I can't speak for jedion357 but my high post rate at the moment is partially due to the fact that it's the holidays and I'm off work (although I should be working on issue 3 of the Frontier Explorer and a couple of other projects) and so I have a bit of free time on my hands. Plus I'm always excited to get a new game going and so tend to write a lot. Posts from me will definitely drop off (or at least get shorter) starting on the 2nd.
That said, you have to realize that we both happen to like to write (we started up the Frontier Explorer magazine after all) and we both work jobs where we're on-line quite a bit (I sit in front of a computer at home all day and he drives delivery and often has long wait times where he can check sites and post). So we'll probably always be a bit above average on the number of posts.
At this point jedion357 should probably pipe up and tell me to speak for myself but I suspect I'm pretty close to the mark