Flight School

Welcome to SFC FLight School! Here you will learn the basics for operating some of the finest war machines in the Frontier, adjacent to Space Fleet's Gollwin Acadamy.

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Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:20 am

The first 75 days of Flight School cover the basic textbook courses, teaching the history of space flight and basic in system navigation. The next 75 days are spent in simulation learning basic maneuvers, formation flying, target acquisistion, and the importance of being a Wingman (covering your flight leader).

In the following 40 days things really get fun, when you are seated at the controls of an actual trainer with an experienced pilot/teacher accompanying you on your first forays into space! This is where you hone what you've learned in simulation.

Which brings us to the final ten days, or Finals Week. Over the course of this upcoming week you will test your mettle, both against stationary and live targets (with sim-lasers) as well as each other. By finals week each player will have their respective graduate skills, and this is where you will prove you have what it takes to enter the Star Fighter Corps by flying without an instructor for the first time.

Mission One puts you into a fighter simulation, following a new course. You will be taking out targets one at a time in a sleek T-98 armed with sim-lasers, and the end will have a stationary drone that you must hit with sim-rockets, all assisted by no one but yourself.

Mission Two will be a two part free-for-all, where the class will be pitted against each other and another class to determine who is the best of the best. The first stage will be a six craft free for all, where the class will pilot T-98 Talons armed with sim-guns and they will basically attempt to take out the other five craft. Depending on performance they will be ranked for part two accordingly, where they will compete against another class in a six on six full squadron assault.

The third and final mission is a live fire excercise. You will be piloting a BF-1 Gunfighter armed with a wing-mounted pod laser system, taking out stationary and moving drones.

Good luck, class. Man your craft and fly to victory!
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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:39 am

FLIGHT SCHOOL - MISSION 1: Navigating the Gunnery Course

Having passed 190 days of bookwork, simulations, and actual flight time, you have been deemed worthy of solo flights. Now you find yourselves in Finals Week, with far fewer trainees in your class than when you began (update your character sheets with the following skills: Technician Level:5, Computer LVL:1, Pilot LVL:0). Your instructors have issued you clearance time to run the gunnery course in sim-laser equipped fighter training craft (T-98 Talons). Your mission objective is to navigate the obstacle course and hit as many target drones as you can, with the final drone at the end of the course to be targeted by the rocket weapon.

You are to enter the course at 300,000kph (5 hexes per turn), and maintain that speed for the duration of the course. This will permit sub-10K kilometer range targetting of all drones ("point blank" w/no range modifiers).

T-98 Talon
HS: 1 HP: 5 Powerplant: Quad sub-Ion A
ADF: 5 MR: 6 DCR: 30 Crew: 1-2
Armament: sim lasers, sim rocket(x1)
Defenses: none
Communication/Detection Equipment: Subspace Radio, Radar, Videocom
Misc: Auto-Eject Module, Streamlined

Map #1: the Training Course (open space near Morgaine's World)


Target Drone Key
# 1 > SS Kinuni --- hulked exploration cruiser
# 2 > SS Matimor --- retired/stripped scout ship
# 3 > MS Lensherr --- SW1 gunship, stripped/deommissioned
# 4 > CMS Jundarr --- hulked Clarion Royal Marine cruiser
# 5 > SS Raumschiff --- hulked freighter
# 6 > SS Jackal --- stripped pirate corvette
# 7 > SS Quadspear --- retired Agricultural Ship
# 8 > HMS Claufird --- retired militia transport
# 9 > SS Calintir --- salvaged freighter
#10 > SS TwinLight --- failed protoype twin hull liner
#11 > FCS Belinda Starlighter --- decommissioned/stripped tender
#12 > SS Volks --- hulked yacht
#13 > SS Balderash --- salvaged escort vessel
#14 > SS Celtar --- retired/stripped dreadnaught freighter
#15 > YMS Rabanaran --- hulked militia frigate
#16 > SS Kaisar --- stripped fleet courier
#17 > HGS Blastar --- pre SW1 planetary invader ship
#18 > SS Deldger --- pre-UPF dralasite transport
#19 > MS Ezra Xervon --- retired/stripped system defense ship
#20 > SS Fuzquitir --- pre-UPF vruskan trade vessel
#21 > UPFS Orion --- decommissioned/stripped carrier
#22 > UPFS Drakyunj --- decommissioned/stripped prototype assault scout
#23 > SS Zylinder --- salvaged East Indiaman freighter
#24 > UPFS Sirius Project --- decommissioned scientific research craft
#25 > Rylos IV --- hulked class:1 space station
#26 > UPFS Aqualish --- retired tanker
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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:41 am

OOC: Does nayone need to familiarize themself with the KH movement/combat rules? Otherwise I can whip through this part without detailed maps/individual counter movement. Mission 2 will involve the round by round map with movement, as will most missions that follow.

Presuming we can proceed without actually moving the counters round by round (each target is spaced 5 hexes apart, meaning you simply move five hexes and make a facing change or two along the way to stay on course), who would like to volunteer to run the circuit first?
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Re: Flight School

Postby Will » Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:56 pm

It's been a rough four months, and Ree wasn't sure she was going to make it to this point.

And, it wasn't just the training itself, though gods know that was hard enough...she's reasonably sure her superiors aren't going to readily forgive her for her...um, extracirricular activities on Krataar.

But, she's here and her Talon's waiting...ahead is a giant slalom course representing the first of the last two hurdles between her and graduating flight school.

"Fortress Gollwin Operations," she says into comms,"this is SFC Training 03-Alfa, requesting final clearance to the training range."

"Copy that, Training 03-Alfa," the Vrusk controller's voice says in reply. "You are free and clear to depart on vector to the training range."

"Good luck."

"Yeah," Ree replies, easing the stick forward, nudging the Talon out of the fortress' fighter bay, throttling up to the required 83.3 kps, as she enters the range, maneuvering to bring the first drone to bear, firing the instant she has the target in the pipper, moving away, not checking to see if she has a solid hit, just breaking and moving towards the next target...never stay with a target, that was the one thing drummed into her head over and over by old Stargazer and the others, never, ever stay with a target, just blast it and move on, or you're fried.
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Re: Flight School

Postby Terl Obar » Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:20 pm

I'll go after Will, just tell us how you want to play it out.
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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:55 pm

Training Class #203 gathers on the flight deck of Gollwin for the first test mission. Hopes and tensions are both high as the class of six prepares for take off. The class consists of the following, in alphabetical order by last name:

Rex "Parriah" Dawntreader (mH)
Grobber "Ice" Jaloub (mY, NPC pilot roster)
Rhiannon "Ree" Moseley (fH)
Alex "Arrow" Pilgaard (mH)
Jak "Jokhi" Rapier (mD, NPC pilot roster)
Sebastian "Bach" Rogers (mH, NPC pilot roster)

Also present in the hangar bay is a dwarvish looking human, or for those more familiar with the Rim denizens an Ifshnit, named Klaxton. Klaxton is in the SFC Ground Crew acadamy and is joining your group as a Deck Officer trainee, responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of your craft. He greets each pilot as they crawl into their cockpits, handing them the preflight checklist showing all systems go. You will score one point for each sim laser hit and two points if the sim rocket connects. 18 points are needed to pass.

Flight instructors Valerie Louise Jameson and Randalf Tylappar are present, along with an observer that you all find out to be one Lieutenant Zachary Taylor, Squadron Leader of the infamous 52nd Tactical Fighter Wing. It seems a group of his pilots were transferred elsewhere and he is looking to acquire the best of the best. So the pressure is on.

Rhiannon has volunteered to run the circuit first, she dons her flight gear and gets the green light from Klaxton who pats her cockpit once closed and offers a thumbs up. She maneuvers her craft out of the bay and finds herself in open space, accelrating to the entrance of the Training Course. She enters at the mandated velocity and begins to acuire targets with the sim lasers, one by one. She misses the first, second, fourth, and fifth targets, as a bead of sweat forms on her brow. Not looking good at 20% through the circuit. The next set of five turns out better, only missing target #8. The third set is perfect, she nails all of them. Target #16 is missed but she hits 17-20. Rounding the bend for the final five targets, the sim lasers connect with all of them. Flight Control gives the order to fire a sim rocket at the final target, and Ree's rocket arcs wide. That's 19 hits for 19 points --- PASS!

Alex Pilgaard enters for the fifth run. The first set of five goes well, he only misses #5. He misses #6 afterwards but nails 7-10. The next set leaves only #15 untouched. The fourth set goes perfectly. The final stretch nets hits on 21-25 and the sim rocket impacts against the Aqualish, for a total of 23 hits for 24 points: PASS!

Grobber Jaloub goes next, missing ten targets but hitting with the rocket, which saves him. 16 hits for 18 points: PASS

Jak Rapier is third through the course, hitting 1 targets and missing with the rocket. 15 hits for 15 points: FAIL. He'll have to excell in later missions.

Sebastian Rogers is next up, hitting 18 targets but missing with the rocket. 18 hits for 18 points, PASS

Dawntreader brings up the rear of the running. His first set results in a miss on target #2, he misses #8 and 9 on the next set, and his third set is perfect. Set four results in misses on targets 16 and 17, and the final stretch yields five hits and an impacted rocket on the tanker hull. That results in 21 hits for 22 points: PASS!

Final Outcome for Mission 1 (ranked by points)

Alex "Arrow" Pilgaard: 24
Rex "Parriah" Dawntreader: 22
Rhiannon "Ree" Moseley: 19
Grobber "Ice" Jaloub: 18
Sebastian "Bach" Rogers: 18
Jak "Jokhi" Rapier: 15
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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:37 pm

Flight School - Mission 2: Free for All

Training Class #203 gathers in the hangar bay on day three of finals week, ready for their next task. The class will have to maneuver their trainers into combat positions and seek to take each other out with sim lasers. You will score points for hits and kills, as well as longevity, as follows:

hit = 1 point
kill = 2 points (including the point for the hit)
killing undamaged craft with one hit: 3 points
surviving 5th place: 1 point
surviving 4th place: 1 point
surviving 3rd place: 2 points
surviving 2nd place: 2 points
last fighter moving: 3 points

Your craft have been towed into an empty sector of open space for this mission. You start the mission at speed:0 and must declare your movement, and any firing sequences along the way.

Alex Pilgaard occupies the red fighter, Rex Dawntreader is in the white fighter, Rhiannon Moseley is in the purple fighter, Grobber Jaloub is in the light blue fighter, Sebastian Roges is in the dark blue fighter, and Jak Napier is in the green fighter. Six d10 rolls determine that the order of movement is as follows:

Rogers (10)
Napier (9)
Moselely (7, 10)
Jaloub (7, 6)
Pilgaard (6)
Dawntreader (4)

Initiative will be determined at the beginning of each turn, following combat. If no combat ensues, it will go in reverse order for movement.

Map as follows:

Since NPCs have the first move, both Rogers and Napier each use ADF:5 and move five hexes forward, ending in BB41 and M15 respectively. (remember, when declaring a hex call the letter for the row and move diagonally up to the RIGHT or down to the LEFT for the "column" for position. Thus, the red fighter is in hex N44, the white fighter is in TT8)
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Re: Flight School

Postby Will » Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:11 pm

Ree takes a deep cleansing breath, clears her mind, picks her fighter and aims her bird for it, keeping her eye peeled on her six at the same time.

Here's Ree's move:

ADF: 5 and one MR point, expended thusly:

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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:58 am

Grobber moves forward one, turns to starboard (west) and finishes by moving four more hexes west to end in UU24.

Pilgaard's move, then parriah (who may move twice as there won't be any combat, the initiative goes in reverse order. If nobody has a shot after backtracking through the initiative list, I'll determine a new initiative list for the following turn)
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Re: Flight School

Postby Terl Obar » Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:28 pm

I'm going to be off-line a lot for the next few weeks but I'll try to keep up with this game. Alex uses 5 ADF moves forward one hex and turns NW ending in hex J39 where he turns to head back West.
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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:07 pm

I tried contacting parriah several times for posting amove...I'll move him.

Parriah gets a double move, being at the end of the initiiative list and reverse order for the next phase. Observing prior games with him, he likes going head to head and does so here. He accelerates by ten and acquires Grobber's craft, and they exchange fire (parriah offensively and Grobber defensively. Both hit, causing sim-hull damage. Parriah's hit causes 3 points of damage, Grobber's causes five.

It is Pilgaard's move now, map as follows:


After Pilgaard moves it will be Jaloub, Moseley, Napier, and Rogers.
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Re: Flight School

Postby Terl Obar » Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:41 pm

I tried posting this from the airport but the generic IP was blocked. Alex accelerates to speed 10 using 5 ADF and 4 MR and ending in hex K31 as shown in the attached image
mission2a-alex.gif (49.6 KiB) Viewed 56987 times
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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:59 am

Pilgaard executes a series of maneuvers, and then Grobber jogs around the incoming path of Parriah's fighter (they'll get to exchange fire again once movement is finished).

Moseley's move next (followed by Napier and Rogers), map as follows:

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Re: Flight School

Postby Will » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:45 pm


Ree makes her move(+5 ADF for speed 10, 1 MR, as indicated above) and lets fly with the sim lasers.
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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:54 pm

Moseley engages Jokhi with sim guns and scores a four point hit. Napier whips around to engage Moseley and scores a hit that disables Moseley's sim guns. Rogers makes a series of maneuvers and accelerates to 10. Parriah and Grobber exchange fire, Parriah misses and Grobber scores a hit for two more points of sim damage. Parriah is ordered off the field, considered killed. He banks left and exits the battle, waving to Grobber as their paths cross.

Results at end of turn 1:

Rex "Parriah" Dawntreader - one hit for 1 point, left the field
Grobber "Ice" Jaloub - two hits/1 for a kill for 3 points
Rhiannon "Ree" Moseley - one hit for 1 point
Alex "Arrow" Pilgaard - no points yet
Jak "Jokhi" Rapier - one hit for 1 point
Sebastian "Bach" Rogers - no points yet

The initiative que for turn 2 is as follows:

Rhiannon "Ree" Moseley 10 (tie breaker: 6)
Grobber "Ice" Jaloub 10 (tie breaker: 4)
Alex "Arrow" Pilgaard 9
Sebastian "Bach" Rogers 8
Jak "Jokhi" Rapier 2

Rhaiannon has the first move (if she survives this turn she will be able to attempt rebooting the sim guns on turn 3), when it gets to Jak's move he will recieve a double move and revert to reverse order afterwards. New map and positions:

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Re: Flight School

Postby Will » Sun May 17, 2009 9:41 am


"Vog," Ree curses, as she jinks madly away from the other fighters, jamming her own ship to the firewall.

OOC: Jesus, Shadow, didn't mean to go this long without posting, I thought I already posted, but....
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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed May 20, 2009 11:02 pm

If that's evasive maneuvering, you turn in each hex according to your MR. In this case that would be five hexes worth of "jinking", and you simply go straight from the final hex turn for the duration of your speed.
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Re: Flight School

Postby Will » Fri May 22, 2009 11:39 am

Cool. Do it that way, then.

On a side note, could you possibly download a blank hex map to me. What I'm using is crap. If so, thanks.
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Re: Flight School

Postby Shadow Shack » Tue May 26, 2009 6:28 pm

OOC --- here's a blank hex map for ya Will: http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/5713/wchexmap.gif

BIC --- Rhiannon yanks the yoke into a series of evasive maneuvers.

Grobber accelerates again by five and acquires Pilgaard's craft, knocking his maneuver rating down by one (MR:4 now).

It is now Pilgaard's move, current map and positions with noted damage (Grobber's craft has sustained 3HP damage and Rhiannon has lost her guns, not noted on the map) and speed for ships that have yet to move. Rogers and Rapier are next in the queue, and then it goes back in reverse order. Any craft surviving this turn will be eligible for repair rolls on the next turn.

http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/948/tr ... sion2a.gif
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Re: Flight School

Postby Will » Thu May 28, 2009 10:54 pm

OOC: Cool beans, Shadow, thanks.
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