Chapter 2.1 Operation Guillotine

Set in the Star Frontiers setting 100 years after the original Warriors of White Light Module pursuing all new adventures in the classic setting. Most original TSR printed game materials are constitute history in this game.

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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:02 pm

MOrab46019 wrote:IC:Ally says,"What part do I play here? Also Ripper. I guess charging up the stiars with a dead guy might not work." She takes a minute then adds,"I love the use of the dead in the elevator I would give up my skinsuit if you need it."

OOC: I went back and checked the first post Alley appears in and it says she has a week end bag of clothes I dont think its to far a stretch that she would have a regular duty uniform (Skien suit)

the dress uniform is a little flashier and would be more attention getting for the terrorist.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby donpaulie » Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:49 am

IC: No Ally, I don't think that will be needed, I had enough of military uniforms for the time being. Negative on the stairs cause I got the body as cover, and I think that charge is still there. I will go up in the elevator, using Benny here as a distraction/cover". Liam will use his left hand to control the body as best as he could by the back of Benn's collar and holding the auto rifle in my right hand. I will also make sure the barrel of the weapon is tucked under Benny's right arm.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:39 am

Sav holds his hand up as he says to Liam, "Lets let Benny take a few rides alone before you go up with him. After the second or third time they shoot him, they'll be surprised when he shoots back. This will also give us time to get a couple of guys out on the balcony."
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby donpaulie » Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:49 pm

IC: Listening to Sav's idea, "OK...sounds like a plan, Sav. How can we prop him up for those first few rides?"
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby MOrab46019 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:44 pm

OOC: I went back and checked the first post Alley appears in and it says she has a week end bag of clothes I dont think its to far a stretch that she would have a regular duty uniform (Skien suit)

the dress uniform is a little flashier and would be more attention getting for the terrorist.

IC:Ally says,"Lets us the dress uniform I have. I do have another skinsuit I can get from my room. While we let the dead ride it would give me time to get another suit."

OOC:Does she have the time to get another skinsuit before the last battle?
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:49 pm

“Sure.” Sav puts down his rifle and goes to haul over an upholstered chair. He also looks for some sort of ‘post’ to run under the back of his shirt to hold him up. “ Here. Lets put the chair in the elevator with it’s back to the doors. We can put him kneeling in the chair facing backwards with this to keep him upright. We need to secure him so he bullets don’t knock him over too easily. We can always readjust him between rides. And then when you are ready, you can hide behind him and he chair for cover.” Over his shoulder he says to no one in particular. “Try to set up one or two of the others in the other elevator in a similar fashion. After the first ride we can readjust them all and then send them back up with a smoker”. As he continues to work on the stiff with Liam he says, “Slayerian, we will wait to hear that you are in position on the balcony before any of us go up in the elevators so we can hit them at the same time. But the first couple of rides should buy you plenty of time to get into position. Who is going with you?”

Finished with the GOK, he stands back next to Liam to examine their handiwork. He purses his lips before he realizes what is wrong. “They need weapons. Do we have any spares?”

“It sounds like Greludes idea about taking out the bomb in the stairwell with a frag is the best we have so far. Personally, I’d rather let somebody better versed with grenades take a crack at it. After the bomb is out, we can toss a smoker in the stairwell to keep them anxious as well.”

“Alright, when we engage them, Liam, you are in this elevator car. (This was stated to Liam for clarification of his intentions.) I’ll take the other car. Slayerian has the balcony. The rest should divide up between the stairwell and the balcony.” Savrax listens and waits to see who else is going where and to work out the timing.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:41 pm

OOC just need to know where you want the NPCs for this
Ventura- packing a laser rifle and lots of power
Niss- she's only a lvl 1 medic so no distinct advantage to keeping her back over any of the others who have med skill.

I'll assume Grelude with throw weapons & demolitions skill will be in the stairs to handle detonating the explosive charge?

And Slayerian will lead the balcony scaling

Sav is taking one elevator and Liam is taking the other with Benny on Benny's 3 or 4th ride

that leaves 3 PCs; Mantin, Blue, and Alley. to pair off between the balcony, 2 elevators and the stairs plus 2 NPCs
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby donpaulie » Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:55 am

IC: To Sav, " I have a couple of auto pistols we can put in Benny Boy's hands." Liam will remove the bullets from both clips, leaving Dead Benny armed with two auto pistols with empty magazines. Liam will next take those spare rounds and make sure the magazine in the auto rifle is as close to max capacity as he can get it. Liam will stuff the two spare clips he picked up when he got the rifle into his pockets. Next, Liam will help set up another dead baddie in the next elevator the same way that Benny was set up per Sav's request. "I think 4 rides might get them sick of seeing Dead Benny, I hope by the 5th ride they won't pay attention to the elevators. Sound like a plan, Sav?"
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:28 am

IC: Slayerian strips the white parkas from the dead as the orbital jump suits, though well insulated against the cold are not white by design. By grabbing the parkas the balcony team gains a measure of camouflage even though there is essentially white out conditions.

Slayerian and a team mate made rope out of bedsheets and tied him to it. He swung out off the balcony at the monarch suite directly over the gondola car seven stories below (though he couldn't see it). He was almost up when the wind ripped him off the building and slammed him back against it [10 STA half to suit]. His team mate still on the balcony helped pull him in and gave him a boost up for his second try. Grunting he just managed to pull himself over the balcony on the observation deck. Though just meters away he could barely see the building. A sweep in IR told him the deck was empty and he proceeded to anchor the bed sheet rope.

"This is Slayerian, I'm on the deck and I've got five targets not four the that we knew of; 3 humans, 1 yaz and the gorlian, over."

Tanar killed the power to the 9th floor just as the diversionary tactics began. A dull gray light still shone through the floor to ceiling windows so that the lounge was cast with a dim illumination.

With two bodies going for a joy ride on the elvators, Grelude tossed a frag up to the stair's landing and ducked back behind the curve of the stair well. The explosive detonation was would have caused ear damage but the combat helm muted its roar. Seconds after the explosion the elevators opened and weapons fire could be heard. After the elevator doors closed.

A voice could be heard, "Did we get them?"
Then the yazirian yelled, "Come on marines! You're dead meat!"

OOC: concerning the elevators, because they are circular- if someone was riding them and pressed against the sides they would count hard cover against a shooter positioned dead ahead. However 3 of the terrorist are spread across a front that give each an angle to see a side on one or more of the elevators - meaning someone will get an angle on those trying to press against the sides for cover but you'll still count soft cover against that shooter.

for all intents and purposes each elevator can transport 3 shooters and a body: one shooter each side and one behind the body.-
Allyson Drake and Liam have 1 gas mask to split and smoke grenades act like tear gas causing a save or -10 to all activity.;)
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:18 am

IC: Slayerian had helped his team mate (?) over the rail than crouched and moved toward the door directly behind the yazirian terrorist. The planned diversion began and predictably the terrorist fired on the bodies in the elevators. It didn't look good for those who would ride the elevators for the take down. He swapped in a fresh full clip for his auto rifle and checked that his laser pistol was on full.

AT the service entrance: Michael “Bodger” Rays was considering what cleaning chemicals were available in the supply closet behind him and how they might be used to effect on the terrorist. Suddenly the lights went out followed by an explosion and weapons fire.

"No time." he thought to himself and shouldering the door to the side he battle crawled out to a cluster of chairs and table. He was down but still couldn't see any of the terrorist as the couch blocked all but a fleeting glimpse of the top of a head.

The firing ceased and he heard someone ask, "Did we get them?"

It was at that point that some movement caught his eye in over by the baby grand piano dimly illuminated by the gray light from the windows . A parka clad figure with a gun, who was crouching behind the piano was fiddling with a holo screen trying to load a program disk into it. At that moment they looked up an locked eyes with Bodger.

On the balcony: Slayerian moving at a crouch and observing through IR noted the arrival of yet a 6th warm body from the service access crawling on the floor.

"This is the balcony team, we've got a 6th target crawling into the room with what looks like a small firearm. Frag it all, I think he's a civilian, over."

OOC: I've assumed at least one other person went with Slayerain - I've positioned that person by the bed sheet to help over a 3rd party member if there is a 3rd member to the balcony party. I'll label him when I have a name or delete him if no one else is going this way.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby donpaulie » Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:44 am

IC: "Maybe I will take the smoke gernade and mask with me". Says Liam. "I figure I'll drop some smoke, come back down, then let the elevator go back and then lay down some fire. The room should be nice and smokey by then".
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:42 am

Savrax listens to Slayerians report. “Remember, the princess is still unaccounted for. Can you get a visual ID on the targets? What position do the hostiles hold in relation to the stairs and elevators?” The elevator ‘dings’ and he moves to inspect the decoys to see what sort of damage they sustained; fixing and adjusting as needed. “Ready for round two. Use this chance to observe the hostiles. Note any heat signatures that are not involved in this round.”

“Tanar, bring the lights up on level 9 for the last few seconds of the fire fight. Let them realize that they have just been wasting their ammo and defiling the bodies of their fellow scumbags. We will let the elevators go up a third time with lights. Then the 4th time they should not be expecting anything different.”
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby MOrab46019 » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:51 pm

that leaves 3 PCs; Mantin, Blue, and Alley. to pair off between the balcony, 2 elevators and the stairs plus 2 NPCs

IC:Ally gives up one smoke to anyone who needs it. She then says,"I will take the stairs with whoever. Niss can be with us in the stairwell. She will be protected from the blast from the enemy bomb. Once the balcony team hits the bad guys. We will come up and hit them while they are dealing with that team."

OOC:Ally takes her place in the stairwell. Once she gets the single to charge up she will. Once she gets by the bomb she will Enter the 9th floor and fire on any enemy target that is fireing on the rest of team.

IC:Ally opens the 9th floor stair's door. She looks for targets and also yells out,"Royal Marines." Just in case the princess is near ear shot.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Terl Obar » Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:35 pm

"Roger that," Tanar radios back. "The lights will go on 4 seconds after the elevator arrives and I'll close the doors 2 seconds after that and send it back down. I'm still blind on that level but I do have a readout of the elevator status."

In his spare moments, Tanar will continue to flip through the other video and sensor feeds looking for the princess. Anywhere he can pull up visual and IR, he will looking for something showing up in IR but not visible or traces of someone having passed by.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:11 pm

OOC: Sorry morab that was 2 long post back to back - trying to put out too much info at once- Grelude tossed a frag and detonated the explosive device as part of the first diversion. the bomb you know about is cleared.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:29 am

Ruling: polyplate is not a defense against rafflur fire.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:17 am

IC: A parka clad figure with a gun, who was crouching behind the piano was fiddling with a holo screen trying to load a program disk into it. At that moment she looked up an locked eyes with Bodger. He began to swing his pistol to draw down on her and realizes that he recognized the face: it was Princess Avana Ellilana Leonine. He might not be a native of Clarion but he clearly recognized her. She was desperately trying to load a new program disk into her holo screen but her trembling hands just wouldn't get the disk into the slot. She gasped when Bodger swung his gun to bear on her.

From Bodger's left he heard, "Whats that?" followed closely by a double arrival dings of the elevators and another chorus of weapons fire.

Bodger knew that someone heard her gasp and now he was really out of time. He flipped a table on its side and started to lite his make shift incendiary.

ON the Deck: Slayerian observed one of the terrorist turn toward the piano then swing back to fire on the elevators. The yazirian raised a hand and fire ceased. It looked like there was some talk between the terrorist and one pointed at the piano. Slayerian realized that the human behind the piano was female and not taking cover but hiding. He noted the human who came in from the service entrance flipping a table as a barricade and trying to lite something with an everflame. A realization dawn on him.

"This is Slayerian, the human behind the piano is the Princess! I repeat, its the princess! I'm going now!" He ran to the door behind the yazirian and opened it and a charge of TD-19 blew right in front of him [58 pts 1/2 to skien suit].

IN the stairwell: Niss was watching the HUD of her helmet and noted the med program's reporting of Slayerian's wounds, and said, "Slayerian's been wounded."

OOC: I have Savrax and Liam on the 8th floor waiting to take elevators, Niss, Grelude and Alleyson Drake in the stair well. Slayerian on the deck

Did any PC go with Slayerian? Who's on which method of entrance? If no PC is going by way of balcony then Ventura can go that way as he and Slayerian are mates.

I need who's going where, energy/ammo usage and targeting priorities.

Grelude appropriated the grenade rifle and has it loaded with a frag and will ditch it after firing in favor of his regular weapon, Niss is ready to use her body comp to trigger life saving drugs for those with med inject implants and will support with her rifle. where ever Ventura ends up for this He's got his laser rifle on max.
Slayerian will be stunned one round and framed in the doorway.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:48 pm

MOrab46019 wrote:that leaves 3 PCs; Mantin, Blue, and Alley. to pair off between the balcony, 2 elevators and the stairs plus 2 NPCs

IC:Ally gives up one smoke to anyone who needs it. She then says,"I will take the stairs with whoever. Niss can be with us in the stairwell. She will be protected from the blast from the enemy bomb. Once the balcony team hits the bad guys. We will come up and hit them while they are dealing with that team."

OOC:Ally takes her place in the stairwell. Once she gets the single to charge up she will. Once she gets by the bomb she will Enter the 9th floor and fire on any enemy target that is fireing on the rest of team.

IC:Ally opens the 9th floor stair's door. She looks for targets and also yells out,"Royal Marines." Just in case the princess is near ear shot.

OOC: Lyssa pairs off with Ally.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby MOrab46019 » Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:43 am

I need who's going where, energy/ammo usage and targeting priorities.

OOC:Ally will target anyone who is still firing either at the new team mates or into the elevator itself. She also cired out Royal Marines just to let the princess know friendlies have reach the floor. Her laser pistol is set a SEU 3 still and has 10 shot clip in it. Four was used in the other weapon. Nice to see they are exchangable. Unlike Gryo or Slug weapons. Once the enemy are down she will call for the medic to come up. That way the Medic dosen't have to worry about getting hit. Ally is also help as soon as the fighting is done.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby donpaulie » Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:29 am

IC: Liam is going up in the elevator with Dead Benny and the setting for the auto rifle is what ever Benny had it set for before he became Dead Benny.
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