Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion (chapter 2)

Set in the Star Frontiers setting 100 years after the original Warriors of White Light Module pursuing all new adventures in the classic setting. Most original TSR printed game materials are constitute history in this game.

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Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion (chapter 2)

Postby jedion357 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:30 pm

IC: Lt Liam Mowbray, well former Lt., stared out the windows of the plush two room suite at Glacier Bay Resort. He was here to grav ski but in reality it was to decompress. He suspected that when his father learned the details of his premature departure from Space Fleet that he'd refer to this little jaunt as something else.

It wasn't like his heart was truly into grav skiing, if it had been he probably could have gotten in a few runs with the Princess. She was an avid skier and though he was from a minor branch of the nobility she'd likely have accepted a challenge phrased the right way. Still his only real evidence of her presence here was the gossip from the staff as he had yet to lay eyes on her. Well that and the obvious members of the Royal Guard. There had been some stony stares from the Lt and the Stg. heading up that detail which no doubt meant they'd already been briefed on him and his departure from Space Fleet. Not very likely the Royal Guard would miss anything like that especially in anyone who could potentially come within an arms length of someone next in line for the throne.

He turned about the sitting room and took a chair opposite the window that would otherwise have had a gorgeous view. He didn't really care that the blizzard was a white out and obscured the view, staring at the pattern of snow blowing sideways was equally as distracting as the former view.

What was he going to do now? His career was a crash and burn. Hopes and dreams of command dashed and he still had to face his father....

He was slipping deeper into his reverie when a sound in the hall penetrated his "decompression." It sounded like a sob.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby jedion357 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:42 am

OOC: Liam's two room suite is on the far left of the map. The suit has a bathroom, a closet, a hot tub in the bedroom, a level 1 computer that has severely limited access to the hotel's main computer (can access Liams room bill, entertainment library and such stuff) and each room of the suit has a configurable tri-vid holo projector for watching movies and what not. The Princess is not on this floor but probably has the Monarch Suite on the next to upper most floor. The floors throughout are this level are thick carpet and hard wood floor.

There are two elevators and a stair well in the bottom right corner. The fire place at the hallway junction is a real honest to goodness gas fed fire not a hologram. The hotel is set into the side of the mountain facing south by south west.

The other rooms on this floor had been occupied but Liam believes the occupants checked out and returned home after the blizzard advisory was issued. Liam has a decent understanding of the layout of the hotel but some detail I wont show publicly till the other players have reached them PM or email me for more info if you need it.

Liam easily has a side arm (non ship safe is permitted as he's not in naval service anymore), 2 clips, and possibly a small melee weapon and power clip if required, a civilian skien suit and a smattering of pocket clutter (like ID card, everflame- that sort of stuff) but no heavy military ordinance, he could have grenades of a self defensive nature but only one or two. Other items are possible. The side arm, clips, melee weapon, ID, and skien suit are considered "issued" in that you dont have to pay for them out of your money but anything else will have to come form your starting money.
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Resort rooms floor.png (623.04 KiB) Viewed 105255 times
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby donpaulie » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:39 pm

IC: Liam Mowbray sits quietly rocking in his chair staring out of the window. The stare is more blank than anything. FLashing through his mind on what seems to be a continuious loop are the events that have brought him back home. It seems like he has sat and stared for hours...he has no motivation to hit the slopes and less motivation to visit the lodge. "Lay low here for a while" he tells himself. None to eager to face his fathe, Captain, Lord Ian Mowbray, Royal Marine Corps Retired. Lord Ian never approved of Liam's care free life. The parties, the women and the ability to forget what it means to be Clarion nobility. His mother, Lady Penelope was not as hard on her son. She understood boys will be boys, but her sons latest adventure would be difficult to chalk up to youthful indescretion.

As Liam sits and thinks he hears a soft sobbing outside his door. Liam looks behind him at the door. He still hears the sound of sobbing. Cautiously he makes his way to the door, opens it. Huddled on the floor before him the source of the sobbing. She looks familliar..."SPACE!!'" curses Liam in surprise. He knows who this poor creature is." "Penelope!?" asks Liam as he kneels down to see if she is alright. Lady Penelope Ainsworth, an old childhood friend. One of the Princess' inner circle. Through her sobs she realizes who has come to her rescue "Liam, Oh Liam!" Liam helps her to her feet. He hears the fire tower stairway door open. He sees the barrel of a weapon emerge from the door. Quickly he pulled Penelope into his room and quietly closed the door behind them. "Penelope! What's wrong?" "Their here Liam, those terrorists...they are here for ......." She sobbed harder. In an attempt to calm her down he gently puts her head into his hands! "Shhh...Aly...Shh...One is in the hallway now!" He grabs a knife left over from the breakfast dishes and leads her to his bedroom. He opens the closet and gently sits her on the floor. He puts the knife into her hands. "Wait here! Do not leave this closet until I come for you". He grabs his weapon and and heads towards the door. If these terrorists are here for the Princess, he must do something!
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby jedion357 » Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:03 am

OOC Here is a cross section of the hotel. The public areas are fairly well known to Liam and he is aware of the presence of employee only tunnels leading deeper into the mountain to provide store rooms, maintenance areas, laundry, employee quarters, yada yada yada but Liam has never seen these areas though not for lack of trying when he was a kid visiting here on vacation.

Most rooms floors are identical to Liam's floor with the possibility of small variations and the Monarch suit's floor is likely to be very different as it has a large balcony directly over the monorail port.

1st floor: Lobby & Piano Bar
2nd Floor: Dining room and kitchen
3rd Floor: Gym and pool
4th thru 7th Floor: Guest rooms (Liam is on the 5th floor)
8th Floor: Monarch's Suit
9th Floor: Observation Deck & Bar (Liam remembers when it was an air car landing pad back before a tourist slammed into the mountain during a blizzard)

Rsort CrossSection.png
Rsort CrossSection.png (183.51 KiB) Viewed 105247 times
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby jedion357 » Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:51 pm

IC: Liam-
Once he was sure Penelope Ainsworth was ok with being left in the closet he grabbed his pistol, spare clip and vibro knife and ghosted to the door of his suit. Part of his brain was thanking whatever god of providence that had led him to wear the civilian skien suit today.

At the door he made a quick peek of the hall and saw a three armed dral armed with two auto pistols coming down the hall.
A yell of hey was followed by two burst of automatic fire. Bullets ripped into the sofa opposite the door and the bulk of both burst impacted the floor to ceiling windows Liam had been staring at. They spider webbed but held due to a poly coating despite 8 holes.

Liam hadn't even had time to check the setting on his laser but reacted with a dive to the other side of the doorway and two quick shots [roll 23 & 14 scores 3 SEU each hit, total 55pts] but the tell tale flare of an albedo screen flashed absorbing the laser energy.

IC: Alyson Drake-
Alyson Drake looked up from the double bed, she must have dosed off from an old fashioned case of jetlag. She smoothed a wrinkle from the Royal Marine dress uniform that she had flown out to Glacier Bay in and considered what to change into. All she had was a simple week end bag full of clothes since she had agreed to the free trip to the resort in exchange for looking at a time share condo complex in development nearby.

To bad for the time share people as the blizzard had cancelled their program and she was already here on their dime. She really had no interest in a time share. It was just the free trip to the resort and the chance to possibly grav ski that she was interested in.

Hopefully, the weather would break in a day or it was going to be to bad for her too; cooped up in a deserted hotel during a blizzard. Maybe there were a few other “nuts” like her who hadn’t heeded the recommendation to leave.

At the thought of what she should do with herself she activated the computer terminal at the desk and reviewed hotel services. They did have an exhaustive entertainment library, a gym, heated pool, hot tubs, and lounges. If nothing else she could just borrow a file computer from the concierge and down load a good book to sit by the fire in the lobby though that option would wear thin quickly as her body was still keyed to the academy’s physical fitness program. It would be likely that she’d get the gym to herself so maybe she could get aggressive about the workout without freaking out other guests.

She shrugged and sat back, wanting to do something but not entirely sure what. That’s when the sound in the hall jerked her to her feet with her side arm in her hand. That was the sound of automatic fire on the other side of the door.

Drawing her laser set to 3 SEU she knelt at the door and reached for the lock panel...

The dral swore and fired both auto pistols for full burst again this time one of the window blew out. Liam hoping he didn't have a third pistol ready to fire reached into the hall way and fired twice just a the door half way down open facing the dral [Roll 12 & 35 1 hit 17 pts].

Alyson Drake opened the door to dral looking down the hall with two machine pistols. The Dral's albedo screen flared and he started to swing toward her with the pistols and she fired [ Roll 12 & 60 17 pts]

The dral screamed, "Marine!" and dove at Alyson attempting to bowl her over with a successful grapple [12] but she breaks it immediately calling on her unarmed skills causing damage [automatic punch score damage with breaking a hold] and follows through with a counter strike [20- knock out blow total stamina loss is -8]. The dral is knocked off his feet and falls into the hall unconscious.

Gingerly Alyson Drake checks the hall and sees Liam in his doorway using standard hand signals to check the hall way leading to the elevators. Together they check the other hall and upon seeing no other opponents they drag the dralasite and his pistols into Alyson's room.

OOC: The dralasite has two empty auto pistols and 3 more clips, a power belt with 21 SEU, albedo screen, 2 smoke grenades, a chronocom but no ID card. He's been wounded and patched up recently. Alyson has a med kit since she took medic skill. I edited Alyson Ainsworth's name to Penelope Ainsworth to reduce confusion.

Also I know we discussed the laser for Liam but he doesn't have beam weapons skill he may wish to change up to an auto pistol as he's level 2 with that.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby MOrab46019 » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:36 pm

Gingerly Alyson Drake checks the hall and sees Liam in his doorway using standard hand signals to check the hall way leading to the elevators. Together they check the other hall and upon seeing no other opponents they drag the dralasite and his pistols into Alyson's room.

IC:Ally says,"You ok? Do you know what is going down?" She pulls the power belt off the dral and says,"Would you like the screen? Lt. Liam? Also what to do with this guy? We have something to tie him up with? Looks like he is the only one we might get to see what is going on." She sees the two smoke grenades and says,"Can you used these?"

OOC:She will wait and see what happens next.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby jedion357 » Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:41 pm

OOC: the only thing you have to secure him, other than a chemical restraint, would be the curtain strings in Liam's room- the windows polarize to total opaqueness for privacy but curtains are used to help insulated against cold seeping in.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby MOrab46019 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:56 am

Alyson says,"Lt. can you get your curtain strings looks like that is all we can use to tie this guy up. Not sure if it will work. He could change shape and wiggle out. It is worth a try."
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby jedion357 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:38 pm

OOC: LOL the referee forgot that he arbitrarily made this mook a dral and your right about him getting out

rule book says in skills under administering drugs sub skill that stay dose will put a character in suspended animation.
I would rule that you can use this drug to keep an already unconscious character unconscious for 20 hrs with his stamina reducing that time slightly since he's not below 0.

if its not on your character sheet yet you do get one tool kit free so I think the med kit is there.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby donpaulie » Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:55 pm

IC: After helping the Royal Marine remove the Dral body from the hall he adds, "Much better to keep him unconcious. These guys don't tie up like the rest of us." "Yeah...I think I can handle the gernades, just pull the pin and toss, right?" He checks the rest of the weapons. Liam holsters the laser pistol. Picks up the auto pistol and smiles. "This is more to my liking." (If the Dral has a second one, Liam takes that as well and stuffs it into a pocket. He continues to search the Dral. "Its just Liam, not Lt. Liam, just Liam." Liam will take any extra ammunition the dral has for the auto pistol. He also snatches up the chronocom, "Might be good to know what the bad guys are up to" he tells the Marine. Liam also searches for any douments, maps anything that will give us an insight as to what their plans are. Liam extends his hand to the Marine. "Liam Mowbray." After introductions are made, He says "Wait here. I will be right back." Liam goes back to his room to retrieve Penney.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby jedion357 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:24 pm

IC:Searching the dral's skien suit turns up plastipaper photos of the princess, a Royal Guard Lt. and a Royal Guard Sgt. who are presumably the leaders of the security detail. There is a note that says, "Kill all the maggots but take the prize [a small portion is smudged to illegibility] on Rock Runner " that is written on the back of the princess' picture.
The chronocom appears to be brand new and only have has 20 numbers in it.

OOC: I just want to be sure about where all the equipment went: both auto pistols to Liam, and did you split the grenades or did Liam take them and did the power belt and screen go to Alyson?
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby MOrab46019 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:34 am

IC: Ally says,"I would like to take your laser pistol. Since you have those two pistols. You can have the screen with the power pack. Also you can have one smoke while I take the other. Sounds good to you. Looks like they are after princess. Do you know where she is?"

IC:Action she will stay dose the Dral. That way he have one that can talk.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby donpaulie » Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:37 pm

IC: LIam hands his laser pistol to Ally. "Come on, I have a friend stashed away in my suite. Lets use it as a tactical rally point. Penney might know the last known whereabouts of the Princess, or where she might be headed to. We can come with a game plan there and stop these bastards."

OOC: Jedion, is there anyway I can set the chronocom to catch any chatter amongst the terrorists?
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby MOrab46019 » Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:28 pm

IC:Ally takes the Liam's laser checks it and puts the setting on SEU 3. Ally says,"Sounds good to me. I just hope we can stop these guys. Just think if they can get away with it." She follows Liam.

When Ally meets Penney she says,"Hi I hope you can help us."

OOC:How many shots are left in it?
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby jedion357 » Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:44 pm

OOC: Liam passes Alyson his laser pistol with 8 SEU left and I assume the spare clip so that Alyson is now armed with 2 lasers

Liam is now armed with 2 autopistols that were empty but you load the spare clips the dral had.

and you two are new to the game but your characters should know that the Guards of Clarrion are a splinter group of the old Liberation Front (original White Light Module) and they are especially rabid in their hate for the Royal Guard, Royal Marines and the monarchy so that Alyssa in her "dress uniform" skeinsuit will likely draw more fire than Liam in civies. What this means is that even if they get their objective they will likely go out of their way to kill her.

IC: Penny is in a full blown panic attack and looks to be even more panicked at the idea of leaving the closet. She points the knife at either of you if you come to close and her whole body is near convulsions with her shaking that has nothing to do with shivering. When asked about the princess and terrorist it seemed to you she looked up but said nothing.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby donpaulie » Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:57 pm

IC: Liam makes his way back to his suite with caution. Pulls his key card out and swipes it.They enter. Liam will keep his back to the wall until the door slides shut. "Come on Allyson, she's back here." Liam walks into the bed room and walks over to the closet. Liam squats down next to her and gently grabs her knife arm. "Shhhh...Penny, its OK. Look, I met a Marine in the hall. We are going to help the Princess, but we need you to help us first." Liam puts his free hand around her waist and very slowly brings Penney to her feet. "That's a girl, nice and easy. I won't let anything happen to you." Liam softl y says. Liam turns to Ally. "May I present Lady Penelope Ainsworth, Penny, this is Allyson Drake of the Royal Marines. She is here to help!" Liam grabs the spare comforter from the bed and opens it and wraps her in it to try to prevent her from going into shock. Liam steps out of the room, over to the mini bar and pours a water and brings it too her. "Here, drink." Liam looks at Ally "She is not going to be any help too us like this, not until she regains her senses." Turning back to Penny, "It will be alright, Blossom, We are here now. I need you to try really hard...we need you to tell us everything that has happened. We can't save the Princess without you." Says Liam as he brushes her light brown hair from her face.

OOC: Is there any chance of being able to use the chronocom to monitor communication between the other terrorists?
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby MOrab46019 » Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:19 pm

and you two are new to the game but your characters should know that the Guards of Clarrion are a splinter group of the old Liberation Front (original White Light Module) and they are especially rabid in their hate for the Royal Guard, Royal Marines and the monarchy so that Alyssa in her "dress uniform" skeinsuit will likely draw more fire than Liam in civies. What this means is that even if they get their objective they will likely go out of their way to kill her.

OOC:Gee nice to know LOL.

IC:Ally says,"Liam, I hope she can pull it together and fast. If not we just might have to take a shot to look for for her blind. I bet she is on the top floor at this place?"
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby jedion357 » Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:22 pm

OOC: Sorry about the chroncom question I had read through the post for both threads but forgot to comment in all the excitement. :)

I would say no its more like a cell phone than a radio. It does have 20 numbers in it though and a call history of two calls from one number and one call from another. As far as I'm concern you can use chronocoms to set up a team channel like a 3 way phone call. in a military operation each squad would have a squad channel and the officers would have a separate channel. Royal marines wearing their combat helm can easily hop from channel to channel any number of people could be on a channel (I wont set a limit but obviously 100 people on one channel would be chaos) the two of you could set up a channel and I'll assume that the tow of you are just enough of gadget nuts to maintain ear pieces. so you can put the coms to be broadcasting the sounds surrounding each of you which could be a tactical benefit.

Other wise you'd only know if the bad guys were using a com if they called the com you have or you called the com numbers in it.

Penny drinks half the water and still shaking she says, "Th-th-th-ey k-k-killed the guards and the b-b-butler." then she burst into tears and sobs. "W-w-w-ee split and sh-sh-she drew th-th-their attention so I could get to the s-s-stairs. I was to go down and she w-w-was going to try the balcony to go up."
Drawing a deep breath she looks directly into Liam's eye and says, "P-please you have to save her, I I I couldn't take it if if th-th-they got her too."

OOC: Note its only Wensday but I like to do a turn advance toward the end of the week sometimes even on Thursday right after work but I'll watch for post and wait till Saturday otherwise.
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby donpaulie » Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:26 pm

IC: While checking out the chronocom and setting up the ear piece Liam says Ally "Well, that should make it a bit easier. Ally, I think we should set up a channel on our chronocoms in case we need to split up. I want to leave this slug's chronocom free right now in case they try to ring us, or if we are ready to hassel them. I propose we go up and search the 8th floor and the 9th. The 8th floor is where the Princess has her suite. Never been up there...and I am one of the nobles! You would think my dear, sweet friend Penny would bring me up as a guest!!" says Liam as he looks at Penny, smiles and gives her a gentle nudge in the shoulder trying to get her to smile. To Ally "I think we should go through the Monarch Suite then work our way up to the Observation Deck on 9. We go quiet and we go quick!" Liam lifts Penny's chronocom wrist. He sets it so she can have access to the channel Ally and I will use if we split up. This way she can also reach us if she needs to. Liam will secretly program the Princess' number if he thinks she has it. This might be for tactical purposes or if we need to trianglate her position. "This is set for emergency purposes ONLY, Penny! We are going to see about saving the Princess! Its going to be dangerous, so I need you to go back into the closet." Liam tells her as he moves her to the closet and gently sits her down. "Don't move or make a sound until we come back, got it? I'll tell Her Majesty you send her compliments!" Liam takes her hand, "Everything will be OK, Sweetie! In a few months when we are out with our friends you are going to tell everyone how you single handely saved the Princess!" He gently kisses her on the cheek and turns to face Ally. "Are you ready, Marine?"
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Re: Lt. Liam Returns to Clarion

Postby MOrab46019 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:32 pm

Are you ready, Marine?"

IC: Ally says,"Yes sir." She checks the setting on her weapons. Making sure both were set at 3 SEU each. She holsters one and holds the other in her left hand. She also makes a radio check to make sure Liam hears her. Makes a check on the smoke hand grenade. Then says,"Let's go."

OOC: Did Laim that screen? And/or the power pack?
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