Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Set in the Star Frontiers setting 100 years after the original Warriors of White Light Module pursuing all new adventures in the classic setting. Most original TSR printed game materials are constitute history in this game.

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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Inigo » Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:19 pm

Sav nods to Ally. “Yes. Would you mind?” He begins handing things over to her, being careful not to leave prints or smudge ones that are there. He just handed over the juice bulb and was about to pass the cracker wrappers when he suddenly stopped. Looking from the wrappers to the juice and back, he opened his mouth to say something but didn’t. He looked up at Ally, composed himself and began to speak. “Crackers are good for settling an upset stomach. So is ginger.” He pauses for a moment and continues handing over the wrappers. “This may have nothing to do with this mystery, but somebody on board may be having some stomach trouble. This reminds me of a sickness a friend of mine developed a couple of years ago. She tried to hide it for quite some time, but in the end, she couldn’t. They called it…morning sickness.” Here he flashes Ally the briefest of grins. In fact, if one didn’t know Savrax, one would have missed it entirely.

Pulling the grenade casing from the disposal bin, he holds it up and looks at it before passing it gingerly to Ally. “If this was a personal rendezvous with a friend or lover, I seriously doubt they would have needed this. Is there any way we can scan the interior of the ship to detect any residue from this grenade? It might be help fill in the story line if we knew where it was detonated at.”

He fishes out the pill from the trash. “I wonder what this is, exactly. Let’s have Niss identify this as soon as we can.” Savrax then moves over to the sofa and gathers the half bottle of whiskey. He holds it up and examines it closely and asks, “Liam, forgive my ignorance, but would it be plausible that the Princess or any of her intimates would be drinking Imitation Terran Whiskey?”

From here Savrax moves down the ladder to engineering, sleeping area and the head.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby MOrab46019 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:31 pm

y have nothing to do with this mystery, but somebody on board may be having some stomach trouble. This reminds me of a sickness a friend of mine developed a couple of years ago. She tried to hide it for quite some time, but in the end, she couldn’t. They called it…morning sickness.” Here he flashes Ally the briefest of grins. In fact, if one didn’t know Savrax, one would have missed it entirely.

IC:Ally says,"She is with child from someone who is under her station. That is why she took this trip. To see that person. Then it took a turn for the bad."
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:44 pm

Savrax climbed down the ladder and inspected the engineering station but nothing stood out but then he wasn't an engineer and it wasn't likely that he noticed if anything was wrong with it.

Next to the engineering station was the head. Inside there was a drop of blood on the sink near the water activator. In the trash was a hand towel that had been used to staunch blood flow.

Breathing in deep he thought he smelled the odor of vomit but couldn't be sure, was it just on his mind and he wanted to smell it to confirm his earlier theory? He checked the commode but it was clean.

As he moved toward the sleeping berths he noticed that one of the survival packs bolted to the bulkhead didn't seem "plum." Checking it revealed that it was not properly latched into place and openning it revealed a missing grenade. Reviewing the list of contents he confirmed that everything else was there but the grenade (there were no other weapons in it as with some survival cases).

The bottom sleeping berth had crisply made sheets but there was an impression of a small suit case marring that crispness and none of the storage spaces held anything. The top berth had been used and was unmade. Both pillows had "head dents" there were no bodily fluids that he could see with the mark one eyeball. The storage compartments in the upper berth had three feminine style hand bags and female clothes plus a bottle of "Multi-Vite with Folic Acid".
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Inigo » Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:56 am

Savrax stands in the middle of engineering, looking around. He reports to the others over his chronocom, “Nothing to note down in engineering in the way of a stowaway as far as I can tell.”

He slips into the lavatory and begins looking around. Collecting the bloody towel and the drop of blood, he bags them. “There is a towel down here with a decent amount of blood.” He sniffs the air and pauses then sniffs again, unsure if the smells gastric acid or not.

Moving to the sleeping compartments, he begins his observations. “The grenade appears to have come from one of the survival kits in the bunk area.” He hesitates briefly before detaching the kit and adding it to the evidence pile. Unsure of how much is too much he decides that when collecting evidence, you most likely can never have too much. That is, as long as you aren’t the perpetrator of the crime.

Seeing the shared bed with two indented pillows he verbalizes, “Two bodies using one bed. Looks like Romeo is either the kidnapper or collateral damage.” (ooc: sorry for the 17th century real world reference.) He opens the lower storage compartment, noting that it is empty. He moves up to the upper one and searches through the three bags and various articles of clothing. He turns and surveys the room with a slightly furrowed brow. “I only find a small amount of luggage that would belong to a female; presumably the Princess. There is evidence of a missing suitcase (noting the indentation on the lower bunk.) It looks like Romeo is covering his tracks.” Savrax next turns back to the bottle of vitamins and opens it to examine them. He looks to see if it is the same as the pill he found in the disposal bin. He tosses the bottle in with the rest of the evidence just in case the pills have been tampered with. Finding nothing else noteworthy, he returns back towards the others.

Savrax surmises to Tanar, “It looks like her secret lover journeyed out here with her and betrayed her. She is pregnant. That may have something to do with her decision to run. However, I believe that she discovered the betrayal and bloodied him up a bit. Perhaps with that whiskey tumbler. I suspect that is when and why the stun grenade was used. He made contact and packed up his belongings and did a poor job of covering his tracks. Perhaps he assumed the ship would make the jump and never be discovered. Liam, you said that Lord vonWitten was the closest thing to her boyfriend. Could he be involved? Perhaps we can discretely determine his whereabouts during the time of the abduction. In the mean time, can we decelerate this thing enough to allow the Pelican or another craft to intercept it? I would feel better if we were hurtling through space trying to catch up with the Princess. I know we don’t know exactly where they are going, but can’t we make some logical conclusions? The ship that took her is most likely either a mining vessel or is carrying miners. They are anti-royals so if they are taking her somewhere, it would be a place that would be accepting of both miners and GOCs.”

OOC: What exactly is the stun grenade? At first I though of the concussion or flash/bang grenades. But would it be more along the lines of a doze? I only ask this because I assume it incapacitated her. Though, it is possible it could have been used on him I guess.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby donpaulie » Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:50 am

IC: "Its possible, Sav. Gods know I have drunk some of the worst beverage known to man. You drink what you can afford or get your hands on. vonWittin IS the closest think to a boy friend according to Penny. If the Princess is with child, he is a likely culprit. But, knowing vonWittin...he is class conscious. He wouldn't drink this crap! That I am certain of. I would like to think vonWittin wouldn't sell out a pregnant lover. I don't think he knows. if Her Majesty is pregnat, U think its very closely guarded. I don't think vonWittin is behind the disappearance, my theory is she wanted to hide out until after the birth and something just went very wrong". Liam sits silently for a minute. @ Tanar "Boss, I think we should get eyes on in the capital...someone to confirm vonWittin is on or off world. The more I hear, the less I like this. Also, maybe we start visiting known GOC havens, if we know of any".
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby umungus » Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:17 pm

Mantin states. "We can assume the Princess left in the ship that is indicated in the log; unless she got spaced."

"Tanar. Can we tell the trajactory of the ship when it left this one by the 'Black box'?" Mantin asks.

"If we can then maybe we can guess where it might be headed."

"We could mull over clues all planet cycle and still not be any closer to the Princess. We know that she is gone. We know that their was another ship here. Let us concentrate on that for a moment....."

OOC: Are there any areas that have mining nearby?

Mantin mumbles something under his breath about over important royalty wasting time and resources by being foolish.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:03 pm

OOC: STun grenade = GM brain fart LOL- its a dose grenade

Ajax use to be an enlisted member of the crew and was fully transferred at the request of the Queen's special investigator who is tasked with investigating (at first the bombing connected with the Raptor's Roost and on Clarion station back in the prologue but now he's overall in charge of running down the GOC). As the personal assistant to the special investigator Ajax is well placed to be eyes in the capitol and has extensive investigative resources at his disposal.

IC: The password came in "ESCAPE" and Tanar unlocked the ships controls and examined the full computer log and confirmed it was wiped clean just before the mystery vessel pulled away which left the mystery vessel being recorded in the main computer's log anyway.

As the team decelerated to meet with the Pelican Tanar number crunched the mystery vessel's course. And came to the conclusion that Wandron in the outer system was completely in the wrong sphere of sky to be even considered a plausible port of call (though that does doesn't completely rule it out). Planaron Ore Processing Station and Clarion were both somewhat in the vague direction of the ship and it could have altered course easily to either.

During the decel and link up with Pelican, word came from Ajax that Von Whitton was reported to be on an extended hunting trip and out of touch but that is simply what his butler reported that is not confirmed. He also pulled security footage and ran both standard optics (IR was not available) and discovered that someone with had entered the princesses ship and deactivated a holoscreen while in the air lock. The camera angle caught the human male's legs but not anything identifying. The princess was already on board at this point.

At this point the alarm went up on Clarion and throughout the White Light System. At the Captains insistence Niss analyzed data from med scans run by the those with med skill on the runabout, this was done linked through body comps over chronocom signals even though the Pelican was getting quite close. She confirmed male human DNA on the broken glass and discovered the presences of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG), A hormone produced by the placenta and made the diagnosis of pregnancy official enough.

OOC: you can talk out the evidence and even try to generate new evidence still during the link up time with the Pelican- Just prefix the post with BIC for before in character.

After Tanar made a report, the Captain spent a long subspace call in the conference room just off the bridge with the Queen. Then called a meeting of the crew in that conference room.

Captain Ellilana Zyrova, "What you all should know is that Princess Avana Ellilana Leonine is my god-daughter. I very much appreciate the thorough job you did on the run about and so does the Queen. For the record, we never located the run about and it is assumed that the princess has taken herself on an extended holiday and that will be the official story for the time being. The princess is safely away on holiday, understood."

"However, the Royal Marines and other security organizations are now "quietly" on alert and our only mission is the location and recovery of the Princesses. This is a mission that we will not fail at."

"That said the final decision is mine as captain but I'd like to hear your views on our next course of action and why? Or any other information that might be pertinent? Or if there is something we may have over looked?"


Ajax can be used as an NPC contact for the rest of this story arc.
the cargo module has 5 shuttle/fighter bays just like the Corsair container from the SFman (I'm not inclined to reinvent the wheel at this time and Shadow shack's work is excellent) so you've landed the shuttle in #1 and Liam was forced to space walk to the runabout and bring it into bay #2- the runabout being treated as a crime scene for now.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby donpaulie » Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:00 am

IC: "Captain, perhaps we should start patrolling near known GOC bases. Get the GOC members we have in custody talking. Maybe the security services can peice together more on what they are up to. We start putting the pressure on and they might make a mistake and maybe we might just shake that clue out of the tree that will lead us to the Princess.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Shadow Shack » Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:01 am

I'm bak to posting Grelude applicable to this scenario? If so, can I get a Cliffs Notes version?
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:40 am

Cliff notes

1. adventure kicks off with discovery of a plot to wipe out top 5 in line for the throne. Pelican's crew who were available were scrambled to aid in the pick up of the Princess. Turns into a cluster frag as the GOC were already on scene and in superior numbers to the Royal Guard bodyguard.

Team forced to improvised and ran down the GOC cell on the top floor of the hotel with a massive shoot out. During that process an off duty Royal Marine (Allyson Drake- ships gunner) and a disgraced, court martialled from Space Fleet, member of the aristocracy (Liam Mowbray ships pilot) turned up and helped as well the facilities engineer who just happened to be an honorably discharged 1 term vet from Land Fleet (Michael "Bodger" Rays).
The Princess and her attendant had used holo screens to switch places and Lady Penelope made the cold blooded decision to lead the terrorist away from the Princess who had been stashed in Lord Liam's closet- he thought it was Lady Penelope.

In the end the terrorist were dead most everyone was wounded and Lady Penelope, in the holo disguise of the Princess was very nearly killed.

Royal Marines recruited Liam and Bodger and they with Allyson Drake transfered in to the Pelican's crew while Alyssa Blue was transfered to another position elsewhere.

Pelican has been on patrol when a report that Princess Avana was "running away" without her body guard "because she didn't want anyone else around her to get kill"

The captain ordered "Tanar Daagron" to form a team and take the shuttle to catch up with the Princess' runabout - it was discovered still accelerating out system with no one on it.

Someone had bungled wiping its logs, male and female DNA were discovered on board and evidence of the female being pregnant was also discovered. a stun grenade casing was discovered in the trash and someone had been cut and cleaned up the wound in the sink.
There was also rock dust that was off cast from boots or clothing in the airlock and just inside the main cabin close to the airlock.

Black box had logs of radar scans that with analysis could tell you a HS4 ship met with and left the runabout. it also gave you a engine profile of the other ship. and its course that didn't seem to go to any particular destination in system though it could have altered course toward Clarion or Planaron after leaving radar range.

EDIT PS: You've also learned that the Captain Elliana is the god mother for Princess Avana Elliana Leonine.
Also palace security has confirmed that the GOC cell that went after the princess had capture as their primary objective.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Shadow Shack » Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:24 pm

OOC --- did Grelude earn any XP as an NPC from prior sessions?

Grelude, still adjusting bits of his combat harness, arrives. "Gunnery officer Grelude reporting for duty."

His selected gear includes the following:

Military SkienSuit
RM combat harness
Laser Pistol w/20 SEU clip
50SEU PowerBeltPack
Sonic sword w/20 SEU clip
electric sword w/20 SEU clip
StunStick w/ 20SEU PowerClip
chronocom and ID card
gas mask

On hand if needed: Spacesuit w/armor, 1 extra LS pack, 1 extra patches (2), and magnetic & velcro boots

And unless it's already available in the ship's locker, a kilo of D-19 and four V/T detonators
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Terl Obar » Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:12 pm

Responding to the captain's request for ideas, Tanar says, "Well, the first order of business, it seems to me, would be to ID that ship. We have visuals plus a drive signature. Let's run it through the database and see what falls out. If it's a standard model, we'll at least have general performance information. If it's a custom job, we may just find out who owns it. If we can get a positive ID, that will give us names and people to look for and talk to.

"Second, we do the same for the DNA sample. See if it match any recorded DNA data or is a close match to any of the noteworthy families of Clarion. I'm thinking mainly Von Whitton.

"Third, the CRM can pull it off, Von Whitton's 'extended hunting trip' needs to be cut short and he needs to show up for questioning.

"Finally, I think we should chart a course for the Planaron Ore Processing Station. If our mystery ship went to Clarion, intelligence systems there can watch for it. We should be eyes and ears in the less patrolled area. With the visual we have, we can nose around and see if anyone at the plant recognizes the ship."
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby geekmeter11 » Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:15 am

IC: "Captian, if we are going to Planaron, let me make a call to my uncle Joe Rays in the .... system. He is an asteroid miner and should know someone there he can trust who is in the know of 'unofficial' information. At the very least, we would have a reliable set of eyes and ears at the station."

OOC: We didn't establish which system Joe was in during the pause in missions.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Shadow Shack » Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:03 pm

Grelude will keep his gun sights on the target...just in case.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:50 pm

OOC: Just wanted to keep you all posted- I've been hit with a double whamey- tried to take the kids by public transportation to the Childrens museum for $1 night but it was 3 train connections during rush hour and very nearly crushed on the third train from the crowd- kids had fun but I'm bushed- On top of that the kids shared their cold with me and I'm wiped out- wont be doing the turn advance till sunday or monday night - sorry for the delay.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:30 am

OOC: Sorry for dragging my feet, I knew I needed to go back through the posts and locate all the exp expenditures that people had committed to. and purchases and get that stuff updated and I was just procrastinating on that but had to get it done do do the new exp award and get things moving. so a little bit of game business.

I've had games where players missed important clues and so I clue bombed with the runabout so if it wasn't much of a challenge thats my fault as I probably over compensated. But by and large you got everything so 3 exp for the party. (The minor point that was kind of missed is more than compensated for other things that I hadn't planned on like the black box)

I updated character sheets and here's the totals: Allyson-10 exp, Bodger- 16 EXP, Savrax- 12 EXP, Liam- 4 EXp, Mantin 8 EXP, Tanar 3 EXP. Some of you have high totals even before the award of 3 exp, unless I missed a post for a skill purchase- if I did please let me know. I strongly recommed that Allyson, Bodger, & Savrax at the least spend down their exp unless you're saving up from a big expenditure. Most deffinetly some of Bodger's exp is still left over from character creation.

Alley has her terrarium and pet miniature hydra slug (listed after foot locker equipment)
Bodger has the extra tools for his tech kit he was inquiring about though the tri-scanner will do what you want I think.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:22 am

Captain Zyrova nodded and said, "I agree, Planaron Ore Processing Station (POPS) should be our next stop. The station and all ships will need to be searched for the princess. To that end I call for other ships to assist so that it doesn't take us a week to do it all. Pops is run by a non mega corp outfit that by the wording of their lease of the asteroid base prohibits their take over by a megacorp or else the lease is void. The company doesn't work too hard at policing the station and with cuts in the RM budget over the past decades Pops has been left to its own devices. Star Law has posted a marshal and deputies to the station but Marshal Mooktar only tries to keep a semblance of order and turns a blind eye to minor stuff. I dont really fault him, because "powers that be" in this system assumed that with a Star Law presence on Planaron the RM could save money by completely cutting our contingent on the station."

"That said, outfit your selves for a hard target search of every ship there and the whole station. You'll need tri-scanners to search for life signs that are in hiding and every single individual will be checked. Planaron is a large station and besides checking every being on it we'll need to try to generate any clues about the princess and her abductors."

"I've had personal communication with the queen on this matter and she has is very insistent that we recover her daughter. Unless CMS Leo arrives I will be the ranking Captain on the scene and based on the Queens directions concerning the recovering of her daughter I will be declaring martial law."

Captain Zyrova paused and looked around the room as if inviting comment. Everyone present knew that the Queen could authorize martial law herself but only in time of war. An order of martial law had to be confirmed by the Secretary of War. Any captain that ordered martial law and didn't get it confirmed by the service's civilian head could end up with their career going right out the air lock. With the secretary of war being the token liberal in the Prime Minister's cabinet (part and parcel of the deal cut to form the Prime Minister's coalition government) Captain Zyrova could be treading very thin ice with this act.

The Captian resumed, "Outfit yourself accordingly, use non lethal force if you have to make a point but if anyone resists you may end that resistance by any and all means. Don't try to antagonize Star Law, though I don't think they'll hinder us and they have an excellent brig and criminal database. The station is pressurized so you shouldn't need vacuum gear but it you find a reason or need to take a space walk we'll handle that when the time comes."

"Any questions?"

OOC: use the rest of the week to sort out any EXP that should have been spent before this little jaunt started plus look over your equipment and "borrow" what you need from the armory, regular BDUs (skien suits should be whats called for). dont worry about spending the exp you just earned as part of what your character learned before this started ie spend it all if you want- I just want everyone ready for whatever is coming.

I'll be getting a map of the asteroid up and more details by the end of the week.

EDIT: ooops just found Savrax's exp expenditure in my email -9 for lvl 3 Energy weapons
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Terl Obar » Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:12 pm

Other than what's already there on his sheet, Tanar will grab a pair of tangler grenades from the ship's stores when they are off ship.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Shadow Shack » Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:08 pm

Just to reiterate what Grelude selects for gear:

Shadow Shack wrote:OOC --- did Grelude earn any XP as an NPC from prior sessions?

Grelude, still adjusting bits of his combat harness, arrives. "Gunnery officer Grelude reporting for duty."

His selected gear includes the following:

Military SkienSuit
RM combat harness
Laser Pistol w/20 SEU clip
50SEU PowerBeltPack
Sonic sword w/20 SEU clip
electric sword w/20 SEU clip
StunStick w/ 20SEU PowerClip
chronocom and ID card
gas mask

On hand if needed: Spacesuit w/armor, 1 extra LS pack, 1 extra patches (2), and magnetic & velcro boots

And unless it's already available in the ship's locker, a kilo of D-19 and four V/T detonators
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:29 pm

OOC: Thanks Shadow

FYI: I worked up a cross section layout of the asteroid station its in the Background folder with a write up- its suppose to be a large station with a substantial population so there is no way that I'll do a detailed deck plan and quite a bit of movement around the station will likely be abstracted.

The station lacks even simulated gravity so its carpeted in strips of velcro and metal deck plating. there are numerous gyms and muscle atrophy is a common ailment - some of the workers have reached the stage of not being able to return to Clarion at all.
A second year delivery driver who still could not back up his van told me, "Its Not that I Cant back it up a van its that I Dont want to." Funny I use to say the same about sex in high School.
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