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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:52 pm
by jedion357
Shadow Shack wrote:"Well, I say we go up and hit the bridge. Work our way back down from there. Might be a chance we could glean something off their mainframe, if we can get some power to it."

Grelude toggles Ike & Dudd on the com: "Guys, if you hit the engine room how long do you think it could take to get some power flowing? Looks like the ship's completely dead, with prabatteries stripped from main LS for other miscellaneous use. I'm guessing there might be a generator that could get booted online somewhere."

OOC: with 4 out of 6 of the water tanks burst because of being full of water, any "fuel" in the engines is likely to be frozen as well.
You are all carrying a number of power sources and anyone with tech skill can "hot wire" one of those to use the 'standard energy units' off of it for anything that uses SEU. since power belts us a cord to plug into most weapons a cord can be cut and wired into none standard piece of equipment to power it. by my last check Tanar, Ike and Dudd can all do this having Tech skill.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:17 am
by Will
OOC: Understood, jedi, and have edited my post accordingly. I still want to link up with Ike and Dudd, tho.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:41 pm
by jedion357
OOC: I just realized that the rules for opening doors that I was using for this encounter were borrowed from SF-0 on the Serrena Dawn which just happens to be scaled as combat rounds and we were using standard 10 minute turns which would mean a pressure door would take 30 minutes to open!

the time restraints I was putting in place dont make any sense with 6sec combat rounds and even if a battle royal combat breaks out that sees everyone totally out of ammo by the end of it the entire combat will be just a fraction of a ten minute turn. I had thought to track this portion in ten minute turns simply for the sake of making it easy to track your personal LS.

That said I'm simply going to "guess-timate" time requirements for what your doing with these guidelines:
forcing a standard door about a minute
openning a pressure door manually about 3-5 minutes
Coasting down the ladder well or elevator shaft with the tumble of the ship is easier and climbing against the tumble of the ship is harder.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:54 pm
by Shadow Shack
"Okay, so let's regroup with Dudd & Ike, then tackle the bridge."

OOC --- Grelude has a 30m rope, can he tie that to this deck to make ascension easier if we opt to go down to collect the dralasitic duo? Since going down is effortles and climbing is the task, this ought to relieve such effort.

For that matter, any of us ought to be able to use our spacesuit anchor/tethers as such.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:36 pm
by jedion357
IC: In the dome coupling module Grelude tackles forcing the standard door on the ladder well. Inside at his feet is a pressure hatch and up above is the hatch to deck 5. With his tether in place he shuts off his mag boots and launches himself up the tube. The rest of his team follows suit while Grelude is opening the pressure hatch.

Ike and Dudd leave the separate work pod control rooms and meet by the elevator and ladder well. They force the ladder well door and watch as Grelude opens the hatch.

OOC: The full boarding party is now assembled on deck 5 everyones LS count is advanced 10 minutes
Deck 5 All.png
Deck 5 All.png (75.76 KiB) Viewed 47916 times

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:04 am
by simplymenotu
"OK people, party's started. Let's get to the bridge."
Ike will lead the way pausing to take a quick scan and look for power sources along the way (he is not sure how much power it will take to sift data from the computer memory banks), someone please choose to take up the rear.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:43 am
by Shadow Shack
"I got your backs," Grelude retorts. Having taken point on the entry, he'll play tail gunner for this go-around. He'll face the stern while the team advances upwards, keeping his light aft. An I-R scanner sure would be nice...but we make do with what we have.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:29 pm
by jedion357
Slayerian speaks up, "Sir, depending on the deck where the elevator is stopped we can use the elevator shaft instead of fussing with all the hatches in the ladder well."
Dudd immediately begins forcing the elevator door to discover an elevator.
"Ok, we go up one deck and then use the elevator shaft to go straight to the bridge."

As the team is entering the bridge Slayerian, who had his faceplate open slams it shut and says, "Whoa, we got decomp!"

On the bridge is two bodies, one a dral and the other a human. Ajax scans them and announces, "Two cases of fatal lead poisoning."

Grelude is standing post at the elevator shaft while Slayerian, Dudd, and Ajax sweep the rest of the deck finding the captains ready room and head. There is an empty locker across from the elevator shaft. One deck plate near the helm station has been removed and the backup parabattery from inside has been removed.

Tanar begins openning up access plates for the level 4 (172 function points) computer
and freezes [INT check 70 followed by Computer skill check: 58- both pass] and announces over the team's channel, "I've got explosives here. They appear to be wired into the backup power leads."

Grelude nods to Spacer Slayerian to take his place. Taking Tanar's place before the open access plate he scans the bomb and confirms, "1.5 kilos of TD-19 and about a kilo of ball bearings wired to to the back up power supply, a nasty little surprise package."

OOC: If no power is applied to the computer then the bomb will apparently never explode. However, Grelude did detect a mircro power source which could imply a fail safe to still trigger the bomb if the right conditions are met. It would appear to Grelude that the skill of the being who set the charge is no greater than his. Attempts to disarm will be done as 1/2 ability score + 10%/Greludes skill [plus a +25% task modifier to balance this closer to the original AD sub skill rules] - 10%/ level of skill of the being who set the charges; which means if he's right about the skill of the other demolitions expert then his chance to succeed is 53% it could be as high as 100% if there are no fail safes.

PS if the bomb blows its almost certain that the deck will decompress. I also computed the value of the ship at around 2.9 mill credits.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:01 pm
by Will
"Someone went to a great deal of trouble to keep whatever secrets are on this tub," Lyssa observes. "Is there a possibility we can explore the other domes, or no, Number One?"

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:08 pm
by simplymenotu
OOC: Do we have a link with the Captain?

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:10 pm
by simplymenotu
OOC: Will, the correct term is "XO" not "Number One" or if you prefer "Ike" since were all buddies here.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:48 pm
by jedion357
IC: Ajax quips, "If they didn't want us to find the secrets why didn't they just destroy outright? Feels more like some cheeky fraghole's idea of a 'have a nice day' salute."

OOC: oooops forgot to up load the map and I made it special-
Yes the Captain is listening on the team channel but she's tried to be hands off and let Ike earn his spurs as XO (she isn't a micro manager- she would be if I wanted her to be an unsympathetic NPC) but she expects delegated jobs to get done.

That said you are expected to clear the ship meaning confirm no survivors, identify casualties, and confirm no hostiles, see if you can figure out what happened and determine if the ship can get under way or not, if not your to place a beacon for a tug to come and get her.

oh yeah the green blob on the floor is the closest I have to a dead dral artwork.
Note this deck differs from the one Tanar dug up.
Cloverdale bridge.png
Cloverdale bridge.png (80.11 KiB) Viewed 47906 times

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:31 am
by Will
simplymenotu wrote:OOC: Will, the correct term is "XO" not "Number One" or if you prefer "Ike" since were all buddies here.

OOC: In Royal Navy service, the XO is also known as Number One.

@Ajax: "Maybe they wanted to send a message as well?"

Or delay us, while they line us up for the kill shot? a part of her wonders.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:30 am
by Shadow Shack
Grelude nods to Spacer Slayerian to take his place. Taking Tanar's place before the open access plate he scans the bomb and confirms, "1.5 kilos of TD-19 and about a kilo of ball bearings wired to to the back up power supply, a nasty little surprise package."

"So I take it nobody else wants to take a stab at this thing? C'mon, it's only 1½ kilos, enough to kill everyone on this deck when it goes and rip a hole through the ship's hull to boot."

Then he mutters out loud, not caring if anyone hears over the comm: "Too bad that El-Tee from the Roost isn't here right now..."

If no power is applied to the computer then the bomb will apparently never explode. However, Grelude did detect a mircro power source which could imply a fail safe to still trigger the bomb if the right conditions are met. It would appear to Grelude that the skill of the being who set the charge is no greater than his. Attempts to disarm will be done as 1/2 ability score + 10%/Greludes skill [plus a +25% task modifier to balance this closer to the original AD sub skill rules] - 10%/ level of skill of the being who set the charges; which means if he's right about the skill of the other demolitions expert then his chance to succeed is 53% it could be as high as 100% if there are no fail safes.

Grelude looks to Tanar. "Well, what do you say...cut the red wire or the green one?"

Then he announces to the group, "You all might consider ducking back into the shaft, just in case this doesn't work out."

Unless there are any other suggestions, once everyone is clear he will attempt to disarm the bomb.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:46 am
by jedion357
IC : With the sensible precaution of everyone besides Grelude getting out of range of the blast the actual defusing is anti-climatic. [skill check 12%] Grelude discovers a failsafe and a ‘smily have a nice day’ sticker attached. After securing the bomb and removing it for Tanar He performs a sweep of the rest of the deck but finds no other explosive surprises.

Tanar powers up the ships computer off the clip he modified. Only the immediate screen comes to life and it has a blinking message, “Incorrect Password. Lockout Program Engaged.”
He muses, “Looks like they tried to bypass security too and failed.”
Quickly he defeats security [54%] and displays the computer’s program tree:

Drive Program 4(24) [runs 4 ion type C drives]
Life support 1(2) [supports 7-12 beings]
Back up LS 1(2) [supports 7-12 beings]
Ag program 1(3) [modified LS program]
Alarm 4(8)
Computer Security 2(4)
Lockout Program 4(8)
Damage Control 4(16) [prevent unauthorized use of ship controls]
Astro Program 4(24)
Analysis 3(4)
Commerce 2(6) [ships ledger]
Communications 1(3) [packaged entertainment, and com logs]
Maintenance 1(2)
Robot Management 6(64) [manages 15 ag bots and 5 maintenance bots]
Information Storage 1(2) [Ships records, Personal logs, 5 years of archived records]

Knowing Ajax is saving genetic scans to ID bodies against crew records he looks for a crew roster [display information check: 79] but couldn’t locate it.

OOC: With a lvl4 computer and a task modifier of +55 Tanar needs a 73 for a display information check.
What sorts of information are you looking for?

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:57 pm
by Shadow Shack
Supressing the obvious nervousness invoked by such an immense packing of explosives (fortunately he is wearing his vacc suit to hide that emotion from the others), Grelude simply mutters out "Feh, ameteurs..." followed by "All clear!"

He removes the detonation device and secures the tornadium. The package may yet become useful later on, Tanar should be able to rig up some sort of remote wired switch and run it off a powerpack if needed.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:32 am
by jedion357
OOC: Its coming up on the end of the week so I'll be looking to do a turn advance (trying to push things along to work Umungus into the action).
Anyone feel free to suggest data searches on the computer to generate information.
I might suggest detailing a team to go deck by deck down ship while 1 or 2 remain on the bridge working with the computer.

Tell the sorts of things your looking for- I've pre-determined what happened to the Cloverdale and will reveal its secrets depending on what you look for plus you may think of something I didn't and it maybe that it would generate information from an angle that I never considered.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:56 pm
by Terl Obar
"Well we're in," Tanar announces once he has the computer up. "What do you want to know? I'm trying to pull up the crew manifest and see if any security camera data is available. After that I'll go after the power system and see if we can get that back on line."

Knowing Ajax is saving genetic scans to ID bodies against crew records he looks for a crew roster [display information check: 79] but couldn’t locate it.
"Sorry Ajax, no luck on a crew manifest, it doesn't seem to be anywhere obvious."

While others are considering information they'd like, Tanar check the data logs for security camera information, either interior cameras or external ones to try to identify what ships attacked the Cloverdale and what boarders came on board. After that he'll see if he can get any status on the ship's engines and power generator. If so, he'll call Ike over and try to bring the power back on-line.

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:06 pm
by Shadow Shack
Grelude 0-G waddles over to Tanar. "See if you can pull up a captain's log or ship's ledger. That might divulge any stops where someone might have been picked up, or hopefully a few final entries to shed some light on the situation."

He pauses. "Check any maintenance and robot management packages, something could have gone awry on those ends too."

Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:14 am
by Will
"Also," Lyssa says,"if you could pull either the sensor logs or the feed from any internal cams, that would help as well."