Site Usage Guide

Here are some general instructions for making the most of this site.
The Site Adminstration forums are for general site information and notifications. This also where you request the creation of a project or game forum. If you have ideas for site improvement, problems or general site related questions post them in the General Site Discussion forum.
The Project Development forums are there for project managers to post information and solicit ideas, feedback etc on the projects they are working on. Originally intended for forums about software projects, I've expanded this to any type of project a user can convince me to post. So if you want to write a module, create artwork, whatever, this is the place to give your project a home. Browse around and see what people are working on. Download and try things out. Give feedback.
The On-line Games forums are for exactly that. Playing Star Frontiers on-line. Inspired by the masterful use of forums by ShadowShack on various free forum sites. I decided to provide an ad-free location to gather in all the on-line Star Frontiers games. Right now it is just forums, but I'm working on integrating chat and other features as well.
The General Discussion forums are for discussing topics Star Frontiers related but otherwise not specificly related to the development projects or games. This is also where you find the Off Topic threads for when you just have to say something that isn't related to Star Frontiers.
The Site Adminstration forums are for general site information and notifications. This also where you request the creation of a project or game forum. If you have ideas for site improvement, problems or general site related questions post them in the General Site Discussion forum.
The Project Development forums are there for project managers to post information and solicit ideas, feedback etc on the projects they are working on. Originally intended for forums about software projects, I've expanded this to any type of project a user can convince me to post. So if you want to write a module, create artwork, whatever, this is the place to give your project a home. Browse around and see what people are working on. Download and try things out. Give feedback.
The On-line Games forums are for exactly that. Playing Star Frontiers on-line. Inspired by the masterful use of forums by ShadowShack on various free forum sites. I decided to provide an ad-free location to gather in all the on-line Star Frontiers games. Right now it is just forums, but I'm working on integrating chat and other features as well.
The General Discussion forums are for discussing topics Star Frontiers related but otherwise not specificly related to the development projects or games. This is also where you find the Off Topic threads for when you just have to say something that isn't related to Star Frontiers.