Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

This is where the action will be played out

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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby BD Cerridwen » Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:04 pm

"TING! WATCH THAT CORNER!" Malcom yells. Looks like we got one, but I think there were two in there... that alley is a good ambush point.

Malcom rises to his feet, keeping his IR goggles on and watching the warehouse doors. "Cerebus Delta, advance at maximum speed. Secure the warehouse using tanglers as your first option weapon."

"Order confirmed," replies the security 'bot as it runs toward the warehouse.

Mal then remembers Leo and peeks over his shoulder. He hesitates for a second, debating if he should let Leo figure out on his own if he should advance, shrugs once, then says, "Come'on Slick. Bad guys are this way." Not waiting for the astrogator's response, Malcom runs for the warehouse. He gives the Red Box shuttle pilots a thumbs up as he passes them.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Will » Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:16 pm

How many more turns will it be til Maria's out of the ship and on the ground?
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Terl Obar » Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:58 pm

Will wrote:How many more turns will it be til Maria's out of the ship and on the ground?
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Will » Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:11 am

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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Inigo » Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:51 pm

Leo stops crawling on his belly and looks up at Mal as he boldly moves forward and then he looks longingly the protective cover offered by the shuttle. He utters a noise that is a little too high pitched to be a moan and with no little effort (or style) hefts himself to his feet. "Why didn't I listen to my mother and become an accountant?" He moves to catch up with Malcom, but has the good sense to stay a few meters to the back and side of Mal as they advance.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Shadow Shack » Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:47 am

"Ah, I'm within maximum range of the auto rifle."

Sebastian will attempt to keep the rolled explorer between him and the compound to difuse any possible enemy fire that might come his way, once he gets past that he'll run and dodge his way to the compound.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Bonehead » Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:50 pm

B'Looone enters the compound behind the group of injured 'bots; taking his time, and feeling somewhat relieved that he isn't being shot at anymore (at least for the moment). He looks around at the various buildings, trying to spot the maintenance facility. He tries to decide, as he walks, wether it would be better to bring the 'bots into the ship to be repaired, or to try the maintenance facility. "I'm going to have to get into the engineering headquarters eventually, anyway," he thinks to himself, "so I guess I might as well head that way."
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Terl Obar » Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:21 pm

Sorry about the delay again guys. Between the holidays, work, my wife's birthday and changing jobs, I've been swamped. I'll get a new turn posted by Monday. I'll probably work on it while I'm on the plane flying home tomorrow.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Terl Obar » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:52 pm

@B'Loone: The maintenance shops are in building D on the map.

Upon receiving Malcom's command, Cerebrius Delta takes off at top speed (90m/turn) and arrives at the entrance to building B by the end of the turn without being shot at and begins to enter. Malcom and Leo's view is obscured by the smoke grenade that pops open directly behind Cerebrius Delta in front of the door that Hercules Alpha threw as directed. Cerebrius Delta reports that there is a prone Yazarian female and that the building is otherwise unoccupied.

Malcom and his remaining security bot are now adjacent to the two RedBox shuttles. Leo is about 10m behind him. The two combat robots are at the gap between the two buildings and Ting and his two security bots are at the edge of the landing pad.

B'Loone, Gren and the "recovered" bots begin advancing into the compound. Since B'Loone stated that he is taking his time, I'm going to assume until otherwise stated that he is move at 5m/turn and crossing the compound following the same route Ting took. Maria has started to descend the cargo ramp (which isn't quite fully extended yet and will be on the ground next turn. Sebastian is now 270m from the compound. Elapsed time 61 turns.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Terl Obar » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:54 pm

BTW I'll try to post a new map next time. I was going to do it this time but I seem to have left my thumb drive with the current editable map at home in Utah (Grrr). I'll be back in town to pick it up on Friday.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby BD Cerridwen » Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:10 am

"Leo, secure the Red Box birds," commands Malcom (as much to keep Leo out of the way as hope that Leo would debrief the pilots). "Hercules Alpha, Cerebus Beta, secure the west center door and alley way beyond. Hercules Beta, secure the north door and alley way beyond. 'Ting, our main target is the power generator!"

Malcom runs through the open door of building 'B'. He intends to check on the downed Yaz, to see if she is still alive.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby BD Cerridwen » Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:28 am

OOC: FYI... Ting has the three remaining security 'bots (original team makeup can be found here (last pragraph). Mal has 1 sec bot and both combat bots (now), all of whom have entered building B.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Inigo » Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:55 pm

Leo gives a hesitant step towards Malcom. He was just about ready to run to catch up with him when Malcom directed him to the shuttles. Leo flashes a nervous glance toward the compound and then gives Malcom a thumbs up. “Right.” He then turns and trots over to the nearest shuttle (as though he hadn’t a care in the world) and motions for them to open the hatch. He realizes that he is still clutching his gun in an aggressive manner and tries to sling it casually to the side after checking the safety (yet again).

When the hatch opens enough for him, he clambers in. “Hey…those dudes who called you in for this pick-up are pirates. They attacked and occupied this place and are using you guys to help them steal this stuff. So…if you haven’t already done so, would you mind sending a communication to your boss and the other shuttles we saw up there and apprise them? Oh…and see if you can get the authorities to detain the freighter you guys were putting all this loot into.”

He turns to leave and is hit with another thought. “Oh, yeah….keep this thing shut off, open and on the ground.” Jabbing his thumb over his shoulder in the general direction of Maria he add, “That chic flying that bird is a little cranky and a lot crazy. She’s pissed because she hasn’t been able to blow up enough stuff so far….So be careful not to give her the chance. I am assuming you guys have been duped and are innocent of any intentional fraud here. I’d hate to have to explain why she killed you.” With that he turns and trots across the tarmac to the other shuttle and repeats the message in a similar fashion.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Terl Obar » Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:38 pm

Ting and his 'bots arrive at the alley between the two buildings. Two of the bots advance down the alley and meet no resistance. Ting and the other bot stop outside the southern most set of garage doors.

Malcom sprints toward the warehouse after his bots that he sent ahead and whom are all inside the warehouse. He ends up 10m short of the building by the end of the turn. The robots inside report that the female Yazarian is dead and that there are no other beings inside that they can detect.

Leo arrives at the northernmost RB shuttle and delivers his message. The pilot responds, "How do we know you're not the pirates? But, hey man, we're not going anywhere as long as you play nice. We're just doing our job, contract was to lift six CU's to a freighter in orbit. Three shuttles, two trips each, these are the last two loads. Last thing I need is damage to my ship. But you try to take it, and we lift off immediately. I've already notified HQ and they notified the local militia garrison. Supposedly someone's on the way to check things out. You all can explain to them when they get here."

The Dart's ramp in now mostly extended and, impatient to get into the action, Maria, heads down and jumps the last meter an a half. She lands with a grunt, hitting the ground a little sooner than she expended, having not accounted for the higher gravity.

B'Loone, Gren and the damaged robots continue across the tarmac (still at 5m/turn until otherwise stated) towards the maintenance building. Sebastian is not 240m out from the compound. Elapsed time 62 turns.

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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Will » Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:23 pm

Maria follows the others, hoping to use them as sentient shields. Her gyrojet rifle is at the ready.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby BD Cerridwen » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:16 pm

Feeling confident that the robots have properly secured the warehouse, Mal continues running, ensuring that his laser rifle has a fresh clip, slings it and drawing his electrostunner, setting it to "stun", stopping only when he reaches the door in the center of the west wall. "Cerebus Delta," he calls to his sec-bot as he enters the building, "cover the alley from that door!" Mal points to the southern most door in the west wall. "Restrain protocol! Hercules bots with me! Tanglers ready!" In his left hand, he will prep a smoke grenade. If time allows, Mal will follow the combat bots through the door and attempt entry of Building A through the east door using the passcodes provided in the mission brief. Once the door is open, he will toss the grenade 5-7 meters into the gym and order the 'bots in.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby BD Cerridwen » Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:36 pm

An image showing the anticipated positioning of Bravo Team for entry to Building A.
Building Entry.PNG
Showing positions of Bravo Team for entry to Building A
Building Entry.PNG (681.54 KiB) Viewed 26908 times
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Bonehead » Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:50 pm

B'Looone will lead his happy band of 'bots directly to the robot shop via the garage.
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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby Terl Obar » Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:11 pm

Next round:

Ting and one of the security robots enter the garage. Inside, they find a pair of explorers and an aircar all labeled with the Obar Enterprises logo.

Leo heads over to the second shuttle to deliver his message and gets a confirmation that the shuttles will stay grounded.

B'Loone and company continue their way across the compound.

Maria swings around the wing of the Dart and starts heading toward the gap between the two buildings

Sebastian is now 210m out.

The two security bots that Ting directed down the alley, arrive at the crossroads area between the buildings just as Malcom's robot exit the warehouse. The two combat robots come out the middle door and the security robot comes out the southern one. Malcom is headed out behind the combat robots when the door to the main building opens and a Yazirian and two Dralasites come out the door directly across from Malcom. The Yazirian is sporting a laser rifle, an electric sword and a handful of grenades. The Dral on Malcom's left has a laser pistol and sonic sword and the one on his right has a sonic sword and an auto pistol.

When the Yazirian see's Malcom and the 'bots coming out of the warehouse he gives a yell. "Take 'em out!" All three of them charge toward Malcom and the combat robots. They all seem to have missed the robots on their flanks. Below is the general overview map with everyone's positions. There is also a detailed, 1m per square map of the positions of those involved in the combat at the moment. The pirates are 5-7 meters away and you have initative next round.

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Re: Mission 1b: Entering the Compound

Postby BD Cerridwen » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:30 pm

Years ago, Fronor Gjor of Gjor Security and Loss Prevention LLC (his former boss) put Mal through his firearms training. “Look, in a close in fight with side arms, anything under 10 meters or so, forget sight picture,” the old yaz would say. Fronor showed Mal how to hold the weapon with the forefinger lying flush against the zap gun’s body, parallel to the barrel, and middle finger on the trigger. “It’s literally point and shoot. Your forefinger will naturally aim the weapon simply by pointing at what you’re trying to shoot. It feels weird at first, but this is how you will practice every time. Once you’re used to it, you’ll be just as accurate as if you aimed and you’ll be faster than anyone who doesn’t know this trick.”

Now Mal puts the long practiced technique to use yet again. He points center mass of the yazarian, thumb on the selector switch as he makes an instant assessment about his target’s ability to withstand a stun shot. Simultaneously, he shouts at his combat ‘bots, “Tanglers!”

OOC: I want Malcom to make an Intuition check. If his intuition is telling him that his target is likely to have an anti-shock device, Mal’s thumb will automatically flip the selector to ‘damage’ and fire. Otherwise he will keep the current setting of stun and fire.
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