Robot Programs

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by Madin Jackson


The robot can perform and function as a medic. The medical robot may diagnose ailments, heal wounds, control infections, neutralize poisons, cure diseases, wake up unconscious individuals and prevent tissue deterioration, as though it were a medic of equal level. The maximum Success Rate a robot with the medical program can have is 80%.

As with player character medics, a robot with the medical program gains a 20% increase to patient care, if in a hospital or sickbay and if the patient is an animal or unfamiliar alien, a 20% decrease is incurred. The maximum Success Rate a robot can have, even with bonuses, is still 80%.

A Medical Robot is still required to have and use a medkit, but may be designed to use the medkit in two ways: it may use it normally, like a player character or it can have the medkit built into two of the robot’s limbs. A Medical Robot who was designed with a builtin medkit must increase its weight by 10% and increase the cost of the limbs by the cost of the medkit, plus 15%.


A robot that has the technician program installed can operate and repair a set number of machines and vehicles, as well as deactivate and disable security systems and locks. The robot can operate and repair a number of vehicles equal to its level, times the point cost of the program. Once a robot with the technician program has been given the design notes and schematics of the vehicle, it may operate and repair it. The maximum Success Rate a skill can have is 80%.

A robot with the robotics program is still required to have and use a techkit, but may be designed to use the techkit in two ways: it may use it normally, like a player character or it can have the techkit built into two or more pairs of robot limbs. A robot that was designed with a built-in techkit must increase its weight by 10% and increase the cost of the limbs by the cost of the techkit, plus 15%.


Certain robots can repair and reprogram other robots. The maximum number of robots designs that can be repaired is equal to the robot’s level times the point cost of the robotics program. The robot has the schematics and design notes of its own model, automatically, so it may repair itself. The maximum Success Rate a robot with the robotics program can have is 80%.

A robot with the robotics program is still required to have and use a robocomkit, but may be designed to use the robocomkit in two ways: it may use it normally, like a player character or it can have the robocomkit built into two or more pairs of robot limbs. A robot that was designed with a built-in robocomkit must increase its weight by 10% and increase the cost of the limbs by the cost of the robocomkit, plus 15%.

Most robots have their technical notes and schematics stored on the robot itself. When that information is fed to a robot with the robotics program, that robot can begin repairing that design of robot.

Robot Design Cost (Cr)
Special Programs
- Medical (min level 4) 50,000
- Technician (min level 4) 35,000
- Robotics (min level 4) 40,000