K7 Sub-Giant (Orange)
No. of Planets and belts:
2 + 2
Crasepe - Inhabited Solid Giant [Satellites = 1]
Belt Alpha
Borrov - Uninhabitable Gaseous [Satellites = 15]
Belt Beta
Crasepe (1st Planet)
Orbit: 64
Type: Solid Giant
Gravity: 0.99654
Length of Day: 24.51 Hours
Length of Year: 785.3 Local Days
[Earth Year = 2.19]
Average Temperature: 26oC
Axial Tilt: 4o
Diameter: 15163.908 km
Hydrosphere: 42%/Water
Atmospheric Density/Weather/Pressure:
17%/Moderate Weather/1.09
Climate/Terrain: Tropical/Hilly
Population: 25% Humans, 24% Yazirian,
21% Vrusk, 21% Dralasite, 10% Others
Description: The Crasepe System
(pronounced "Krer-sepp") is considered the heart of the Palalyrn Cluster.
When the research starship, UPF Goldenflight (see Palalyrn Cluster timeline)
successfully completed its first interstellar hyperjump in 424 f.y., it
emerged near the Crasepe System. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Till this present date, almost 300 years later, the population of the sole
habitable planet, also called Crasepe, has grown tremendously due to the
continuous influx of migrants and adventurers from the Core Systems (which
is the collective name for the Frontier Sector and the Rim Coalition).
Most of the planet Crasepe is a land mass punctuated by alien forests,
crystalline growths, and rolling hills. The one exception is the Crasepe
Great Rift which cuts across thousands of miles at the equator. Crasepe
has a single sea named the Jewel Sea named for the scintillating reflections
of the Crasepe sun on the water. There are no indigenous intelligent lifeforms
and only a few animals are noteworthy. Perhaps, the most famous and interesting
creature of Crasepe is the Reezen which is described below.
Cities of Note (in order of population size):
Rigspar - This huge sprawling megapolis
is clearly observable from space. Rigspar actually comprised of two individual
cities orignally called Rigun and Spartacus that merged together when their
urban boundaries grew too fast too soon. Rigspar is the largest megapolis
in this sector of space and also has the most modern and high-tech infrastructure
comprising of criss-crossing skyways, highways, trainways, and towering
skyskrapers. Rigspar also houses the largest planetary space port that
is constantly bustling with incoming trade. Located near the space port
are the offices of the Corporations from the Core Systems. (25% Human,
25% Yazirian, 20% Vrusk, 20% Dralasite)
Minrod - Only slightly larger than
Xavja, the second largest megapolis lies on the eastern shores of the Jewel
Sea. The beaches of Minrod are exceptional and Minrod is also well known
for its landmark - the Infinity Tower - a rocket-shaped building that is
eight miles high (and four miles square at the base). Minrod has a planetary
space port that competes with the facilities provided at Rigspar. (25%
Human, 24% Yazirian, 24% Vrusk, 20% Dralasite)
Xavja - Pronounced "Zav-ya", this large
megapolis is also the coldest (since it is the second closest to the South
Pole). Xavja is a popular tourist destination for people who just cannot
get enough of winter sports. In fact, many advertising brochures show dralasites
and vrusks skiing down indoor slopes and the most famous is the "Icecapades
Ski Slopes" whose highest point reaches almost four miles and its varied
slopes, having different degrees of difficulty, boast real alpine trees
(imported from the Core Systems). (25% Vrusk, 25% Dralasite, 24%Yazirian,
20% Human)
Kandra - Kandra only attained megapolis
status about a decade ago. It has a small planetary space port and houses
a bustling industry dealing with advanced military technology. Yearly,
flocks of byrds (see "Unique Flora and Fauna" below) can be seen flying
to the sandy beaches of Kandra and are considered a nuisance to many (except
for conservationists). (25% Human, 25% Yazirian, 20% Dralasite, 20% Vrusk)
Urson - This city is the next in line to be elevated to megapolis status.
Urson is the northermost city and sits on the Urson Basalt Cliffs facing
the Jewel Sea. The city has been carved into parts of the Basalt Cliffs
and long tunnels even run underground as far as two miles deep. (25% Humans,
24% Yazirian, 23% Vrusk, 23% Dralasite)
Creezo - Considered by locals to be "the middle of nowhere", Creezo grew
into a city to support the agricultural farms and agrotechnology research
centres that dot the Creezo Plains. The city has gained considerable repute
for being a getaway from the hustle and bustle of life in the megapolises.
Riatavin - A large town famous for its underground limestone caverns. Many
people visiting the caverns (which are clearly marked out-of-bounds and
dangerous by local lawkeepers) are reported lost and wild stories of monstrous
creatures abound among the citizens. (Mixed)
Amundsen - Amundsen has the credit of being the southernmost city on Crasepe.
The city, however, has the notoreity of being lawless and corrupt. Also,
gang fights are a daily affair as "punkish" Dralasite and Yazirian "dudes"
battle it out in the oft deserted streets. (30% Dralasites, 30% Yazirian,
15% Human, 15% Vrusk)
Banuo - A veritable hot bed of crime and sleazy neighbourhoods, Banuo is
quickly shrinking as its status slips from being a city to that of a town.
Nymhnya - This thriving town is a popular tourist resort. Those who come
here are certain to take a trip to the nearby "Crasepe Great Rift" -- see
the planetary map above -- which separates Nymhnya from Xerxia. (Mixed)
Jallor - The prestigious UPF Military Training Academy is sited in Jallor.
W'kidtl - This small Vrusk colony is a famous arts resource centre. (50%
Vrusk, 20% Human, 20% Yazirian)
Xerxia - Xerxia is a relatively small village built around a "hush-hush"
research centre. (Mixed)
Adventure Hooks:
Don't Give Me a Reezen: The
population of the Reezen or "cute furry abominations" - as some people
call them - is reaching dire levels (see "Unique Flora and Fauna"
below). It is estimated that for every living being on the planet, there
are about a hundred Reezens roaming the streets and wilderness areas. Research
scientists at Xerxia have discovered a genetic code that will curb the
reproductive rate of the Reezen, but are reluctant to implement the genocide
scheme on the cute creatures. However, someone (a Sathar agent, perhaps)
has recently entered the complex and stolen all the research material.
The chief research scientist approaches the heroes and tells them the implication
of the theft: The genetic code alterations when spliced with that of one
of the major SF races will completely wipe out that race in the long term.
Is that not "reezen" enough to go on a hunt for the thief?
Leviathan: Some unidentified
creature is swallowing the pleasure electroyachts and sinking the cruise
ships in the Jewel Sea. Witnesses report seeing a huge reptilian head sticking
out of the water (think Nessie of Loch Ness but multiply the size of this
space "Nessie" by fifty times). The adventurers could be part of the UPF
Military tasked to search for the creature either via travel on the surface
(flying or ship) or underwater (submarine).
Centrifugal Overload: Full-fledged
adventure (coming soon).
Unique Flora and Fauna:
Reezen - Cute little furball creature that has become a loving pet and
also pest on the planet due to their rapid reproduction cycle. UPF scientists
have classified them as semi-ameboidal mammals (lacking pseudopods). They
survive by absorbing blue grass.
Blue Grass - As the name implies, the grass on Crasepe has varying shades
of blue. Scientists attribute the strange coloring to certain chemical
compounds found in the soil.
Byrd - The byrds of Crasepe are bird-like feathered creatures having four
wings (arranged in a pattern similar to that of the dragonfly). Flocks
of byrds annually migrate and during this period, conventional air travel
is a rather dangerous proposition.