Chapter 2.1 Operation Guillotine

Set in the Star Frontiers setting 100 years after the original Warriors of White Light Module pursuing all new adventures in the classic setting. Most original TSR printed game materials are constitute history in this game.

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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:11 pm

IC: Captain Zyrova closed the com connection and asked Tanar to raise the shuttle.

Once the Golden Hind was raised, she proceeded, "Ms. Blue, I've just been commed by the Queen directly and the entire security detachment for Princess Avana is unreachable to a man. The Queen has ordered the Nightingale to shift her orbit to support us here and while other assets are deploying to skies over the capitol. I need you on the ground now and in possession of the Avana. This matter requires haste please expedite and understand that the burden of command may require the death of those under your command. Do you understand?"
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:46 pm

Savrax exhales slowly. “Niss, take Mantin’s position. Be ready to spray that window if we need a distraction. Mantin, your skills would be better suited inside with us. All save for Niss, form up on me here at the door. We are going to go in.”
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:59 pm

Mantin with Slayerian took the lead at the door but the yazerian's tech skills were not needed as the door wasn't locked.

Savrax wanted to follow next but Ventura bulk was unmovable and he just nodded, "No need to lead from the front sir, there's probably plenty of fecal matter to fall on all of us."

Savrax was about to say something to human who could pass for a wall when he was commed from Captain Zyrova, "Mr. Savrax, the shuttle needs an alternate landing site does the ceramacrete parking lot at your location look to be large enough for it if it landed vertically?"

There was no real way to know and a lot of variables could queer the deal like thickness of the ceramacrete or shoddy fuzing by the contractor but it was supported by frozen ground and... "No way to know for sure, Captain. I'd hate to say yes and have a catastrophy."

"Understood but it has been confirmed that the GOC have succeeded in taking out one of their targets and with the total loss of communication with the Princess's security detail the Queen is very insistent that progress be made concerning her daughter and she's not interested in safety margins. So what I need to know is is it at all possible to land the shuttle at your location?"

"Affirmative, captain it COULD be possible."

The captain thanked him and broke the connection. While Savrax had been busy conferring the team had proceeded with the entry not knowing there was a distraction going on and Savrax almost had to play catch up. Inside the building Mantin and Slayerian cleared the room on the left which was empty then proceeded to clear the one on the right while Ventura kept his laser rifle trained on the end of the hall. Both rooms flanking the hall are empty locker rooms each with doors facing the main lobby.

External speakers on the team's helmets picked up a conversation:

Voice of person in the next room, "Come on, can't you just put some food on a gondola and send it down? I'm hungry!"

Voice over a com speaker, "Shut up and get up here, we've had resistance from hotel staff and still haven't found her yet."

"Well alright, I'm tired of cooling my heals down here."

OOC: You've cleared the hall and the locker rooms and know there is at least one occupant in the next area. The view from back in the hall tells you that there is a mezzanine level accessible by a spiral staircase directly across from the hall.

lift house master.png
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:30 pm

"Copy that, Skipper," Lyssa says,"setting down."

"Dudd," she says, as she sets the Hind tail-first on the permacrete,"get below and start the overhaul the moment we touch down."
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby umungus » Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:28 pm

Mantin gets a tangler ready in one hand. Holding his rifle in the other. Creeps into the room and tangles anyone he sees.

If no one is there he tosses two tanglers onto the mezzanine and rushes up the stairs. He hand signals to Slayerin what he is doing first.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:38 pm

IC: Mantin entered the lobby from the right locker room with Slayerian close behind and his rifle trained up toward the mezzanine. Venture who 'd been in the hallway came forward as he saw them with his rifle trained up and Savrax was close behind him.

The GOC terrorist was letting out a, "Whoo hoo," as he ran for the spiral stairs case charging down it with his rifle slung across his back. Mantin had been ready to throw his grenade but the speed of the target would have generated a miss so holding his throw he managed to lob it right at the foot of the stairs just at the terrorist arrived there. The target had a brief moment of surprise as he saw Mantin and Slayerian just before the exploding tangler enveloped him in its sticky mass that hardened in seconds.

As soon as his surprise wore off he began to assault them with a torrent of verbal abuse, "Frag you, royal maggots, the Guards of Clarion are gonna take you all down and the monarchy with you!....."

Kilometers of above the lift house Alyssa Blue gritted her teeth as she rolled the shuttle through the difficult maneuvers to transition from straight atmospheric flight to a standard rocket style landing. It was something she had done many time in simulator and during her finals but never with this sort of wind. In fact she was sure the book advised against it under these condition.

The maneuvers were going flawless till a rogues gust of wind tipped the ship to far and they were nearly spiraling out of control. If it handn't been for the computer's support they have been dead. She managed to right the ship and as the ground was coming up fast she opened the throttle wider. With maneuvering jets firing at full and the ship just barely under control she threw caution to the wind let the ship drop faster then book said the landing struts could handle.

Once on the ground she remained at the controls overseeing the maneuver jets as they struggled to prevent the winds from toppling the ship. Grelude and Dudd scrambled to set the self firing piton anchors and attach guidelines.

With the ship relatively secure and Dudd ordered to reload another fuel pellet and then double check the landing struts for stress damage. Alyssa and Grelude jogged the distance to the lift house. Everyone else had donned the orbital drop suits but her and she could feel the biting cold seeping through the skien suit that doubled as a flight suit. It just didn't have the extra insulation. At the lift house they entered to the sound of a string of swearing that was cut off suddenly with a thud that sounded like a rifle butt smacking teeth.

In the lobby she found the rest of the team standing over an entangled GOC terrorist with pulped bloody lips spitting out a tooth.

Niss was there as well entering something into her body comp before announcing, "The bot is outside and I've ordered him to put the Royal Guard casualty on the 'Hind."

At that the GOC prisoner laughed, "We shot the crap out of those frag holes."

He stopped laughing as Ventura moved as if to butt stroke him with his rifle and the prisoner flinched showing fear in his eyes.

Before anyone could say anything next the prisoner's muffled chronocom chirpprd, "_______what's taking so long? Get on the gondola and get up here...."

OOC: do you wish to do something here or take a gondola ride? gondola on the left goes to hotel. you can take the prisoner with you or stuff him in a locker in the locker room. Gondola/monorail has variable speed: sight seeing speed and get there in minutes speed.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Will » Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:17 pm

OOC: Y'know, I'm tempted to re-enact a scene from Babylon 5: Legend Of the Rangers at this point. Anyone have some kaboomite, duct tape and a marker so Lyssa can write the word "GOODBYE!" on his forehead?!
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby umungus » Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:59 pm

They still haven't figued out were here yet. I say we take a gondola ride. Lets take the prisoner with us. Anyone bring any Telol?
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:31 pm

Niss has a full med kit.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:31 pm

Sav takes one of his vials of Solvaway and applies it to the GOC. He roughly removes the weapons and any gear from the terrorist, making sure to take his chronocom and check his pockets and other hiding spots. As the piece of human debris lays in front of him, Savrax sized him up to see if he could fit into this guys jacket. He steps back from the goc and says “strip him and stuff him” as he jambs his thumb over his shoulder to indicate a locker. Holding the liberated chronocom in his hand, he tries to slip the bad guys’ coat on over his as he moves to the gondola. “I suggest you all stay low and out of sight incase anybody is watching our approach.” With that he steps in leaning with his back facing out so his face will be hidden. He sets his helmet on the floor and puts on the hat of the terrorist. “Going up.”
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Terl Obar » Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:53 pm

Tanar, frustrated by the unalterable laws of celestial mechanics and having to wait for the recon satellite passes that are his main source of information, continues to pre-flight the Pelican as much as he can and scan the CRM databases for additional information.

After a minute or two of searching, he has an idea and taps into the Glacier Bay Resort's reservation system. Looking over the list of beings still at the resort who didn't check out before the storm hit, he notices a couple of names that catch his eye. Toggling the comm to the team on the ground he gives a short sit rep. "Alpha Team, this is Tanar, I was just looking over the occupancy list of the resort. Be advised you may have some assistance when you arrive. There is one of our own, CRM Alyson Drake still checked into the hotel along with an ex SpaceFleeter, Liam Mowbray. Keep an eye out for them when you get there, Tanar out."
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby umungus » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:44 pm

ooc: I can be such a block head sometimes. Mantin has a medkit. Duh!!

Mantin puts an insectoid knee on the bad guy and shoots him up with Telol.
"Now how many are at the top of the hill?"
"What kind of weapons do they have?"
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:32 pm

With a look that appears to be a cross of dopey and constipated the GOC answers, "Six, no seven, no its six, I'm seven. We have a grenade rifle, lasers, autopistols, a sonic disruptor, grenades everyone carried what their preference was. Everyone was suppose to take a non-lethal weapon though I dont think many of us followed that."

Searching the human turns up plastipaper photos of the princess, a Royal Guard Lt. and a Royal Guard Sgt. who are presumably the leaders of the security detail. The backs of the pictures are blank but one has stylus impressions in it.
The chronocom appears to be brand new and only have has 20 numbers in it.

Savrax wriggles the parka and snow pants over his orbital drop suit, and pulls on the pseudowool hat. Its a tight fit but otherwise works. His own chronocom is still plugged into his combat harness so the rest of the team can closely listen in to what he's hearing though he can't hear them without the helmet on.

OOC: I believe you have 1 more question before this guy passes out. And Alyssa and Grelude are now along.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby umungus » Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:22 am

"Anyone else have a question for this scum before he passes out?"
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:25 pm

“What is your plan of extraction; Location, Time, and Means?”

Savrax examines the stylus impressions on the back of the one photo, trying to make out their significance.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:57 pm

IC: "Supposed to be Perry Field to Lapin Airport, but timetable is if off with storm and no check in from copter team so we just kill the target and escape as best we can." His eyes roll back in his head and out he goes. Ventura grabs his limp body and looking at Savrax and Alyssa says, "May I?"

He inverts him head down and proceeds to stuff him in a locker, head down. He scribbles a note that says, "To open locker pull pin" and attaches it to a frag grenade and leaves it in the locker with him. After smashing the lock he pats the locker and says, "Sleep tight."

OOC: Savrax is dressed in the terrorist parka I,m assuming everyone else will ride in the gondola and duck down and You'll fly by the seat of your pants in the lobby. I'm also assuming that Savrax's plan is to get the drop on anyone there if he can?

any other precautions?

The stylus impressions look like someone was writing on another sheet of paper on top of this one.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:11 am

Savrax gives a curt nod to Ventura as he turns to the stylus marks, trying to read them. He thinks to himself that this would be much easier if he had some colored chalk dust…or even some powdered drink mix. He scans around to see if he can find anything that would be equivalent to powdered hot cocoa or anything else that he could sprinkle onto the back of the photo that would fill the groves made by the stylus.

OOC: That’s the plan I had envisioned. Sav will keep his back to the glass so the terrorists won’t see his face. I assume the gondola will open into a lobby and it will go something like the end of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, only with a happier ending for us. Sav will keep the captured chronocom in his hand to be able to monitor any attempted communication.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:21 am

OOC: LOL anyone have an MRE with grape drink powder or cocoa power? I've just recently re-read the survival rations description from AD and it sounds worse than an MRE (which I've actually enjoyed eating and even found a civilian distributer and subjected my Boy Scout troop to them on a "survival" camp out). None the less you don's see any thing here maybe the Hotel lobby will have a lounge or bar or the check in desk has something that will work.

I'll do a turn advance tomorrow night after work or on Saturday.
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby jedion357 » Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:39 pm

The Marines load into the left gondola and activate it.

They study the hotel set into the side of the mountain and note one of the floors halfway up has a missing window very plainly showing up in IR.

As the car nears the hotel everyone but Savrax ducks down. The car stops and the door opens and nothing happens. Savrax causiously checks and debarks the gondola. To his left is a check in desk and ahead and to the left is a lounge area. Across the large lobby at what could be a concierge desk is a human male with his feet up and his parka thrown across the desk. He's holding a grenade rifle in an upright position and yells, "About damn time! Come on. We need you to watch the tunnel leading back to the employee areas deeper in the mountain from the kitchen so Joe and I can join the rest searching the upper floors."

Resort lobby 01.png
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Re: Chapter 2: Operation Guillotine

Postby Inigo » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:46 pm

Savrax quickly sizes up his surroundings with his peripheral vision, making note of potential soft and hard cover in case it gets ugly. Before taking a step forward he mutters “16 meters straight. Nade launcher”, just loud enough for those hiding in the gondola to hear. He begins walking toward the GOC as he turns the setting of his laser rifle up to 10, praying that the sob isn’t wearing an albedo screen. Savrax tries hard not to look up straight at the goc so as to not be identified as an imposter right away. Yet he tries to keep enough of him in focus so he can register any change in his body language that might communicate that he had been discovered. He takes a couple of steps and snaps his rifle up and takes two shots, not bothering to shout for his companions to roll out.
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