Chapter 2.1 Operation Guillotine

Set in the Star Frontiers setting 100 years after the original Warriors of White Light Module pursuing all new adventures in the classic setting. Most original TSR printed game materials are constitute history in this game.

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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:45 pm

"Please," Lyssa quips, as she follows Mantin, Omega Bolt in hand.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby MOrab46019 » Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:08 am

OOC:Just to give our GM more to work with.

IC:Ally smiles as Ripper wakes up from the minor Surgery and First Aid she gave him. She says,"Welcome back to the land of living. Looks like Hypno-Training I took worked out well. I just picked those skills up a few weeks ago. I was on leave waiting for my next class to start. Glad I didn't screw it up. Your great in fight. Would hate to lose you becuase I screwed up."
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:44 am

IC on the 7th Floor: Midshipman Allyson Drake quickly patched up Liam Mowbray, to her self she thought, "Thankfully, the damage was sonic not bullets or this would take too much time." She shot him up with a total of 3 doses of biocort and smiled, "Careful now there is point at which I can't use quick heal drugs like biocort on you."

IN the Lobby: Grelude grabbed the grenade rifle from the terrorist who wouldn't be needing it anymore as well as two shells; one loaded with a frag and the other loaded with a tangler. Loading the frag into the rifle he looked at the others and said, "For close encounters of the simian kind."

As the Royal Marines were shaking out their marching order Tanar came on the team com channel, "Two terrorist on the top floor making barricades out of couches and chairs. The yazirian from the 8th floor has exited the stairs on the 9th WITHOUT his explosive device but still has the videocom detonator and the Gorlian has arrived on the 9th floor. Human terrorist running across the 2nd floor and entering the stairwell."

Even as Savrax acknowledged Tanar a smoke grenade dropped down the stairwell and detonated. It was pretty useless of the GOC to have done so since the Royal Marine combat helm acted as a gas mask and had IR. He was about to prepare for a rush from above when his audio pick ups told him the human was charging up the stairs at a run.

Knowing they'd play hell to catch him and have to expose themselves to fire to do so he calls the new allies on the 7th floor, "Ah, Midshipman Drake? We have a fox in the stairs a head of us going up, we’ll play hounds, can you play hunter?”

With his external speaker volume upped Savrax began ordering the terrorist to halt in the name of the Royal Marines and the Queen of Clarion. The GOC could be heard swearing and would fire 1 or 2 rounds down the stairwell. Savrax led the party at a jog trot not trying to catch the terrorist and hugging the wall as he moved but taunting him by mentioning the Queen which usually brought more fire and bullets zinging ineffectively down the stairs.

At the 7th floor landing Allyson looking at Liam’s autopistols and knowing they must be half out of ammo said, “Let me take him with the disrupter, save your ammo you’re nearly out. Laying on the floor and aiming for the turn in the stairs Allyson caught the terrorist changing clips on the run and ordered, “FREEZE!”

He tried to seat the clip still and she fired at point blank range nailing him to the wall with the beam. He slumped there dead. Allyson and Liam were stripping him of a 20 SEU clip, 2 rifle clips and an auto rifle and gas mask when the strike team arrived.

OOC: I’ll assume Liam takes the projectile weapon and its 2 clips while Allyson takes the 20 SEU clip, that leaves the gas mask up for grabs.

IC: Tanar’s voice breaks over the com, “I’ve got four including the Gorlian setting up firing positions on the 9th floor and no other movement that I can see other than some hotel staff patching up their wounded. I’m working out a real time feed of the ninth floor. Scratch that, they just shot out the cameras. I’ll have a camera still for your HUD displays in seconds.”

OOC: You’re gathered on the 7th floor Tanar has control of the elevator and its here. You believe there is a videocom controlled explosive device somewhere between the 8th and 9th floor in the stairwell. The terrorist have holed themselves up on the top floor and made themselves firing positions. Tanar can cut power but it kills the elevators and the cameras.
map coming real soon
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:24 am

IC: Bodger arrived at the 9th floor via the service elevator. His training came back to him from Land Fleet on tactical clearing of house to house. He followed that training and cleared first the hallway then the mop closet and supply room. Assured he was alone in the narrow service access hallway he made a cold blooded decision and pulled his tech kit and disabled the elevator. That would bottle them terrorist up and keep them from getting into the employee quarters and hurting anymore of his co workers.

Creeping along the hallway he reached the door to the observation deck and disabled its auto open mechanism then killed the hallway lights. Gently he levered the door a crack with the collapsing pry bar from his tech kit. Pressing his eye to the crack he couldn't really see much but he did detect voices and thought he heard a gutteral voice raging about, "they killed Benny."

Good, he thought. That would be the Gorlian's voice if he was not mistaken and it sounded like the cavalry had arrived, maybe the Royal Guard. He knew the gorlian was wearing polyplate armor and it was tough stuff. No need to rush out there and get killed he thought.

OOC: Bodger is at the door on the right that leads back into the mountain.
he can see the area more or less right in front of him and he has an angle toward the larger lounge area. The door directly across from him leads out to the deck and snow is blowing sideways plus he doesn't have cold weather gear currently with him plus openning a door that allows in the elements could get him noticed.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:04 pm

Savrex walks over and looks down at the corpse, giving it a little nudge with the toe of his boot. Nodding at Allyson and Liam, he simply says, “nice work”. He glances up the stairwell and wonders where the explosive is. Then he gets an idea. “Tanar, can you send those elevators back and forth between the 8th and the 9th floor to keep those GOCs on edge? If you keep it varied…random, it should shake them up. To top it off, one time send a car down to us. We can prop up this dead GOC in it so when it opens, they’ll waste some ammo. Who knows, maybe it would allow us to get up there by them if they get too used to it”. He then turns to Alyssa. “Mind if I sneak up ahead and try to snipe that booby trap with my rifle?”
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Terl Obar » Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:29 pm

"That shouldn't be a problem," Tanar replies. "If you want to confuse things a little more and any of you have a smoke grenade, you could toss it in and set the trigger delay for a few seconds so it starts to go off on the way up. Then when the door opens, the smoke will come billowing out. They'd almost have to fire into it assuming you were hiding behind the smoke and waste some ammo.

"I've lost all visuals on the upper level," Tanar continues. "I'm trying now to see if I can find any other sensors. I can cut power but we will then loose the elevators and the other cameras. I haven't gotten fine enough control to be selective about it yet. Let me know if you want it dark. Also, the four on the top level seem to be all that are left of the GOC. The employees seem to have held there own and the GOC have all retreated to the top level."

Tanar will try to find any other sensors that haven't been shot out by the GOC on observation deck level and try to figure out how to selectively control power and not just cut everything. He'll also start sending the two elevators up and down between different levels and the level with the GOC on it.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby MOrab46019 » Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:28 pm

Savrex walks over and looks down at the corpse, giving it a little nudge with the toe of his boot. Nodding at Allyson and Liam, he simply says, “nice work”. He glances up the stairwell and wonders where the explosive is. Then he gets an idea. “Tanar, can you send those elevators back and forth between the 8th and the 9th floor to keep those GOCs on edge? If you keep it varied…random, it should shake them up. To top it off, one time send a car down to us. We can prop up this dead GOC in it so when it opens, they’ll waste some ammo. Who knows, maybe it would allow us to get up there by them if they get too used to it”. He then turns to Alyssa. “Mind if I sneak up ahead and try to snipe that booby trap with my rifle?”

IC:Ally says,"Thank you." She thinks and says,"Sir I would like to throw a few things out. We do have two bodies. One that is here and the other blocking the elevators doors. Let me take one of the dead I will go though the stairwell. Maybe they will be worried about the elevator and not the stairs. If they are watching the stairs the dead weight I have with me should take most of the blast. It would might have them think that their make shift bunker isn't going to hold. I feel it is worth a shot."
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby donpaulie » Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:23 pm

OOC: Yep, Liam would definetly take the projectile weapon and the 2 clips.

IC: "Thanks Ally, you did just fine!" says Liam as he slings his newly acquired weapon over his shoulder. Liam takes notice of the arrival of Savrex. "Glad we can finaly meet up with you!" Again, to Savrex "Did someone say fox hunt?" Liam says with a grin on his face. "The sooner you take out that booby trap the sooner we can bag us a fox...4 to be exact. Marine, is it possible to get the rest of your team into position so we can catch these treasonous bastards in a cross fire?" Turning to Ally "I haven't been on a fox hunt in years. I remember one that Lady Penelope's father had once. Penny and I were friends from childhood. I remember after the hunt, my sister Larisa, was sent to find me. She caught us in the stables! Larisa dragged me back to our mother by my ear! Neither Larisa or Penny ever let me forget that." Liam explained as Savrex set up his shot.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby umungus » Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:27 pm

"What about getting to the roof? Then we can repel to the balcony and nab 'em when they get distracted by the elevators."
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:49 am

Inigo wrote:Savrex walks over and looks down at the corpse, giving it a little nudge with the toe of his boot. Nodding at Allyson and Liam, he simply says, “nice work”. He glances up the stairwell and wonders where the explosive is. Then he gets an idea. “Tanar, can you send those elevators back and forth between the 8th and the 9th floor to keep those GOCs on edge? If you keep it varied…random, it should shake them up. To top it off, one time send a car down to us. We can prop up this dead GOC in it so when it opens, they’ll waste some ammo. Who knows, maybe it would allow us to get up there by them if they get too used to it”. He then turns to Alyssa. “Mind if I sneak up ahead and try to snipe that booby trap with my rifle?”

"I was just about to suggest that," Lyssa replies.

"And," she adds evilly,"if that fails, you have full permission to use the dead terrorst to spring the booby trap."

She will decide later whether or not that was a joke.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:53 am

donpaulie wrote:OOC: Yep, Liam would definetly take the projectile weapon and the 2 clips.

IC: "Thanks Ally, you did just fine!" says Liam as he slings his newly acquired weapon over his shoulder. Liam takes notice of the arrival of Savrex. "Glad we can finaly meet up with you!" Again, to Savrex "Did someone say fox hunt?" Liam says with a grin on his face. "The sooner you take out that booby trap the sooner we can bag us a fox...4 to be exact. Marine, is it possible to get the rest of your team into position so we can catch these treasonous bastards in a cross fire?" Turning to Ally "I haven't been on a fox hunt in years. I remember one that Lady Penelope's father had once. Penny and I were friends from childhood. I remember after the hunt, my sister Larisa, was sent to find me. She caught us in the stables! Larisa dragged me back to our mother by my ear! Neither Larisa or Penny ever let me forget that." Liam explained as Savrex set up his shot.

Lyssa never did like the younger Mowbray, next in line to a title he had no business holding, a sentiment some in both the Common and Noble Assemblies agreed with, as the recent bill introduced in Parliament to disinherit him bore out.

She doesn't know whether or not she'd spoken the words, "shut up, you git," out loud.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:08 pm

Will wrote:Lyssa never did like the younger Mowbray, next in line to a title he had no business holding, a sentiment some in both the Common and Noble Assemblies agreed with, as the recent bill introduced in Parliament to disinherit him bore out.

Liam is very minor nobility and no one would take notice of him to the level of introducing a bill in Parliament. It is true he was court martialed and put out of Space Fleet just recently and that record was sealed. That fact has caused some speculation and rumors of all sorts- some quite nasty ones have been flying around but the members of the House of Lords would only take notice to snub their nose at the minor back water noble whose son has "disgraced" his family and "so much for your families record of military service." In general, and in particular in Liam's family, the minor nobility are very loyal and supportive of the crown, while the more enlightened power brokers in the House of Lords laugh at any concept of "noblese obilege" (forgive me if I mangled the spelling on that). The fact is that by in large the minor lords take their noble positions more seriously and uphold the tradition of Patriotic service to the planet, much as the Mowbray's have with something like 90% of the males in the family having served in the Royal Guard, Royal Marines, Space Fleet, and Land Fleet. Yes Liam has a reputation as an aristocratic playboy, but I'm not sure he and Aylssa Blue have met prior to this. Though I dont guess he should "hit on" Ms. Blue.

I have tried to encourage player produced content- NPC contacts and lots of leeway to do character development during "shore time". I've even left things be I didn't like and have embraced and used player produce content that at first blush I thought went to far into a GM's prerogative. I think the setting is just too broad for me to produce everything and feel that the contributions of others have been a tremendous benefit. Some of the NPC, whether connact or just color in the setting, created by the players are very interesting and I've enjoyed using those NPCs even working them into the adventure.

So I Don't really want to throw cold water here but...
It might be best to leave some things to the GM to introduce.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:56 pm

OOC: Nice idea with the elevators :)

I would suggest pilfering furniture from hotel rooms and tech kits have "molecular bonding strip" and you should be able to do a bang up job of this ruse- plus there is another body in the lobby as well, in fact the bar stools down there might be your best bet for propping up bodies.
maybe a uniform that is the symbol of what they hate might make this a little more effective...

You have no apparent access to the roof here; The stair well & elevator is actually set into the mountain and not likely to have a roof access.

IC: Liam, upon hearing talk of using roof access [INT 49 pass] says, "I spent many vacations here as a kid and I don't think there is roof access but there is a balcony in monarch suite on the north side of the structure, you can see it from the gondola as it approaches the hotel. It might be possible to climb up to the observation deck balcony though in this wind," he shrugs, "it is a long way down."

Slayerian speaks up, "Heh! guess I'm the token Yaz. Sir, I can climb and attach a rope or sheet for the safety of others. At least if the wind knocks me off I stand some chance of surviving."

On the Pelican: Tanar was working his way through the engineering command tree and located the individual power shut offs for each floor. "Pelican to strike team, I have isolated the power controls to the 9th floor and can trip power at your command.

Savrax crawling on his belly eases around the corner in the stairs and ends up climbing nearly to top of the stairs. The door is jammed open and the explosive is 2 meters away from him. He spies the a barricade of furniture about 8m away and the head of a yazirian who is glancing to his left [63 failed INT check you have seconds to duck back before he sees you]. Not being a demolitions expert Savrax isn't sure about blast radius with this device (its just far enough back to make this a potential cluster frag and cost him a hand) and he has to get a laser weapon above the last step to target the device. He ducks back to consider other ways of doing this because even if the bomb doesn't get him that yaz tossing a frag grenade into the stairs could be a bit uncomfortable.

OOC: I think I addressed everything and nearly everyone has posted so if you all get a plan together I will do an early turn advancement.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:30 pm

Sav eases back mumbling a curse to himself and wishing he had a holo-screen. When he reaches the others he shares his intel. “That plan isn’t going to work. I was right on top of the explosive before I could get an eye on it. And even with this bull pup rifle, it extends into view.”

He takes a second to think and asks, “are there any bi-pedal service bots around here?” This was directed to Liam and Allyson. If we could get one and suit it up, we could send it up the stairs…”

“If we can clear the stairs, and get them to the point where they ignore the elevators…and get a couple of guns on the balcony behind them…We could get that cross-fire you were asking for. I figure a couple times of them shooting up their dead buds on the elevator would be enough. After that, perhaps one of us could be hiding behind the stiff; one in each elevator. Then simultaneously firing from the elevators, stairwell, and balcony door, it will be over and we can find the Princess. Lets scrape together the deal bodies and materials to display them. We need to take a look for a bot too.” (that last remark would be directed at our local robo-techie…assuming there is one)
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:01 pm

IC: Grelude, being the teams demolitions expert, offers, "Toss a frag grenade up there to detonate the explosive or toss smoke grenade when we do other diversionary tactics and they might just detonate it for us. For myself I haven't laid an eye on any bots, most likely they're back deeper in the mountain in maintenance areas."
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:19 pm

[quote="jedi]I would suggest pilfering furniture from hotel rooms and tech kits have "molecular bonding strip" and you should be able to do a bang up job of this ruse- plus there is another body in the lobby as well, in fact the bar stools down there might be your best bet for propping up bodies.
maybe a uniform that is the symbol of what they hate might make this a little more effective...[/quote]

OOC: Lyssa was thinking more along the lines of stuffing the second dead body with something explosive and tacking the note "SILENCE! I KILL YOU!" to his body....

Just a thought.

As to the younger Mowbray, if he has a reputation for being a playboy, then the paparazzi have latched onto him from time to time, making him famous for nothing, even before his court-martial,

The two haven't met, but Lyssa does watch Tri-V, and her family being in public service, she might have heard of him through other means.

Just another thought.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby geekmeter11 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:07 am

Don't know if I am supposed to send this to you or the forum, but since my email to you bounced:

Bodger is assesing the situation and scanning the room as best as possible to asertain the positions of the terrorists. Knowing from the comm chatter, before the frequency was changed, that Marines are in the building, he will wait as long as possible before entering the room.

When the room is breached, Bodger's first action will be to try and fry McGullia Gorrilla (If I can see him).
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:13 pm

geekmeter11 wrote:Don't know if I am supposed to send this to you or the forum, but since my email to you bounced:

Bodger is assesing the situation and scanning the room as best as possible to asertain the positions of the terrorists. Knowing from the comm chatter, before the frequency was changed, that Marines are in the building, he will wait as long as possible before entering the room.

When the room is breached, Bodger's first action will be to try and fry McGullia Gorrilla (If I can see him).

Normal convention is to just post with IC for in character and describe what your character has to say and or do.

If there is something your unsure of You can preface a post with OOC for out of Character communication and say something like if what I posted IC doesn't work or I cant do it then my character will do X. You can also use OOC for a question like "Can the terrorist see me?" etc.
but otherwise your post is fine.
incidently which email did you try to use my hotmail? or through the site? I'll drop a line to you via my hotmail account if their is more problems

Also if this was a heavy intrigue game then if you were doing something sneaky the rest of the players shouldn't know about then you'd need to use email. Questions about your player character can be handled in the play character thread for you characters. and if there was just questions you weren't sure of posting in any part of the forum you are always free to email me.

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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Terl Obar » Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:23 pm

OOC: On a game mechanics issue. jedi, if you ever need to set up a thread that only a single player (or small group) and the GM can see, we can do that here on the forums. I have that set up in the Second Sathar War game so that each side had an area to discuss tactics without the other side seeing. Basically we set up a small forum that only certain players have access to. To everyone else, it's invisible. Anyway, if you ever need that, let me know and I can show you how to set it up (I believe you already have enough permissions to do it.)
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby MOrab46019 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:51 pm

IC:Ally says,"What part do I play here? Also Ripper. I guess charging up the stiars with a dead guy might not work." She takes a minute then adds,"I love the use of the dead in the elevator I would give up my skinsuit if you need it."
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