Game Signup

Discussion and clarification of rules in the game and any other topics that come up. Also where you sign up to play.

Moderator: Terl Obar

Game Signup

Postby Terl Obar » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:15 pm

Welcome to the Second Sathar War Board game, play-by-post (redux) edition. We are going try to play out the Second Sathar War game from the Knight Hawks rules and see who ends up ruling the Frontier. This time around we'll play using the standard KH rules. Later we'll try it with the KH Vector rules and then other KH variants as well.

Let's get the ball rolling. If you want to play, sign up for a side by posting which side you like to play on, either Sathar or UPF. Once we have a few players we will begin the game.
The Laws of Physics will be enforced.
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Terl Obar
Fleet Commander
Posts: 604
Joined: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:40 pm
Location: Obar Enterprises HQ, Pale Station

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