
Welcome to the registration page, let's get you signed up for the con.

Please note that Tom Stephens (aka Terl Obar on the various Star Frontiers websites) is running this registration process personally, not part of some commercial process so his name (and e-mail address) will appear in several places along the way. If you have any problems or questions, feel free to contact him directly at

The con is free. To sign up, simply fill out the registration form below. All we need is your name, your e-mail address, and whether you want to referee a game or not. Once you are registered, you will be able to sign up to play in existing games or host a game of your own. Marking that you wish to referee a game simply makes the process a little easier as your name is automatically marked as a referee in the database. Even if you don't initally sign up to referee, you can still change your mind later and host a game.

To register for Frontier NetCon 2015, just fill out the following information.
(Fields in bold are requried.)
E-mail address:
Do you want to referee a game? Yes Not right now