Chapter 2.1 Operation Guillotine

Set in the Star Frontiers setting 100 years after the original Warriors of White Light Module pursuing all new adventures in the classic setting. Most original TSR printed game materials are constitute history in this game.

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Chapter 2.1 Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:32 pm

Recap: The team recovered the lost ag ship and destroyed or captured an entire pirate squadron without losing a ship. They spent a total of 3 std. months on patrol which was fairly boring after the excitement involved in stopping the Knightblade.

The crew then received 1 month detached duty in various positions ground or station side while the CMS Pelican undergoes an unscheduled refit. Captain Zyrova has been tight lipped about what's about to happen to the Pelican and kept the crew busy with off loading torpedoes and the ships armory before the Pelican is turned over to the ship yard.

OOC: Use this week to spend EXP and money, I'll assume any kind of a post detailing your PC's actions during this Month of shore duty is a statement of intent to participate in the this chapter. You're welcome to do any character development post interacting with NPCs from your background or you can quiz your NPC contact trying to develop adventure related clues, I imagine you all have plenty of money to burn though 1or 2 of you may be getting more once you EXP expenditures are in. I'll be posting some brief "story" post involving the NPCs in the crew to sort of introduce and lay the background for this Chapter and those post will do things like describing new broadcast or say something like NPC A met with NPC B and other crew members for drinks... feel free to write yourself into the "other crew" or have your character react to the same news broad cast. i will be trying to check the forum daily till a week from today to answer questions to NPC contacts or if a response is required to something you write.

Bonus EXP for a good posting describing your character's duties while on shore duty. Or discovering something game related by interacting with the environment. Actions starts in a week.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:30 pm


Niss was waiting in a shuttle lounge looking forward to a month planet side and only half listening to the holovid news feed. It would be nice to touch base with her family and even if she had failed to meet the all her requirements to take the medical 2 courses she was assigned to the Royal Marine base hospital in Port Royal and there was a chance she could audit the seminars even if it meant taking the qualifying test when she was back on the Pelican.

Suddenly her antennae perked up as she noticed the topic on the news feed, “James Kent, Holo 5 News with a breaking story, a UPF fighter squadron has intercepted a mining shuttle carrying Guards of Clarion terrorist in the outer system. We go live now to Abra Walkin and Lt. Buzz Antrim, Abra.”

“Thank you, James. Lt. Antrim your squadron intercepted the terrorist, what alerted you to them when our own militia has apparently been allowing them to come and go as they please.”

“Well, Mrs. Walkin, we just happened to be performing exercises when we spotted a mining shuttle meeting with a ship out past Wandron and there just isn’t anything to mine that far out plus the ship they rendezvoused with matched the drive signature of the terrorist owned ship that Royal Marine security discovered…”

“Yes, but it was the UPF that caught these criminals and you yourself are one of the heroes of the Roost bombing, what are you’re feelings about having played another role in stopping these terrorist?”

“Actually, as a squadron leader I’m extremely grateful to the Royal Marines for the support and cooperation we get from them. We’re all in this together and it was information provided by the marines that netted these terrorist.”

Niss’ shuttle began to embark so while she was curious about the details of the story she was certain that it would be rehashed ad nauseum for the next day or so. She left the lounge wondering when she’d here the last of the Guards of Clarion.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:35 pm


Ajax met with Dudd and some of his other crew mates from the Pelican for drinks as Gimpy’s in down town Port Royal. His detached duty working with the Queen’s Special Investigative Unit had kept him busy and this was the first chance to see them. His personal mentor, Panos Geordi, had asked for him specifically and his work as a personal assistant for Panos had given him unique insight into the on going investigation into the Guards of Clarion terrorist group.

The topic of conversation had turned to the possibility that Guards of Clarion were done as a cohesive terror organization but Ajax knew better.

Without divulging classified information he did correct Dudd’s misconceptions, “You forget that someone has obviously provided them with a ship and that they are operating a training camp outside of our system. Both of those facts give them a huge edge.
Plus we’re getting an avalanche of signal intel about an Operation Guilotine so they’re still out there and still plotting.”
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:24 pm


Ventura punched fist together with Slayerian as the a warning light flashed on the shuttle bulkhead. They were wearing the Royal Marine SOD suits (Sub Orbital Drop suits) and the warning light indicated they were seconds from the drop zone. Both marines had managed to weasel into slots for ORCAS training (ORbital Combat-drop Assault Squad).

Today's exercise involved riding a shuttle from orbit to the target and dropping from 200 meters with the shuttle assuming a close air support roll after dropping the squad.

As much fun as he'd been having jumping out of shuttles and assault scouts he was still bothered by the cheeky disdain by the Yazerians in the squad for the parawing as well as his being saddled with the robot cargo pod since he was the team's heavy weapons gunner and a weapon like a heavy laser had to go in the canister to be brought down by the robot jumper in the squad.

The cargo doors open when the second light flashed the squad flowed out like water, though the yazerians in the squad made it look artistic. Ventura smacked his robot companion and they went last, their parawings locking open almost instantly.
Life in space could be days on end of mind numbing routine and boredom but damn if he didn't enjoy being a Royal Marine non the less.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:08 pm

Security Alert

Royal Marines, Royal Guards and members of the nobility should use greater precautions against possible terrorist attacks.

Due to increased activity and signal intelligence linked to the Guards of Clarion terrorist group all Royal Marines are advised to travel in groups of three or more.

All Royal Marines will be armed at all times even off duty.

Report suspicious activity immediately and stay alert at all times.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:51 pm

Lyssa whooped in exultation, as she brought the Hind ten meters off the deck in a screaming powerdive, crosshairs lighting up on the 9th Light Infantry Division units playing agressor in the ORCAS' latest exercise, Syrvax firing the pod lasers in a long, sustained pulse which would've fried the Royal Guardsmen had the lasers been at full power.

I only wish it was that cretin, or those corporate lapdogs at Holo 5 News, she thought angrily, continuing to scream across the Northern Bogs at full burn, the ship continuing her simulated strafing run.

The radar alarm lit up, the cadet manning the astrogation station reporting,"three bogeys inbound, bearing 090 true; IFF IDs 'em as Streel S-series combat aircars."

"Right," Lyssa replies, twisting the stick in every direction, as simulated las and air-to-air missiles come at her, the SAM warning buzzing in her ears, as divisional air-defence platforms—all simulating Truane's Star anti-aircraft artillery—acquire the Hind as well, Lyssa continuing to juke, puling an Immelman at full burn to come up behind the three 9th Aviation Battalion Harridans pretending to be Streel-model combat aircars, Syvrax nailing the leader, even as his two wingman break
and attempt aerobatics of their own to get behind Lyssa.

"Hold on," she says, smiling. "This is going to get fun."
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:26 am

Ajax was combing through the recent haul from the RMC’s latest door kicking of a terror suspect. What caught his interest was file computer with encrypted files. He had to wait for two different techs to try to access the files but failed. Then he got thinking about his past encounter with the Guards of Clarion and started inspecting the physical outside of the file computer.

Chuckling to him self after opening the power access port he punched in the word Guillotine he found there. Instantly the files decrypted.

“Curious, there’s a map here….I wonder what these cities signify.”
To himself Ajax continued to muse, “Port Royal, being a major Royal Marine base and Valentina being the capitol were obvious targets. I suppose attacking the mining or refining interest in the Rostov Mountains to disrupt the economy would be a valid target to a terrorist. Why would they want to attack the ski resort in Lapin?”

Ajax typed a few queries into his computer terminal and assigning the RMC’s robot brain the task of identifying connections between the locations. He was about to sip his coffee when the AI kicked out an answer and he never noticed the coffee hitting the floor.
Ajax was running out the door of the office and behind him on the computer terminal blinked a line of text:

“Current locations of royal family members that are in direct line for the throne.”
Cell map new.png
Cell map new.png (169.89 KiB) Viewed 124995 times

OOC: Obviously this constitutes Player knowledge not Character knowledge per se.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Shadow Shack » Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:50 am

Shadow Shack wrote:Netmail communique to contact ---


Your tip paid off! A band of pirates were selling guns and plastique to the terrorists, operating out of Planoran. They attempted to ransack operations on Wandren as well.

Our hometown boys are a little steamed right now, having lost one of their ships that the pirates stole. We tried recovering it, I managed to disable the drives but a pirate missile took it out afterwards. Made me realize I'm happy NOT to be in their employ. But I still hate 'em just the same.

Keep those hoverfans aimed at the road, chief.

You friend, Grelude"

Grelude fires off another net-mail to Ri-kono ---


Deep space patrol isn't all it's cracked up to be. I didn't mention that prior to all the excitement from my last communique but that was preceded by about three months of absolutely nothing. Every now and then the captain would run a drill and I'd have to hustle to my battery position, charge up the guns and report in when all was up and running. I tell you, discharging those babies is nothing short of exhiliarating, and up until that recent (and first) combat mission it was either computer simulated or firing at drones. But that was about as exciting as it got during all that time, right up until the combat mission anyways. Almost made the wait worth it.

Anyways, I earned enough coin from that time to finally buy myself a hover sled! I'm up in the air right now, you know I'mnot exactly new to them as I've rented a few in the past but I'm just not sure what the right one is for me. Back home I always liked the Streel-Hyondow LR900V, but in light of recent events I'm not so sure I want to support our former local boys anymore.

Since you're a big fan of the Pan Galactixons, I suppose I'm just asking you to talk me into buying one instead of the Streel product. The only obstacle I foresee is storing it, like I mentioned earlier I'll be spending many a three month venture away from the surface.

Keep those knees in the breeze,


After which Grelude will look for several other CRMs going his way and head to the nearest holo-mag store to check out the latest instalments of Hover RIders, Hovercyclist Quarterly, Hover Bike, and Air Horse - Back Street Hover Choppers.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:05 pm

IC Grelude found a net mail response in his in box:


In light of Streel being banned from doing business on Clarion all their rides are imported by dealers and third parties which carries a markup. Forget about find the spare parts or the mark up on them! That'd be argument enough for me. There is a custom shop a kilometer outside of Port Royal called Port Side Cycles. They do a ton of customization and the owner has a gift for building one of a kinds from the ground up. If you're still set on a Streel ride he had a couple for sale that he chopped and rebuilt. Ask for Bosco, he already knows to take care of you.

Hey, remember those crap guns we talked about before? Someone's been dumping them by the hover truck load on the black market. Nobody really wants them but it seems that the original owners have got their hands on better.
Watch your back dude.


OOC: I was sure I had put storage unit cost somewhere and spent 1/2 an hour looking for it to no avail. But I did find a ruling that AD expenses rule would apply to while on patrol but that seems silly to me as the expense rule only applies when not on ship unless you're storing large property and if I cant turn up the original storage cost I'll work out a nominal cost by the week
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:03 pm

Rith wrote:Lyssa found a message from Rith.
"Located an Omega out system, I can have it here in four days for double otherwise in 4-6 standard weeks. Com me if you're still interested."

Several hours after the exercise

"Ahh, my dear Alyssa," the Cappellan says, as she enters his establishment. "Quite the intrepid space heroine I hear. Three ships destroyed without loss, and you being mentioned in dispatches as a consequence."

"I wouldn't know," Lyssa says, wishing for once the vogging Ifshnit would spare her the flowery talk, and get down to business. "According to the media, it was the UPF and their precious Spacefleet what did all the work, including stopping the attack on the Roost, while all we did was sit there with our thumbs up our arses."

The bloody lawn gnome chuckles, adding,"no one with intelligence believes the Federation's out for anyone other than 'simple honest businessmen,' and terrorists as equally honest as the businessmen."

"Kind of makes it hard on a dishonest sort of chap as yourself, then?" Lyssa quips, the Cappellan chuckling, before remarking,"you've come for the Omega. I believe the asking price was eight thousand—"

"For delivery in four days," Lyssa reminds him,"and four thousand for delivery in 4-6 weeks. It's been three months."

"Four days," Rith tells her," from the time you paid me the money, not from when you commed me. You see, as a businessman, I simply cannot spend the time and money needed to acquire the item in question simply on speculation. After all, you might have changed your mind during all that time on patrol, battling pirates and drug smugglers, and then where would I be?"
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:30 pm

"Stuck with a very expensive item with no buyer, that's where?" he adds. "Or, do you think that an item such as the one you seek would have customers beating a path to my shop?"

"If the item in question's as hard to shift as you say," Lyssa smiles sweetly and says,"then you should have little trouble in selling it to me for, say, two thousand."

"Impossible," the lawn gnome insists. "The transportation and acquistion costs involved were—I mean, are—ruinous. Even at 7,500 credits, I am—would—still lose money in the transaction."

"A businessman of your expertise," Lyssa says,"selling items he knows people will need, can easily make up for the trivial loss incurred in selling me the item in question for 2,500 credits."

"Even I have fallen on hard times," Rith says,"given the profusion of inferior quality, ah, goods, currently glutting the market. I really can't go any lower than five thousand, and even that would inconvenience me in no small amount."

"Someone of your obvious acumen," Lyssa says, sick to the teeth of the haggling but not showing it,"surely has the intelligence to take advantage of that situation by raising the prices on the merchandise he knows will sell to those who come looking for better. The profits you reap from that will surely erase any minor financial setback that might be caused by selling the item to me for three thousand."

Rith pauses a few moments, before making a theatric gesture of piteous grief, and tells Lyssa:

"It will surely be the ruin of me, but, because you are one of my best customers,I will, at great personal and financial sacrifice, sell you the Omega for four thousand credits.

Lyssa lays down forty one-hundred credit bills, and says,"let's see the merchandise you did not have shipped from out-sysem. shall we?"
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:33 pm

"Nice," she says, upon seeing the cold-black tube of the Omega Bolt in its carrying case.

"I'll take it," she adds.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:30 pm

Ajax was amazed to be in the same room with the Queen. His mentor Panos Geordi, in the capacity of as the Queen’s Special Investigator concerning the Raptor’s Roost incident was giving her the briefing on the latest developments in the investigation into the Guards of Clarion. He’d had only the most cursory introduction to her but had remained busy running the multimedia presentation of the evidence for Panos.

“We’re certain the GOC have a training base in another system, Madderly’s Star or K'tsa-Kar and it’s almost certain the weapons and explosives they were receiving either came from or were routed through Madderly’s Star.”

“Panos, keep digging till you know for sure so the Marines can go take it out.”

The Prime Minister, looked shocked and responded, “But your Magesty, your talking about military operations in another soverign system let alone that the Minister of War will revolt at such a prospect! The Liberals will revolt and we’ll lose the government!”

Queen Leotia’s eyes flashed with fire but she bit back her response; no reason to bite the head of her Prime Minister over Hilda Slike. In order to get the majority in Parliament they’d had to bring the Liberals on board and give them the chair of the Minister of the Military. As much as it galled her she’d had to put up the liberal twit and first cousin to to the leader of the Liberal Party. Hilda Slike couldn’t openly go against the Queen or the Prime Minister as a member of the cabinent but she would certainly stand on the letter of the law when it came to sending a military expedition outside the White Light system.

Eventually the Queen spat, “Frag the politics John!” then relented, “I know, I know.”

After a long pause Panos interjected, “Excuse me your Majesty, but there was one other item of intelligence- we’ve discovered evidence that suggest that the GOC maybe targeting members of the royal family. It’s not solid yet but the implication is that they’re looking to go after those in line for the throne…”

The briefing went on for another twenty minutes but Ajax was considering the political realities of how a member of the Liberal Party had become his civilian boss. The ramification of that were still being felt in that the Royal Marines were forced to purchase ‘medical’ assault scout to get the funding past the Minister of the Military and were forced to break with the tradition of naming it after a bird of prey. The Queen was right, ‘Frag the politics.’
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Shadow Shack » Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:56 am

Grelude digests the net-mail, and types up a quick response.

"Thanks for the heads-up on the gun runners. Will check with Bosco at Port Side Cycle as well."

After sendingit off, he will head down to the mess hall and see if anyone wants to accompany him to the cycle light of the warning about going out alone.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:50 pm

IC: At the mess hall Grelude see a number of marines that he knows casually enough to nod hello to or even by their first name but only one crew mate from his ship is there. Niss is sitting alone by a window with her head in a book reader either reading a novel or a medical text. Despite her enforced isolation and obvious focus on her reading, Grelude was sure from the posture of her antennae that she was very much attuned to the social interaction around her. It was almost as if she wanted to join in but was afraid too.

He walked over and even before he reached her table she looked up and acknowledged him confirming some of his suspicions.

"Hey, I was for some company to head over to Port Side Cycles you wanna...."
The suddenly gleam in her eye took him back.
"Looking for top of the line bike? Bosco is the best in the business you know."
"You know Bosco?"
"I use to race back in college."

Grelude was sure he had never seen her so animated in the four months he had known her but it was obvious that hovercycles were a passion for her. Still she seemed hesitant about going and took a little coaxing.

OOC: I suddenly remembered Niss's background, she was into racing hovercycles before dropping out of college and joining the Royal Marines. She very passionate about it but also somehow muted as if she's troubled by something connected to her passion.

We all know that cycles are your passion and my knowledge of cycles extends to knowing what a Harley and and Indian are and a general understanding of terms like "crotch rocket" and "rice burner" If you like to email me a list of cycles with a few notations on them like model x is the racing bike while model y is such and such that would help in my capacity as GM cause I suspect models I make and and describe might come off as funny. Or if there is an article somewhere describing cycles of the frontier that I could reference.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:23 pm

OOC: Check Shadow's article on that very topic in SFMan #8. I also think there's a review of a particular model hoverbike in either issue #10 or issue #12, I forget which at the moment.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Terl Obar » Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:25 pm

With the exception of the Cloverdale incident and the shootout with the pirates around Warden, the rest of the patrol passed uneventfully for Tanar. He got himself well dialed in to the Pelican's computer system and did a thorough workover of the astrogation gear as well. He had everything humming to his liking just as the three month stint ended.

In his spare time, he continued to work on some of the cryptographic problems he had been going over with Dr. Zinasta before he left. "I've got to get me a bodycomp when we get back to port," he thought to himself. "Then I can carry this stuff with me and maybe put it to use during future boarding actions."

His first order of business once the Pelican was back at port, however, was to upgrade his astrogation certification. His time on the Pelican had given him the experience needed and he was able to bump his certification up a grade (level 2 astro-sciences already noted on character sheet).

For is cross training stint on the ground while the Pelican was getting refitted, Tanar requested and was granted a position in the Signal Corps working in the cypher division. While there he was able to spend his time working on the GOC ciphers as the CRM cryptographers tried to break them. It was frustrating at times as the success rate was fairly low, but everyone got quite excited when Ajax cross-decked them the encrypted files with the cipher key. That really gave the crypto team something to work with. During that period, Tanar spend many an evening with Dr. Zinasta discussing the finer points of cryptography and cracking enemy codes.

Also during that time Tanar started hunting around for the perfect personal computer system. While it took most of the month to find everything he wanted, he ended up with a system he was fairly happy with (I based this mostly on the Zeb's guide body comp information with a little personal modification, the blank programmable one, thrown in. I'll adjust as needed):

Base bodycomp system - 1000 cr
Type D processor - 1250 cr
Kingpack power supply - 500 cr
Audio-act progit - 300 cr
Calc-all progit - 600 cr
CAS-Inteface progit 100 cr
Chrono-calc progit- 100 cr
Comp-talk progit - 400 cr
Trans-Comp I progit - 700 cr
Calc-boost - 2800 cr
Programmable Type D progit - 2000 cr

Total: 9750 cr (leaving him with 533 cr).

(OOC: If this is okay, I'll add it to my character sheet and deduct the money)

Tanar used the programmable progit to start building up a serious code breaking/computer hacking program based on his cryptography and computer knowledge. Many of his session with Dr. Zinasta were spend refining the system. There were a few other progits he wanted to make the system even better, adding in more translation, scanning and more data storage capabilities, but they'll have to wait for the next pay day. As it is his new toy will allow him to work better with his scanners and should prove useful during boarding actions on patrol as well.

While working in the signals group was fun, by the end of the month, Tanar was ready to get back into space.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:56 pm

Tanar was putting in a late night in the crypto analysis lab with another cryptologist from the RMC. It might have been because he had been shopping for a body comp that he noticed the other cryptologist's body comp. It was on what looked like a Royal Marine combat harness but with a lot of modifications and what had to be a custom rig of a body comp.

Striking up a conversation with him Tanar learned that the other analyst had been Royal Guard. He had "obtained" an extra combat harness being thrown out by the quartermaster as beyond repair. He replaced the power belt and installed his own customize body comp then paid for a seamstress to restitch some of the ammo pockets to allow him to carry his computer tech kit on the harness and shed that dead weight. Since the Royal Guard, like the Royal Marines, had a tradition of allowing personnel to buy upgraded equipment, his officers never batted an eye at his non standard harness. Brian also informed him that the older harnesses were easier to have modified and easy enough to pick up in the military surplus stores sans power belt and computer for 20cr.

"If your interested I can recommend a seamstress. You could probably cobble this together for about 50cr over the cost of buying the computer and the powerbelt. I love mine its like an extension of my body. In my current line of work I don't bother with the polyplate shock plating but if you did it likely cost you another 50cr."

Through the night Tanar and Brian Tewfick swapped war stories even while processing a full load of data and still managed to compare notes on finer points of computer code and cryptography.

OOC: This was inspired by my brother, who as an A1 bravo picked up an aid bag at a surplus store and had it modified by a seamstress as per his requirements so that he could clip it to his alice gear or ruck sack. His purpose in doing so was more efficiency in accessing his aid bag but also so he could ditch it easily on a dead body if the balloon ever went up when he served in Korea since the NK had a history of killing captured medics. Up to you if you want to just store your issued combat harness in your locker keeping it all nice and shiny to turn in when you out process. plus moving your robcom kit to modified pockets on your harness and losing the ability to carry the 6 clips but having the wt of the kit not counted against you is a big plus- you'll still be able to stow a small knife sized melee weapon and one clip at no wt cost and so what if you have to lug the ammo clips and count their wt the savings on not counting the kit is a big plus.

The RM combat harness body com has these progits: helm link, body scan, and med inject progits, I didn' check to see if you still had room to work them in or even the money but if you're short a little I imagine you could find a buddy to bum off of with a promise to pay back next pay day.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Shadow Shack » Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:30 am

jedion357 wrote:
He walked over and even before he reached her table she looked up and acknowledged him confirming some of his suspicions.

"Hey, I was for some company to head over to Port Side Cycles you wanna...."
The suddenly gleam in her eye took him back.
"Looking for top of the line bike? Bosco is the best in the business you know."
"You know Bosco?"
"I use to race back in college."

Grelude was sure he had never seen her so animated in the four months he had known her but it was obvious that hovercycles were a passion for her. Still she seemed hesitant about going and took a little coaxing.

"Racing? Well ain't you just full of surprises. If you were a dralasite, I'd suspect you were a gal after my own nucleus." He winks an eyespot her way. "Assuming I had one..."

Sensing the hesitation he takes a seat across from her an continues. "An old friend just turned me on to Bosco's place. I've hardly grown into my own 'biker-legs' myself, but considering my friend's description, I don't make the connection between something Bosco would belt out to racing. Seems like two different sides of two different credits, from what I gleaned he's more into the radical customizing end. Am I simply displaced enough to miss that Bosco also dabbles in racing?"
Forever Three Hoverfans

Shadow Shack
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:15 pm

Shadow Shack wrote:"Racing? Well ain't you just full of surprises. If you were a dralasite, I'd suspect you were a gal after my own nucleus." He winks an eyespot her way. "Assuming I had one..."

Sensing the hesitation he takes a seat across from her an continues. "An old friend just turned me on to Bosco's place. I've hardly grown into my own 'biker-legs' myself, but considering my friend's description, I don't make the connection between something Bosco would belt out to racing. Seems like two different sides of two different credits, from what I gleaned he's more into the radical customizing end. Am I simply displaced enough to miss that Bosco also dabbles in racing?"

Niss nods, "You're right about Bosco being the into radical customizing and he owns the shop but his uncle and his son work with him and Junior is the racer. Bosco use to complain about it but I think he's made peace with now that Junior has stopped racing illegally on the open road and gone pro. They're one of the biggest shops around and though Bosco and his brother aren't into the racing themselves they did sponsor Junior on the race circuit last year. I haven't been out to the shop in two years though, what with joining the corp and med school."
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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