Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Set in the Star Frontiers setting 100 years after the original Warriors of White Light Module pursuing all new adventures in the classic setting. Most original TSR printed game materials are constitute history in this game.

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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:42 pm

simplymenotu wrote:"Tanar, is it possible to jam the radio signal so one-eye can't detonate the nuke? If not I don't see how we can just barrel in. (Hoping their is a Vrusk on board) "Anyone think he is bluffing?"

OOC: some points to consider:
this is the "numbered Swiss accounts" location of the region and of incredible importance to every pirate and criminal outfit in this region of space for a distance of at least 1 void jump and possibly two jumps going in some directions. It is a sore point with the Crown and the RM that STreel does this but they haven't been able to put a stop to it. If they do nuke the site several things could be expected
1. every other criminal outfit and fence will have it in for them
2. They hit star law's and space fleet's radar big time, as a knee jerk reaction to a nuke the fleet would instantly deploy a task force here and the sheer increase in naval hulls in system would make it very hot for pirate operations. (White Light is a commercial hub and far more profitable than say K'tsar Kar or Madderly's Star)
3. Does he have a Nuke? Is he bluffing? Hard to say. Your data base shows the Moonbright Stinger class as carrying seekers not torpedos but its always possible that the ship was modified.
4. His own men and shuttle have to be at ground zero as well, very cold blooded but the value of a HS 2 armed ship can easily approach 1 million

The above information may allow you to put a com laser on him and counter bluff or just call his bluff if you like; plus you can rub his nose in the fact you know what he really looks like (Tanar's saving of records from the Cloverdale allows for a voice scan and it confirm to a 98.9 certainty that it is the same pirate captain seen on the Cloverdale's bridge)

As for counter jamming IIRC the pelican has a White noise broadcaster as well and it will jam radio/ videocom signal which is what he specified.
As for the tight beam com lasers they have set up the weak link there is the com satellite over the STreel and RM sections of the planet. it does not move and one hit any weapon will take it out.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:06 pm

BIC: Midshipman Savrax Gunus transferred to the Pelican after catching a ride on the Nightingale at the same time as Mantin 'Chit Chang. He's currently riding shot gun, I mean beam weapon on the Golden Hind.

OOC Welcome aboard Inigo
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Shadow Shack » Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:47 am

"Hey Tanar, " Grelude chimes in. "If you want to try and bluff him, you might casually mention that we recovered a 1.5 kilo wad from the Cloverdale's mainframe that he can personally inspect. I'll even gift wrap it if you like..."

"Laser battery primed and ready, awaiting target assignment."
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:07 pm

OOC: I was going to let the pirates move last since they have greater experience operating as a squadron but that would give them a huge advantage as only they would be able to react to the other's movements. Instead we'll have 1/2 movement and defensive fire (Royal Marines moving first then the Pirates) Then the players can plot their next move I'll plot the pirates and then we'll have offensive fire (this means that MPO weapons only fire during offensive fire phase). All fire will be simultaneous and effects from damage applied to the beginning of the next turn.

Royal Marines
Pelican: HS 7, HP 35, ADF 1, MR 1, LB x1, Torp (2), MS (1) 1 decoy
Nightingale: HS 3, HP 15, ADF 5, MR 4, LB x1, AR x4
Golden Hind: HS 2, HP 10, ADF 4, MR 4, PL x1

Pirate Sqaudron
Knightblade: HS 9, HP 45, ADF 3, MR 2, DCR 45, [Unconfirmed weaponry: LC x1, Seek x2, EB x1, ICMx6]
Boggie A: HS 2, HP 10, ADF 4, MR 4, PL x1
Boggie B: Unknown

Streel flagged ships
SCS Barstowe (Lightspeed Lady class of yatch) HS 3, HP 15, ADF 4, MR 3, DCR 29, LB x1

"New Contact! Lifting from the southern pole. IFF transponder jammed by white noise but threat files conform to Lightspeed Lady class of yatch. Course and bearing matching ours, speed is 3. Designating it boggie Beta.
"We need an ID soonest Mr. Daagron," requested the Captain.
Furiously working at his instruments Tanar managed to catch a visual [Roll: 23]
"Re-designating, SCS Barstowe, she bears the Streel corporate logo."
"Understood, signal all ships, no firing on the Barstowe unless she commits a hostile act."

The range was to the planet was falling to 80,000km and the Knightblade and the Barstowe had parallel courses and lashed at each other with beam weapons both missing. The Knightblade firing an electron beam battery and the Barstowe responding with a laser battery.

Boggie Alpha was maintaining a reciprocal course to the CMS squadron in an apparent bid to flyby them. At 70,000km from the Golden Hind. Midshipman Savrax Gunus followed the battle plan to concentrate on the largest ship and firing at extreme range (90,000km) scored a clean shot [roll 8] with the Hind's forward firing pod laser.
Savrax shout, "I got a hit!" [Knightblade loses 1ADF]

Grelude being beyond maximum range for his weapon mount switches to Boggie Alpha and fires at range 80,000km and the shot went wide.
The Nightingale likewise only had a shot at Boggie Alpha and scores [roll: 01 for 6 HP].

KH Battle01a.png
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OOC: you may react to developments or barrel straight in as per your original battle plan. Be careful as the planet does block fire. As far as you know there is yet another pirate craft on the surface. Plot the other half of your movement (5 for each ship) and facing plus order of priority for your offensive fire. all effects from damage take effect next turn.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Inigo » Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:11 pm

BIC: Savrax enters the hatch of the Pelican with his bag and quietly looks around. He takes notice of the 'heros of the roost' and gives a reverent nod of his head to those who acknowledge his pressence. After asking directions, he quickly stowes his gear and gets ready to recieve his instructions.

IC: Savrax is a little surprised by his energetic reaction to scoring such a good hit against the enemy ship. He was about to chide himself for such a display when he considered that this was his first engagement and first shot of aggression. With a slowly spreading smile, he figured that he deserved to celebrate this first and indulged himself. Having gotten that out of the way, he turned his attention back to the matter at hand.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Will » Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:34 pm

OOC:I say we stick to plan.

IC: "Nice shooting and welcome aboard, Mister Savrax!" Lyssa says, as she continues flying towards Knightblade.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:13 pm


The Royal Marine squadron bore in unflinchingly while the pirates seem to be totally uncoordinated. As they did the armed shuttle whipped around to bring its forward firing pod laser to bear on the Golden Hind its beam going wide but over the marine shuttle's canopy. Savrax, intent on his next shot never noticed as the tone for his targeting solution on the Knightblade sang out and he fired but without the luck of his previous shot. Grelude likewise missed his shot. The Nightingale not having a clean shot on the Knightblade switched to the armed pirate shuttle and gets another piece of its hull [1 HP].

The Barstowe fires and misses the Pirate cruiser but the Knightblade switches to the Pelican with its electron battery and gets a piece of her [8 HP].

Tanar is getting a read on the ECM of the Knightblade and is considering ways to counter it but if the pirates are still communicating via tight beam lasers triangulated through the com stat there will be nothing to listen in on.

OOC: I first placed the RM ships arbitrarily on the map but I dont guess I need to point out that colliding with the planet isn't good. go ahead and plot or describe maneuvers, speed, and targeting priorities. Remember we're moving half the turns move then doing simultaneous defensive fire so if you're going an odd number like 7 then the larger half (4) will be moved first.
No one had a shot with torps, AR, cannon or seekers
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Inigo » Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:04 pm

ooc: I didn't notice in previous postings...are we decompressed and suited up?
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Will » Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:32 pm

I don't think so....
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:38 pm

I would assume that a navy would have as SOP personnel suiting up for combat in case of decompression. Since I a huge fan of David Weber's Honor Harrington you can rack your helmet in the shock frame of your chair. If there is explosive decompression the frame slams the helmet down on your head and seals it. being suited will also mean you have your 0g booties extra LS and pressure suit patches. Also while in your duty station chair you're hooked into the ships LS too.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Inigo » Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:57 pm

ooc boy, I sure hope my guy isn't looking down at his lap when that helmet comes slamming down. :o
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Shadow Shack » Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:17 pm

Grelude shudders as the enemy shot hits home. He will guide the twin barrels toward the Knightblade or Barstowe and will fire once the Pelican is as close to it as it can get to either target.

OOC --- with a MR:1 we can still maneuver aroundt he planet, just make a face change in the orbital path and the gravity will allow us a second MR face change back to our original path albeit one hex off. Inother words, if we were to pursue the Knightblade we could move two forward and turn left inthe hex before the planet, move forward one more hex and the gravity will give us a face cahnge to the right, and we continue our move in the "isle" between both enemy ships. Or we could mirror that and come alongside the Barstowe's starboard side.

The Nightingale and Golden Hind will also be similarly affected if they travel through the orbital path...but we're (Pelican crew that is) forced into it since the planet is dead ahead.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:55 pm

OOC: Shadow is quite correct about the manuevering around the planet- I'm just waiting for a decision about ADF and MR- you only need to specify half the ships movement then we'll have defensive fire and then you can react to the pirate's manuevering and results of the defensive fire and plot the last half of your movement and then offensive fire.

Will the ships split up going around the planet or will they try to stay together? what the speeds for this turn? and any firing priorities?
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Inigo » Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:09 pm

Savrax continues to target the Knightblade. "Gaining on vessel. Targeting engines". He takes a deep, calming breath and focuses his attention on the tracking sensors, waiting for a reasonable shot.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Will » Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:56 pm

"I was about to suggest that," Lyssa says to her gunner, as they close on Knightblade.

OOC: Same course and speed as last turn. I suggest we team up on the Knightblade first, then break formation, with the Pelican, Nightengale and Barstow engaging the remaining pirate ship in orbit, while the Hind takes out the grounded shuttle and play close air support for the troops she will land on top of them.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Shadow Shack » Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:45 pm

"Can the Barstowe outaccelerate us? Savrax's nukes can deal with the Knightblade, I suggest permitting a shot or two on the smaller craft before it can elude us while Savvy hammers away with the torps. Call the ball, helmlady...I've no qualms cracking either one of those eggs for this omlet!"
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:53 am

Shadow Shack wrote:"Can the Barstowe outaccelerate us? Savrax's nukes can deal with the Knightblade, I suggest permitting a shot or two on the smaller craft before it can elude us while Savvy hammers away with the torps. Call the ball, helmlady...I've no qualms cracking either one of those eggs for this omlet!"

OOC: did i miss the barstowe firing on you or the pirate or are you just not buying that its a legit Streel ship making a run for it in a battle and hoping the pirates will pay more attention to you than it?
I would suggest not firing on the Barstowe till it confirms it's hostile or refuses to follow your orders to heave too as a ROE thing that higher command may choose to be prickly about. Again that is just a suggestion but you are free to do what you like; especially since this is an ad hoc squadron with no experience working together so therefore I consider command and control to be on the brink of break down for your side at any moment.

FYI: I'm working on getting a post out before Thanksgiving and will "virtually" see you all again after the holiday- Hope you all have a good one but without adding too many pounds.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby jedion357 » Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:48 pm

The Royal Marine Squadron maneuvers around the planet using its gravitational pull to implement “free maneuver turns” and stays on target boring down on the Knightblade which has maintained a speed of 4. Boggie A increased to speed 10 and maneuvered into the wake of the marine ships while the Barstowe reduced speed to 2 and dropped closer to the marine ships and behind the Knightblade just as defensive fire was going out.

OOC: note this is jus the half move and so far
Boggie A has used 2 MR (2 left)
Barstowe and Knightblade 0 MR (full MR rating left for each; 3 & 2 respectively)
Pelican has used 1 MR (0 MR left)
Golden Hind has used 1 MR (3 left)
Nightingale has used 2 MR (2 left)

IC: On a whim Alyssa angled her shuttle into the tight beam com laser the pirates were using to communicate not expecting anything more than to disrupt the pirate’s communication a little. Her computer panel beeped as the computer managed to pick up a bit of com signal. It sounded like communication but seemed to her to be in code.

“Tanar, are you getting any of this?” she asked over her open mic, “I’ve intercepted a bit of combat chatter but it seems to be in code.”

Meanwhile the 2 of the marine ships and the Barstowe opened up simultaneously on the Knightblade. The Barstowe and the Nightingale miss but the Golden Hind scored a hit. Tanar, who is only half listening to Alyssa’s report of coded combat chatter is intent on his scanners and announces that the damage to the Knightblade took out the ICM and the white noise broadcaster and the ‘Blade’s com section as the jamming ceases and her tight beam com laser goes down as well. [GM addition to the damage table and a lucky roll though I will not allow the loss of the com section to remove the ‘Blade’s ability to activate seeker missiles- call it a dedicated telemetry channel to the weapon and only a hit on the seeker weapon will take that out. BTW I decided to give Alyssa a shot at disrupting the com laser before the damage was determined]
Grelude watching his tactical plot realized that Boggie A is dropping in behind the Pelican and its fire will become even more effective once it can make dead on shots. Targeting the wounded pirate shuttle he scores but very little debris shows up on the scanners as the damage goes home to the shuttle’s combat control systems [-10 all attacks].

Boggie A’s pod lasers takes a chunk out of Pelican’s hull [8 HP] and Knightblade’s electron battery scores as well [6 HP].


Note this is only half the move and your ships have 5 more hexes to move while knight blade has 2. Your torps and assault rockets fire in the offensive fire portion (after finishing your movement) and it could be a close thing to get the shot on the Knight blade. Interestingly Boggie A has matched speed and fallen in behind you and will likely pick up the bonus for head on forward fire and since it’s more maneuverable then the Pelican it will be impossible to shake her.
Also at current speed you will overfly the knightblade and both pirates will be behind you next turn.

The red dot on the map is where the Pelican will end up at the end of her move and since you have a speed and maneuvering advantage I will tell you that the Knightblade will end up there as she turns across your path (her pilot is looking to bring his cannon to bear) this means that Pelican will get a Torp shot and the ‘Gale will as well with her AR if she stays stacked with the Pelican but once the Hind over flys the ‘Blade she’ll loose her as the pod lasers are FF.

KH Battle04b.png
KH Battle04b.png (71.61 KiB) Viewed 37940 times

EDIT: I still need to update the damage to the Pelican she's down to 13HP next tactical map will reflect this.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Will » Mon Nov 23, 2009 5:49 pm

"I'm going for the HS 2 in orbit, then land my squad of troops on top of the pirates on the ground," Lyssa says over comms.

"Anyone notice any effect on the ground as a consequence of us knocking out the Blade's comm section?" she then asks.

OOC: I didn't think the seekers would be affected, they'd have their own dedicated comm/radar system aboard ship.
The Hind will maintain present speed, but turn bow on to Bogey A and fire.
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Re: Chapter 1: Wanderings In the Dark

Postby Inigo » Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:26 pm

Savrax hears Alyssa's question in the back ground but dismisses them from his attention since he has no answers to give. Instead, he focuses on the potential targets on his scope. At the mention of bogie A, he takes note of it's position behind the Pelican. "What is the status of the Pelican? That pirate craft is set in for the kill." Savrex feels the tension in his chest and throat as he begins to realize for the first time that this is not really 'exactly' like the training maneuvers. He is genuinely worried about losing the Pelican.
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