sheet to request the purchase of an electric sword but it wasn't updated --- viewtopic.php?f=66&t=203
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:50 pm

You have the sword it just didnt get updated.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Shadow Shack » Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:04 pm

"I'll take point," Grelude offers. "I'm 'flexible' when it comes to squeezing through a hole."

Grelude will attach the powercord from his beltpack to his pistol (EDIT - setting it to 5 SEU blasts). Combat harness beltpack is on standby, hopefully it won't boil down to needing the powerclip...but it's handy if he needs it. Once inside he'll unsheath the electric sword with his "back" hand, leaving the left free to manipulate anything along the way.

Assuming the place is lit...if not the flashlight will be in his left hand.
Last edited by Shadow Shack on Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Will » Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:42 pm

"I was about to suggest that, Gunner," Lyssa replies, following Grelude.

"The rest of you, follow me," she adds, laser rifle in hand and set on setting 5. "Spacer Syrrano, if you would, bring up the rear."

OOC: I'll run Ajax as well, if no one has any objections.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:46 pm

Will wrote:OOC: I'll run Ajax as well, if no one has any objections.

OOC: did I miss something about another player being TDY?
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Will » Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:12 am

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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:35 am

In the time it took for failed docking maneuvers and mooring the launch at the breached ag dome Ike and Dudd had drifted down to the engineering section and working their way up ship had reached the water storage tanks. Ike's professional opinion of the damaged ion engine is [skill check 45% + 10% (triscanner attachment on workpod) + 20% (easy task) roll: 66 pass]
is the engine was most likely struck by 2 separate shots and both were very likely lasers that were specifically aimed to take out the engine.
"Captain, from what I see, without significant repairs to this engine this ship wont be able to maintain even 1g of accel."
"Copy, that XO."

As the two dralasites reached the H2O tanks they discovered that 4 of the six were burst by expanding ice.
"Captain, we've found four of the six water tanks ruptured from expanding ice which stands to reason if all the power is off on board. Can't tell if the other two also have ruptures on the sides facing the full. [skill check for engineering knowledge Roll: 11]
"I thought I read somewhere that SOP on water tanks of this sort is to leave enough air in all the tanks to prevent this sort of thing. It may be that they just decided to top them all off and drain them one at a time especially since they wouldn't have to heat an empty tank."
"Curious, copy that XO."

At the Dome:
Mooring the launch was not without difficulties as the dome material is non ferrous and the magnetic mooring struts of the launch could not grab. In the end the launch was moored to the frame supports for the dome panels. Grelude attached a safety line to his suit as Tanar was cracking the canop open then clipped the other end into a grab bar on the hull of the launch.
Grelude announced, "Once I'm through the breach I'll moor the other end of this line and the rest of you can clip on and pull yourselves there."

Shuffling along a frame support to get as close to the breach as possible and making his best guess on the required trjectory [LOG: 54-pass gives you a +10% toward Dex check to reach the breach and not go spinning away like a yoyo]. Flexing his legs and hitting the magnetic shoes' off button he flung himself across to the breach [Ability check DEX 50 + 10% roll: 75] and sailed past just out of reach. The slow tumble of the ship was flinging him out and way from the hull.

"Well, reel him in," ordered Alyssa.
"Belay that," came Ike's order over the team channel.
Two work pods arced up over the dome with one grabbing the safety line in a manipulator claw. Ike angled toward dome breached attempting to grab the edge of the breach but gave his self a good jar as the workpod impacted the dome. Working fast he managed to grab two edges of the breach with manipulator claws. Grelude pulled himself down the safety line and grabbed the rough edges of the breach. Noticing a blackish residue on the inside of the dome material he pulled his scanner and ran a check [demolitions skill check roll: 2]
"There's bomb residue on the inside of the dome; TD 19."
Returning his scanner to its pouch he drew his flashlight and as he was about to shine the light into the inky blackness of the dome a chicken with wings out stretched flew out of the breach and struck the faceplate of his helmet. He fended it off with the flashlight then watched as the dead bird went "flying dutchman" sailing away from the tumbling ag ship. Carefully, Grelude poked his helmet into the breach and shined the flashlight around. in the immediate area of the breach were clumps of dirt, frozen spheres of water and more dead chickens. The explosion that caused the breach must have set the ship to tumbling and everything loose in the dome had collected on this side of the dome.
Grateful for his space suit armor as it would prevent punctures form the jagged edges he pulled himself fully in and launched himself toward the floor [Dex check: 3] and gracefully, this time, he manged to reach his target landing square on a path of deck plate with his magnetic shoes.
Seconds later he called over the team channel, "Safety line moored. Thanks, XO."
IKe released the pod's grip on the dome and turned to resume the external inspection with Dudd.

After ten minutes everyone form the launch was standing on the deck plate with Grelude (call the spot on the dome closest to the central hull 12 o'clock and the team is standing at 6 o'clock). Where they were standing was a junction of two deck plate paths; one following the outer perimeter of the dome and the other going toward the middle of the dome. The wall of the dome near them was littered with dirt, debris, plant stalks and dead chickens due to the slow tumble of the ship. In the darkness they could make out a structure on their left that ran from 7 to 11 o'clock along that wall. It appeared to be a chicken coop. The chicken coop hugged the wall and the deck path entered it then re-emerged on the far side. Only one deck path bisected the dome. At the center of the dome it appeared there was a rectangular guard rail with chicken wire wrapped around it.

Ajax was examining the dirt and debris on the wall next to him, "There's bullet casings here and this chicken has a through and through bullet wound."
Snatching another chicken of the wall he examined it and announced, "No apparent wounds on this one, looks like it died by vacuum."

OOC: This is not per se a turn advance just catching Ike up with the team and responding to players actions a little-
Slayerian is with you despite being along to watch the launch while you cleared the ship he cant operate it if anything happens and he's useless sitting in it. I suggest you use him to watch hall or deck junctions while you clear the ship.
I can run Ajax as an NPC for now.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Terl Obar » Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:52 pm

"Let's get into the main part of the ship and see what we can find," Tanar suggests. "If nothing else, let's see if we can get some lights on. It would make it a bit easier to search." He pans his lights around the dome looking for anything more out of the ordinary. "Looks like there was a fight of some sort here. If some of the chickens took stray hits we might find some corpses as well."
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Shadow Shack » Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:28 pm

Grelude leans toward Tanar and toggles the mike: "Anyone up for some Kdikit Fried Chicken?"

He pauses after hearing Tanar's suggestion. "I'm reluctant to agree with the simian, but have to say that he's right...the best course of action is to find a central lift shaft or equivilent and access the formerly manned portions of this hulked boat."
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby simplymenotu » Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:08 pm

Is Ike in a spacesuit inside the workpod?
If not he brought one.
Ike is using skeinsuit, has weapons and engineering toolkit as well as TriScanner.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Terl Obar » Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:00 pm

Shadow Shack wrote:Grelude leans toward Tanar and toggles the mike: "Anyone up for some Kdikit Fried Chicken?"

Tanar pops Grelude the top of his helmet. "No thanks, it never reheats very well once frozen. Besides, this stuff seems to have a bit of heavy metal poisoning."
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Shadow Shack » Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:18 pm

Grelude flinches at the helmet tap. "Ya think it's fresh at the restaraunts?!?" He waves the electro-sword with his backhand "Here, you want a breast or leg? This baby'll make it extra crispy..."
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:27 pm

simplymenotu wrote:Is Ike in a spacesuit inside the workpod?
If not he brought one.
Ike is using skeinsuit, has weapons and engineering toolkit as well as TriScanner.

Its a hazardous environment and vac suits are a matter of course. Its not unheard of that an engineer would leave a pod to have a closer more hands on look at something.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Will » Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:16 am

Shadow Shack wrote:Grelude flinches at the helmet tap. "Ya think it's fresh at the restaraunts?!?" He waves the electro-sword with his backhand "Here, you want a breast or leg? This baby'll make it extra crispy..."

"You think it's chicken at the restaurants?" Lyssa quips in reply."Sides, I prefer Originial Recipe."

"Let's find a lift shaft," she adds.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:04 am

The boarding party advances to the center of the dome and sees that the rail like structure wrapped in chicken wire is a saftey rail and gate surrounding a ramp going down beneath the dome floor. Shining a light down the ramp its obvious that a hall way continues toward the central shaft of the ship. The hall has opened doors down both side that have labels reading fertilizer, tools (gardening tools), feed, egg storage, food storage. Looking into each room as they pass the marines get the sense that the rooms were ransacked. The stasis fields in the food and egg storage areas are off and particularly in the food area decompression cause many fruits and gourds to explode. The rooms are a horrid mess but up ahead near the door to the central core is something that both catches your interest and is at first not quite recognizable.

Approaching cautiously, the team discovers two human bodies tied into chairs back to back. They are both wearing ship suits with Streel and Cloverdale patches on them. The male appears to have lifted the female walked down the velcro floor strip with her on his back. He's still standing before the pressure door held to the floor by his velcro booties.

Ajax runs a quick medical scan of the bodies and announces, "They died from vacuum exposure. I'll save DNA samples for latter identification."
He lowers the chairs to the floor and presses the female's velcro booties to the strip to thereby pulling the male's body away from the pressure door and making room for the team to squeeze by.

Grelude tries the door to the central shaft. The wheel spins freely but the door wont open. Tanar steps up with his tech kit and opens the door control panel on the wall.
"There is no power at all, I'll hot wire an SEU clip into the panel."
He pulls a spare clip and breaks it open and sodders two leads with alligator clips to it (it will be useless for standard equipment and weapons now but hey you didn't pay for it). Powering the door panel he say's, "Air pressure on the other side."
He burns through a second SEU powering the equelizer valve bleeding the air into the vacuum of the dome. After that the pressure door swings easily into the central shaft. The room is small and there's an open wall panel missing. Inside the empty wall are power leads and a sign saying, "Parabattery Power Back Up."

"No wonder there's no power, not only are the engines off but someone's stripped parabatteries that would have kept basic life support and emergency lighting going."

Tanar blows through another 2 SEU bleeding air into the chamber form another dome; his "door key" has 16 SEU left.

Outside IC:
Ike and Dudd finish their survey without finding anything else of significance though they both feel certain that all the life pods were pulled manually. Approaching the workpod ports and mindful of the inability of the launch to dock they decide to power down the pods' laser torches and attempt to warm the docking buffers for the pods. They are successful but still have to spend 30 minutes forcing open the hatches to gain access to the Cloverdale. They step into separate pod operations control rooms. Finding empty rooms including empty racks for pressure suits and spare LS packs. (They were using the pod's LS and the clock starts now for them on their personal LS).

OOC: The elevators are down and not powerable by this method there is a ladder well linking each deck. free fall more or less prevails but you can ignore 0g with your mag boots. Lets start the clock ticking at 40 minutes (the main team) on your LS pack for all the action leading up to this (everyone has their spares). From this point, because of the tumble you can glide up ship (toward the bridge) or down ship- just slide your hands and or feet along the ladder and it will take a fraction of a turn (no time cost to do this) but requires you spending 3 turns opening each hatch at each deck (each deck has two hatches with a section of ladderwell connecting decks). coming back will require 2 turns to climb each deck against the pull of the tumble but if hatches are left open you wont have to stop at each deck. the temp is way beyond cold right now but you can open your visors to talk; it wont be comfortable and will drive you to close up quick- the air is breathable (of course it will foul with CO2 if you have to breath it for any length) but you do need the heat and insulation of your vac suits.
From the deck that Ike and Dudd are one they can glide up ship or climb down with toward the domes.

Beneath the main team's deck is the couplers for the water tanks and then the engineering section. above is the main living areas and the bridge. radiating out in four directions from this deck are four domes. each dome should more or less conform to the layout of the one you came through. all doors are able to be opened manually but there are failsafes to prevent opening a pressure door with vacuum on the other side standard room doors wont hold atmosphere against vacuum. Standard doors can be force in one turn or powered and opened in one turn. One turn can be spent powering a pressure door and it can be opened in one turn there by saving you the time of one turn over manual opening pressure doors, the power cost for opening any door is 1 SEU.

FYI no one mentioned asking an NPC for a crew manifest for this ship.
The central shaft that the main team is standing in looks like this:

Good Luck.
Coupler modules.png
Coupler modules.png (400.4 KiB) Viewed 34774 times
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:15 am

Ike's location map:
Deck 5 Ike 01.png
Deck 5 Ike 01.png (73.94 KiB) Viewed 34774 times
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Shadow Shack » Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:48 pm

"Well, I say we go up and hit the bridge. Work our way back down from there. Might be a chance we could glean something off their mainframe, if we can get some power to it."

Grelude toggles Ike & Dudd on the com: "Guys, if you hit the engine room how long do you think it could take to get some power flowing? Looks like the ship's completely dead, with prabatteries stripped from main LS for other miscellaneous use. I'm guessing there might be a generator that could get booted online somewhere."
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby simplymenotu » Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:09 pm

Comm link open; "We just docked and were headed towards the engines now."
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Will » Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:58 pm

Shadow Shack wrote:"Well, I say we go up and hit the bridge. Work our way back down from there. Might be a chance we could glean something off their mainframe, if we can get some power to it."

Grelude toggles Ike & Dudd on the com: "Guys, if you hit the engine room how long do you think it could take to get some power flowing? Looks like the ship's completely dead, with prabatteries stripped from main LS for other miscellaneous use. I'm guessing there might be a generator that could get booted online somewhere."

"We work our way to Dudd and Clanton," Lyssa says,"then we can move towards the bridge. I rather not leave them by themselves, should there be something alive and hostile between here and them."
Last edited by Will on Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:24 pm

OOC: Ike and Dudd are on deck 5 and the rest are on deck 6b (the actual dome area is deck 6a and the sub level with the storage rooms and the coupling hub is deck 6b) I've decided more or less arbitrarily that the deck 6 area is more or less the center of the "pivot" for the tumbling ship. that means moving way from deck 6b is easy and moving toward it is more difficult.

I'll assume that you all are leaving the hatches open as you go to save time latter.
Ike and Dudd can link up quickly with you as they're only one deck away and need to move past you to get to engineering
Remember this was a modular ship designed to maximize its use over a number of ship classes, most notably the Castor Class freighter and the Pollux Class Ag ship hence the odd placement of the work pods- decks 1-5 were designed to encompass the basics that most ships had to have. the idea was to save money not time for the engineer.
Cloverdale diagram.png
Cloverdale diagram.png (152.62 KiB) Viewed 34766 times
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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