Meet the Kurrabunga

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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby Shadow Shack » Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:42 pm

Gideon was holding back, watching the situation go awry from a distance. He had been leaning against one of the Kurabanda huts built into the trees chewing on some Bachanda fruit. Once he got down to the core, he sauntered toward the group and waited for a break in the action.

He tosses the core between Gekka and JJ as an interruption. "Back when I was working on Cygnus Omicron IX," he interjects, "we had to rely on the tools we had to work with. When the laser welder broke down, we used ion bonding tape. The gas giant Cygnus Omicron was far too remote to wait for Palean system ships to arrive with parts and supplies and Streel has a penchant for progress, they expect results not excuses."

Before anyone can respond, he continues. "That's how the CO-9 revolt began, the crew that took over couldn't work together. Everything fell into chaos because a few nutbags refused to look for alternative means to the end. When I was there we got the job done with what we had to work with, no questions asked. If you two want to throw down, then by all means go prove your points to each other. But in the end we have a job to do, and you two are a pair of the tools we need to work with. By the days end, we all have our nuts to twist, and we're going to need every tool in the box to get this job done. So go dust yourselves off, because we need both of you in working condition. I wasn't a part of the CO-9 fiasco, and I sure don't have any plans on being part of a Volturnus fiasco."

He retrieves another piece of the Bachanda fruit from his pouch and takes a bite. "Have any of you tried this stuff yet? Really sweet..."
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby rattraveller » Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:38 am

OCC One more time ITS GREKKA with an R

"Yes I have tried the fruit, very nice taste and thank you Gideon for illustrating the point that we must prove JJ can work with us or we must leave him behind. A loose nut rolling around the deck does not help any situation."
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby Terl Obar » Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:24 am

Dalmar decides that this has gone on long enough. He steps in between Grekka and JJ, raising up a pseudopod to both of them. "Okay, folks time to step back and cool down. We need to get over this and move on.

"Grekka, I can completely understand your concern. This mission has been belly up since the beginning and someone or something has obviously been feeding data to the pirates. As the humans say, 'There's something rotten in the state of Denmark', where ever that is. In any case, we need to be careful.

"JJ, I can also understand your indignation and frustration. It's never nice to be accused of something and Grekka's questions can be taken as offensive, even if they make sense from her point of view and her concerns for safety. I doubt anyone is questioning your ability, she's just concerned about another betrayal.

"Now I'm a techie not a psychologist, and I can't tell you if JJ is lying or not (lie detection 5%, roll=36) but I'm willing to take his story at face value for now. The odds that pirates would intentionally be able to plant someone that had the dog tags of a yazirian Doc met for a few hours on Pale before he even signed up for this mission are pretty slim. If they have those kind of resources, we might as well pack it in now as we are completely out classed.

"And let's face it, we are stranded on an unknown and possibly hostile world with hostile forces arrayed against us, and with little to no equipment. We're going to need all the help we can get. The Doc seems to trust JJ and I'm inclined to as well. And while trust is something that has to be earned on some level, I'm willing to extend a bit due to circumstances, no questions asked. So let's put this behind us and move on. If it would help alleviate concerns, we can swap JJ's chronocom for one that is 'untainted' by having been in possession of the pirates. We have several from the lifeboat or he can even have mine, which I've had since before I even signed up for this gig. That should alleviate any worries of the pirates tracking us through that means.

"Now, moving forward. The way I see it we have three choices. First, if people absolutely insist, we can track down JJ's escape pod. That's north and away from our other two possible objectives. The second is to go examine this downed "sky chariot" out in the desert to the south. The third is to head out and reconnoiter the nearby pirate outpost. They at least have a damaged jetcopter and possibly depleted manpower since we just bagged a bunch of them.

"My preference would be option two and followed by option three. One of our original assignments was to find out the fate of the first expedition. From the scroll Doc found, at least Jameson and Grod survived and they went to explore the downed ship. Doing so ourselves will give us more information on their fate and possibly the ship will provide some more gear that we can use. After that let's hit the pirate outpost. It's time for some payback."

OOC: Great role play, feel free to keep it up if you want, but JJ is a player character and it's time to move on.
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:50 pm

OOC --- dammit I had originally typed Grekka with an R but saw it misspelled in the more recent posts I was going from.

BIC --- "Let it be known, Grekka...twisting my words loses my trust faster than accusations. I didn't sign on to this job for camaraderie and I certainly didn't sign on to be stranded on this undeveloped dust bowl. Personally I'd rather be back on Pale right now evading Streel's goons. Circumstances being what they are, we're all that we've got right now. If you want to try him for piracy, have at it assuming we can ever get back to civilization. There is no Star Law out here, there is no UPF, there isn't anything resembling order here. There's just us. Deal with it, we need to get moving."

He turns around to leave, hesitates, and stops. Looking over his shoulder, he says to JJ "And if you do end up reverting to piracy, I'll tear your arms out of their sockets* and let Grekka have what's left."

* gratuitous Star Wars quote, don't think I haven't forgotten my promise...
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby rattraveller » Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:48 am

OOC Well tomorrow I start my vacation and am going to a place I am not sure of internet so for the next week my posting may not be consistent. Will catch ya'll when I can.
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby Terl Obar » Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:31 pm

rattraveller wrote:OOC Well tomorrow I start my vacation and am going to a place I am not sure of internet so for the next week my posting may not be consistent. Will catch ya'll when I can.

Have fun!
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby Shadow Shack » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:39 pm

OK _at_avelle_ have a nice t_ip, we'll catch you when you _etu_n. He_e's to finding an inte_net sou_ce while you'_e gone.

(and that makes up for all the Rs we have left out of Grekka's name)
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby jedion357 » Wed May 01, 2013 11:43 am

Kahn pulled J.J. aside, "Let it be my friend, I don't believe that the vrusk means anything by it other than a compulsive need to dot the I's and cross the T's as you humans like to say. Besides, I'm staying here and need a second for the duel with the pirate. Would you be my second should I fall? I know that that is the ancient human tradition, but you should know that by accepting this under yazirian tradition you would share in my shame since I'm 'gak' or outcast from my clan. Only clan members or allied clan members would back me in this and if you do, in yazirian eyes, it would be the same as saying you wish to join me in my dishonor."

Later, after Dalmar had kit bashed a polyvox to record the pirates deposition a modified tribal court was held with polyvoxes translating for the kurabunga. [Clearly the recorded deposition of the pirate is important to save for later and I'm ruling that the memory card in the polyvox is adequet to record a deposition since it records speech anyway. A technician would need to modify it to do so.]

Deposition of Gak Boulley, Red Devil pirate, disgraced warrior son of Yast
"I am Gak Boulley, outcast of clan Simmea of Yast. Of my own free will I give this testimony to clear my sha'ka. I face death and deservedly so. Hopefully, through this testimony and the shedding of my blood, the One Spirit will receive me at the Tree of Warriors and I may not wander in darkness here after.

6 GST years ago I fell in with the Red Devil pirates and have crewed on half of their ships. They have 3 thruster class privateers and the Red Devil's flagship that is called a cruiser but is more of a heavy frigate or small destroyer in size. Its rumored that the Red Devil himself was a vrusk captain that escaped the First Common Muster that went after Hatzk Naar. I cannot say if its true or not other than he is vrusk and only goes by the name "the devil." I have participated in the capture and or destruction of 14 interstellar vessels and two system ships. [See attached document with list of ship names given to the best of Boulley's memory].

Concerning Red Devil operations: for approximately 2 GST years the band has focused on enslaving the crews and passengers of the ships they capture and working them to death in the mines close to Slave City, the band's main headquarters on this planet. Ore is exported and disposed of by a corporate front company known as MINER. Information is kept on a need to know basis within the band. Only ship captains have the pass keys to their ships and the exact locations of the various outpost on the planet are held by only trusted leaders. I can tell you that Slave City and the separate star port are somewhere to the northeast and that there is an outpost roughly due east of here. The outpost was the drop buildings for the first Volturnus Survey team and the lab there is being used to perform medical experiments on the primitives. Namely a weird race called the edestakai. The purpose of these experiments is the enslavement of the primitives for use in the mines. Currently the edestakai are being controlled to replace Frontier citizens as they die from the harsh conditions.

The pass codes for the electric gates to Outpost One, Slave City, and the landing field are changed regularly but currently its "devilsluck" but don't count on that being the case since Skragg's failure to capture you."

Gedion interrupted, "This baton key I took off Skragg?"

Pirate Boulley, "That's the key to unlock "Lucky Devil", Skragg's ship. The defenses at Outpost One are fairly automatic, electric fence, cameras, and patrolling robots and the staff there is usually 4-5 beings. Slave City has guard towers, heavy weapons and whatever crews are handy besides those hoping to be promoted to a crew. The landing field is in a volcanic caldera, ringed with an electric fence, patrolling robots, and heavy weapons. The whereabouts of the landing field is tightly controlled knowledge as the Red Devil doesn't want to risk any slaves escaping to steal away with one of his ships. The Col. in charge of the previous survey mission has escaped but was re-caught at the crash site of the Devil's Reach, a thruster class vessel hat had its atomic drive hyper ignite on lift off and was forced to crash land in the desert some where to the south of here. [Boulley provided some hand drawn maps of the outpost and Slave City but was unable to draw a map showing their position in relation to the kurabunga village.]"

Grekka asked about plants and moles and Boulley responded, "They have an insider back on Pale. I dont know who it is but they must have some juice in the government as we've been able to restock our assault rockets at Truane's Star without sending a freighter to Dramune. As for this human," he said pointing to Johny, "I know him, he's just one of the press ganged. We've been scooping up homeless and indigents at Point True and they're offered a chance to join the crew but if they don't prove to be vicious cut throats they end up cast into the mines and worked to death. Skragg had it in for this one and was going to send him to the mines but the First Mate was planning on killing him on the Serrena Dawn because he was too surely and proud. Lucky for him he got the jump on the First Mate and made it off the ship because he'd be in chains at Slave City or dead."

The kurabunga chief grilled Boulley extensively about a handful of recent abductions of kurabunga by "sky chariots" and wanting to know why the sky devils wanted to kidnap the kurabunga. Boulley insisted this was not the case as two years ago some kurabunga were captured but they literally withered and died rather then work in the mines. Since that time the pirates have only used the edestakai. The Edestakai have, for some biological reason proven to be easily controlled once a radio receiver with polyvox software was implanted inside their shells.

Others in the party ask questions and Boulley answered them to the best of his knowledge. Dalmar's careful scrutiny of the pirate during his deposition revealed no trace of deception. [NOTE: anyone can pose a question of the pirate and it will be answered as Before in character as if it was part of the deposition]

The chief is angry and is certain that some sort of sky chariot like the helicopters the pirates use did in fact abduct some kurabunga recently. he accepts Kahn's deal to let Kahn face the pirate in mortal combat. He negotiates for some metal axes, the holo projector (which is too heavy to carry so why not as it makes the kurabunga think that it will drive off a sky chariot much like it was used at the opening of the battle with the pirates to cause a handling check on the helicopter pilot). A day is set for the duel and during the intervening time a scouting party (with some kurabunga scouts) is able to go to the escape pod which is no longer hanging in the trees from its parachute but has crashed to the ground. Its rudimentary computer processor is damaged but as far as anyone can tell it was not tampered with to orchestrate its landing position near the team's crash site.

The day of the duel Kahn prepared himself with mediation [and hypnosis to boost his chance of battle rage]. The kurabunga ring the central platform of the village hanging from various branches and vines. The team takes up positions around the platform and Kahn meets Boulley in the center. Boulley is given a machete and Kahn draws his kah'dan sword. Kahn recites the passage from the honor code about shedding of blood to wipe away shame and invites Boulley to regain his honor. Both roar with their attempts to stir the rage in their sha'kas but only Kahn succeeds in stirring the battle rage. Its well for him that he does as Boulley is a marginally better swordsman. The battle is furious but over quick and Boulley lays dead.

OOC: ok you all have an oportunity to ask a question during the deposition- i inserted a few questions namely one each from Gedion and Grekka. just post them with BIC for before in character and they'll be added to the deposition.

A course of action needs to be decided on- follow the clues you have to the crashed pirate ship in the desert, attempt to locate Outpost One somewhere to the east. or something else?
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby AntGibbs » Wed May 01, 2013 12:14 pm

After everyone's counsel, JJ calms down and says:

"JJ is cool. Not mad at you guys. Whatever you guys want to do. Whatever needs to be done. JJ is in."

He turns to Grekka, "You don't have to worry about John Henry Johnson III. No ma'am. I got a Dralasite who'll rip JJ's arms out of the sockets if JJ goes astray."

He offers his hand for her to shake.

((Thank you for the kind words in the email Tom. I really enjoyed that RP exchange. Good stuff.))
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby AntGibbs » Wed May 01, 2013 12:14 pm

JJ looks bummed that he said, "I". He shakes it off and goes to work out.
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed May 01, 2013 6:36 pm

OOC --- yazirian that will rip arms form sockets, not a dral. Yazirians and drals have the universal -10 racial relation modifier, the worst of the core four unless you really intend to stir the pot. :wink:

BIC --- having heard the origin of the key, Gideon shakes his head and mane in disgust. "Swell, if we had the skills to operate a ship we wouldn't have garnered passage aboard a tramp freighter to get here." He turns to the captive, "So where is this 'Lucky Devil' located?" Not that it will be of any benefit to the group, but they may find some clues on board nonetheless.
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby jedion357 » Wed May 01, 2013 7:15 pm

BIC: Boulley answered Gideon, "The Lucky Devil is at the landing field, its about a 2-2.5 hour flight by jetcopter from Slave City. Only ship captains and and trusted officers are allowed to make the flight without the jetcopter windows blacked out. Kind of ridiculous but then the Star Devil is obsessive about security. I heard talk that the pilots vary speed so you can't even deduce the range but every ride I took lasted around 2-2.5 hours. It is mountainous at the caldera, that I can tell you."
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed May 01, 2013 8:57 pm

"Looks like we're going nowhere," Gideon says before turning away. "I'm gonna finish cleaning those 'bots."

Gideon is just not a farmer, he has too much of his father in him. That's what his uncle is afraid of...
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby rattraveller » Thu May 02, 2013 10:18 am

Grekka has no more questions for the prisoner and chooses not to watch the duel. Executions Vrusk understand ritual combat not so much.

Grekka will work with Gideon on the robot and see if there are any modifications which can be made.

As to our next course of action Grekka is of the opinion that several days to a week should be spent with the Kurrabunga. This will accomplish several things.

1) Allow everyone to heal. Several members were reduced to less then 50% Sta and another combat could prove fatal.
2) Work on original mission in some safety by learning all we can about the Kurrabunga and everything they can teach us.
3) Discover more about the other races through longer interviews with the Kurrabunga.
4) Fully acclimate ourselves to the climate.
5) HIDDEN TOP SECRET Observe JJ for signs of treason or just not working as a team player.

Then we should go and see what we kind find at the last known locations of the former team. Possibly salvage some equipment they left behind that the pirates did not take since they are well supplied and we have virtually nothing.
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby corkman » Thu May 02, 2013 4:09 pm

"Do they have any more weapons at this smaller outpost you were talking about and how about any extra security robots or maintenance bots for use?"
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby jedion357 » Fri May 03, 2013 11:29 am

corkman wrote:"Do they have any more weapons at this smaller outpost you were talking about and how about any extra security robots or maintenance bots for use?"

Boulley looked at Kriss for a moment searching his memory, "I was never posted to the outpost but we staged through there before hitting your landing site. It has one security robot that I saw and video cameras but no emplacements for heavy weapons. I couldn't really say what they have for weapons but you should expect decent enough weapons since the Devil wouldn't trust this post to screw ups."

"The roof of the garage is an air vehicle landing pad but then you should know that as this outpost is the drop buildings form the first survey expedition. Someone started the drop cycle on them before we managed to board the first freighter and once their down they're impossible to move without some seriously heavy equipment. The Devil wanted to capture your drop buildings and land them at Slave City so we could abandon this outpost but that crazy man in your crew blew the Serena Dawn before we could secure the drop buildings. That's partly why Captain Skragg was on the Devils crap list. We lack a decent lab or med facility so the science labs in your survey outposts were suppose to be a big windfall. My understanding is that the Devil was expecting the same drop buildings to arrive with your party and already had the security codes for the outpost's computer."
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby Shadow Shack » Fri May 03, 2013 4:59 pm

jedion357 wrote: My understanding is that the Devil was expecting the same drop buildings to arrive with your party and already had the security codes for the outpost's computer."

"Hah!" Gideon erupts after hearing that. Looks like the 'bot cleaning will have to wait a few minutes...

"Corporate espionage, no doubt. One thing I learned with my tenure under Streel is to never trust big business. You don't have to look far to guess who might have it in for the mega-corp that the Truane's Star government sub-contracted for these missions."

Gideon turns back to the pirate. "Is the Star Devil acting alone out here in Zebulon or did someone hire them to thwart these missions? What stops did you make on your way to this system? I need to know all the planets or space stations you berthed at."
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby jedion357 » Fri May 03, 2013 5:33 pm

Shadow Shack wrote:
jedion357 wrote: My understanding is that the Devil was expecting the same drop buildings to arrive with your party and already had the security codes for the outpost's computer."

"Hah!" Gideon erupts after hearing that. Looks like the 'bot cleaning will have to wait a few minutes...

"Corporate espionage, no doubt. One thing I learned with my tenure under Streel is to never trust big business. You don't have to look far to guess who might have it in for the mega-corp that the Truane's Star government sub-contracted for these missions."

Gideon turns back to the pirate. "Is the Star Devil acting alone out here in Zebulon or did someone hire them to thwart these missions? What stops did you make on your way to this system? I need to know all the planets or space stations you berthed at."

Boulley glances nervously at Kahn, "Up till two and a half years ago we operated out of Dramune, you know, Outer Reach, den of pirates and all. Then all of a sudden we pack the three ships and made for Dixons Star where we intercepted a bulk freighter with the pre-fabs, mining equipment and such that we used for Slave City. We then passed through Truane's Star directly to here. The Star Devil had the jump co-ords. I crewed with Skragg during that time hitting ships that we sent to the fence in Dramune and anyone on board was brought back here. I haven't been allowed planet side or station side in all that time. Any R&R most of the crews get is at Slave City and don't let the name 'city' fool you cause there aint much to do except gamble or torment the slaves, if you have a mind for that sort of thing. Most of my cruises with Skragg since setting up shop here involved hitting ships in Cassidine, Dixon's Star, Athor, Timeon, Madderley's but we dont make a port of call in those places. We don't hit ships in Truane's Star on account of their large militia and less we draw attention to this operation. We avoid Prengular on account of all the Space Fleet presence there. I can tell you that the Devil has added the cruiser to the fleet last year. Some say bought with all the money form the ore we ship out of here and some say its a captured privateer from one of the big corporate outfits but I don't know."

"There was this Star Law agent that was ferreted out 3 months ago. He had worked his way into another crew. The Devil came flying back into the system and radioed ahead for him to be grabbed but it turned out he had planted a bug in the radio so he knew the Devil was on to him. He went to ground but we caught him after a week and killed him. They brought back his head for the Devil."

" Latest word is that Space Fleet is sending a task force to Truane's Star for training maneuvers with the Pale militia. So we're sitting tight till that blows over. We have the bulk freighter out of system and one of the Thruster class vessels. I'd guess they'll be flashing their MINER corporation credentials and take strictly legit jobs with the privateer playing escort to the freighter. When they spot the Space Fleet task force heading back to Prengular no doubt they'll send word that its all clear."
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby Shadow Shack » Sat May 04, 2013 8:00 am

"Hmph..." Gideon snorts. Not what he was hoping for, but then again this pirate isn't high enough on the food chain either. He is not convinced that these pirates are operating alone, but the captive obviously isn't going to be of much help in this area.

Turning back to the captive pirate, he launches another barrage. "What can you tell us of the Star Devil himself? Who are his most trusted officers, and what can you tell us of those in charge of the outpost and the Slave City? Lastly, what do you know of the original Truane's Star expedition here, specifically the whereabouts of the crew or their last known location?"
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Re: Meet the Kurrabunga

Postby AntGibbs » Sun May 05, 2013 6:43 am

JJ will hang around for the interrogations and learn what he can. He won't ask any questions as he'll let the cop and other experienced with investigations.

JJ will learn all he can from the Kurabunga people.

((Sorry about the confusion about Vrusk vs. Dralasite.))
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