To sum up the House rules on Character Generation:
The House rules for character generation (though this info in in the characters area)
We're using Bill Logan's "A Skilled Frontier" article from SFM #9 with some changes:
1. System Vehicle and Space Vehicles skills are merged into one skill. Each level of skill qualifies a pilot for progressively bigger ships: level 1 can pilot fighters, level 2 can pilot HS 3 and smaller, level 3 can pilot HS 6 and smaller, level 4 can pilot HS 12 and smaller, level 5 can pilot HS 15 and smaller, level can pilot all ships. Additionally, each level of skill may pilot system ships of a size allowed for the next higher skill level (a level 2 pilot could fly system ships of HS 6 or smaller) and they may fly star ships of the next skill level up except for combat or difficult docking maneuvers (station docking).
2. Sciences PSA is split into Physical Sciences PSA and Life Sciences PSA. The reason being is that the ship's doctor should not be apt to cross train as the ships astrogator or engineer. Life Sciences PSA has the skills: Medic, Physcho-social, Bio-sciences (all rolls dealing with biology, botany, zoology and such that do not fall under medic skill), and others may be possible (vet medicine). Physical Sciences PSA has the skills: Environment (rolls dealing with terrestrial land, air and water sciences), Astro-sciences (rolls dealing with astrogation, astronomy, and sub space physics), Star Ship Engineering, and others are possible.
We'll be using the article "Spacer Skills Revisited" from SFM #10 with a few changes as well,
1. Air Vehicles skill is substituted for Technician skill for star pilots.
Combat and combat resolution:
Strictly adhering to the AD combat system is not the most practical for games in this format so, while the house rules for combat are essentially AD they will be modified to suit the needs of this style of play
Dice rolling in game: GM uses a random number generation application on his computer and will announce the result : (46%) or describe the results: "You notice someone fallowing you"
Space ship Combat:
In general KHs rules will apply but the GM has ideas stolen from other rules systems that he may apply to specific encounters that will better suit this style of gaming. Also ideas from The Star Frontiersman Fanzine may be used as well.