Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundModerator: Terl Obar Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound"Ship, open fire on the explorer. Continue firing on it until it is destroyed, out of range, or I tell you to stop. Repeat my hail to the incoming spacecraft every 20 seconds until they respond."
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
-Albert Einstein
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundThat's odd, B'Looone thinks to himself, after reading the status display. He moves over to the Robot Management station, and queries the two "missing" maintenance 'bots. He asks them where they are and what their orders are. He then calls up a history of recent robot activity, hoping to find out what the two "Out of Contact" 'bots were doing that led to them becoming "Out of Contact".
Are we there yet?
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound
Doog quickly raided the medical supply room snatching up a med kit and all the power he can carry. making sure the laser rifle is ported into the highest power source he has and the sonic screen is powered by the next best power source. Following Mal he jumps on the computer terminal as directed. OOC: Doog first ascertains if there is any security he must over ride or if the previous technician is still logged on and he can simply display data. Next he checks the logs to see what the previous tech was doing. Then checks to see what the computer has on himself- looking around for a storage device he will write all files on himself to it and then pocket the data cube and then erase all mention of himself in the computer. A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundOOC:
I'm going to try one last time to jump start this game. It's been mostly my lack of time for the last few months and if the Referee isn't posting, nothing is going to happen. So once more back to the story. IC: B'Loone queries the system about the two active maintenance robots. It come back instantly showing that they are on assignement deep in mine shaft 4 (the easternmost one) repairing part of the ore track and tuning up part of the ventilation system resectively. Next he tries to pull up information on the two "out of contact" mining robots. The logs show that they were working in mine shaft one (the southernmost, collapsed one) until about 50 hours ago. At that point, their communications link with the base was lost, reason unknown. Thinking about it a few seconds and doing some quick calculations in his head, B'Loone realizes that this is just shortly after the base was originally attacked. The Dart's pod laser opens fire on the explorer as it begins to turn away from the compound and race back north toward the mines. Gren and Sebastian (who as reached the top of the north tower) watch as the first shot goes wide and the driver starts to drive erratically trying to avoid being nailed by the laser beam. The next three shots also miss but the fifth shot connects squarely with the vehicle. The driver seems to lose control for a moment and the explorer crashes into a large boulder lying in it's path. This plus the speed the explorer is traveling at cause it to flip up into the air. It lands first on its tail and continues to roll forward for a couple of hundred meters. About halfway through its roll it bursts into flames. They watch it for a few seconds but no one seems to be getting out. Doog slides the chair with the incapacitated Vrusk tech out of the way and pulls up another chair and sits down at the terminal. The tech is still logged in and just as he sits down, the screen flashes up a dialog box that simply reads "Purge Complete". Obviously they were deleting data. He starts to pull up various screens and diagnostics but it is not immediately appearant what was being purged. Most of the base files are still there although many of the logs for the last three days do seem to be gone. As he searches he finds that there doesn't seem to be any additional information on him beyond the standard base personnel file. He copies it for good measure but leaves it on the computer since he realizes that it would look a little strange if just his data vanished when it had a legitimate reason for being there. The bots head out into the rest of the complex per Malcom's orders but quickly report back that there are no new targets. It seems that the base is now secure. Ting and Leo emerge from the sweltering ore processing facility into the cooler outside air and delcare that area cleared as well. Just as the 'bots report, Gren's console comes alive with a response from the inbound air craft. He sees on his sensors that they have flipped over to atmophereic mode and are still coming in at about Mach 2 and are now only about 10 kilometers out. "TSSS Dart, Obar Mining base. This is Captain Hannigan of the New Pale defense force. We are inbound to your location. Respond immediately with status. We have the compound on visuals. Do not, repeat, do not attempt to lift off or you will be shot down. We're going to get to the bottom of this mess." You realize that these are the same two fighters that did the visual inspection of the Dart just a short hour ago. However, all of the folksy laid back casualness of earlier seems to be gone. As Captain Hannigan stops talking the Dart's radar picks up four new targets. It quickly identifies them as air cars flying full out toward the base. The are coming from the south which is off toward the nearest bit of civilization. They will arrive at the base in about 15 minutes. Just then Leo's radiophone crackles to life as well. "OE Team. This is the survivor group <static> the mines. We've moved up to the first <static>vival shelture. Hopefully our transmission is bet<static>. Please advise status." The Laws of Physics will be enforced.
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundIt's been two weeks and not a peep from any of the players. I'm beginning to think this game is dead.
The Laws of Physics will be enforced.
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundNot yet it ain't! Still been checking in once a month or so.
"Hercules Alpaha, drag that vrusk to the exam room and stand guard. Hercules Beta, collect the dralasite from outside, the one that sliced me up and bring him to he surgical ward. Cerebus Delta, collect the yazarian we caught in the tangler outside and bring him to the exam room and stand guard there. Confirm orders and execute." He waits for the robots to follow the orders then turns to the others. "I'll be in the med center." He triggers his chronocom, dialing Gren. "Gren, I'll need your assistance in the med center. Two prisoners to interrogate and one to bring back from the dead, over." Be alert! After all, the galaxy needs more lerts!
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundDoog looks over at Mal, "This vrusk purged something from the logs, most of the database is still here but it looks like the logs from the last 3 days are missing. He's still logged on so we have access."
Doog tries a few tricks to see if there is any record still lingering in the computer on the off chance the vrusk was not that thorough. A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound
Sebastian toggles his chronocom, doubting the Dart is in range but at least the otehrs inthe team can hear the report: "Bach to Dart, nice shot! The explorer's out of action." Sebastian will take in the view from the tower, trying to spot and potential danger to the team. Forever Three Hoverfans
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundAs Malcom enlists the bots to help him move the comatose prisoners out of the room, Doog gets to work on the computers. Pulling up a separate terminal, he is surprised to find that his account is still active and since he was the computer admin, he has full access.
Unbeknownst to the pirates, the computer system on the base has a write-once/read-only backup system that records all files and actions on the system (basically a separate computer with a level 6 Information Storage program that can be written to and read but not erased.) Using his full admin account, he pulls up the file lists on the two system to compare what is missing. The search turns up the following:
After putting in the call to Gren, Malcom gets to work in the Medical Bay. He starts with the Dral that he had shot up with Staydose but it seems his body didn't take the drug properly or reacted strangely to it. Despite his best efforts, he is unable to revive the injured Dral. The others, however, are fine. The two human males and the female vrusk from the office are uninjured (other than having breathed in a double dose of doze gas) and the Yazirian from outside is a little roughed up but otherwise healthy. Any of them can be interrogated. All other PCs are where they were at my last post. You have 15 minutes until the aircars arrive that Gren picked up on radar. The Laws of Physics will be enforced.
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundLeo makes his way toward Doog and the computer center as he replise to the mine personnel. "We believe that the situation is now in hand. New Pale Defence Forces are inbound and it seems that the pirates have been neutralized. Hang tight and we will get to you as soon as we can." Leo then switches to converse with Captain Hannigan and informs him of the situation on the ground.
As he tromps through the compound he slaps his gun away from him as it bounces against him from the shoulder strap. He then thinks to check the safety. Sighing, he vowes to get used to his weapon seeing as how he can't seem to keep from getting into situations where it is needed. Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundLeo gets a reply from the trapped base staff. "Copy tha<static>e'll start clearing out the en<static>ce from our side with the two <static>e have with us. Use the other bots to<static>orking from the outside."
"Acknowleged, Mr. Molokov," comes the reply from Captain Hannigan after Leo reports the situation. "A New Pale Citizen Guards unit is enroute and will be arriving in about fifteen minutes. I recommend that you cooperate with them when they arrive. If you're claim is legitimate, you won't have any issues." Arriving at the base office, Leo sees Malcom working with the bots to maneuver a Vrusk into the medical bay. Doog looks like he is hard at work at one of the terminals in the room. There are several other stations available and one of the looks like it is still logged in. The Laws of Physics will be enforced.
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound"Inbound aircars," Sebastian mutters under his breath. "And ol' chatterbox is out of ammo..."
He taps his chronocom. "Let's hope they're as friendly as Hannigan suggests." He will stay in the tower to get a good vantage of the arriving aircars. Forever Three Hoverfans
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundThe aircars are 15 minutes out. If you want you have plenty of time to go get a reload belt or two from the Dart for Chatterbox.
The Laws of Physics will be enforced.
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundExcellent, Sebastian will take two ammo belts and return to the tower, setting up the machine gun.
"Okay ol' girl, let's hope we don't have to go buck wild again." Forever Three Hoverfans
Re: Mission 1b: Entering the CompoundLeo sits down at an open terminal. Glancing over at Doog he sees that there isn't much for him to help out with. Hating to feel useless, but hating more looking useless, he begins working at the terminal. Out of curiouslity he is doing a search of Capt. Hannigan, New Pale Defence Force, and the New Pale Citizens Guard. Using his computer skills he tries to locate a communication line for NPDF and NPCG. He wants to get a look at and a listen to who they are and will be dealing with.
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
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