Hentz Listserv Entry

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Native Life

No life originated on Hentz. During the time of the Yazirian Relocation, the planet was terraformed using the flora, fauna, and environments from Waloo(Pavor).

Home of native species from Waloo(Pavor).


Discovered in 341 pf, Hentz was the first colony world established by the Yazirians. It was merely a mining colony for 50 years. After the discovery of the weakening orbit of Levo, the planet became the first terraformed world during the Yazirian Relocation. This lasted, in full force, for 30 years, the first 23 during which Waloo was still intact, and the latter during which environments were still being reconstructed and synthesized on Hentz. There were some changes made due to the new environment and new geography of Hentz, as well as several environmental rejections, but aside from the change the size and color of the sun and the absence of the moon, the planet is much like the original. This is a time of great social cohesion for the Yazirians as well as a time of great scientific learning about both systems, the life on the planet(s), terraforming, and transportation. The government of Waloo was similarly transported in whole to Hentz. At the end of the 30 years, the governments returned to their pre-disaster states.


Theocracy. Hentz is ruled by a religious clan, the Family of One. This government evolved from that of the transplanted government from Waloo(Pavor). The head of the government is a high priest.


(CR 5) Hand weapons allowed. Death due to honorable dueling is not uncommon and generally accepted with no retribution, though rivalries between various clans are entrenched.


Yazirian Heavy. Surrogate Homeworld. Less than 5% non-Yazirians.


Argonian is the language of The People. It was believed that this language was given to all of god's chosen. When the Yazirians finally met non-Yazirians the realization that all sentient creatures did not speak the same tongue led to a dissident group forming. This group adopted a reconstructed ancient sub- language and eventually emigrated to Yast(Athor).

As a result of the uniforms, worn by everyone who lives or works on Hentz or works for GODCo. which displays their job and social position, the inhabitants of Hentz are generally very private with all other personal information. This leads to a view of them being secretive to outsiders. Generally they will be much more open with any beings who are of the same divisions.

The Yazirians of Hentz often duel using the Zamira. They hold the Zamira and (dueling in general) as a sacred institution, only to be used among Yazirians.