The Star Frontiers Network now has a wiki. I had always intended to integrate a wiki with the forums and due to recent comments by jedion357, I was inspired to push that project forward.
Anyone can read the wiki. In order to edit and create pages, you need to have an account on the SFN forums and make yourself part of the wiki usergroup. Full instructions can be found on the Instructions for Gaining Wiki Access page.
The primary purpose of the Star Frontiers Network Wiki is to provide a place for referees to post material to their game and easily cross link it to the forums. This can be used by anyone running a game anywhere, whether the game is running on the Star Frontiers Network site, some other site on the web or is just a tabletop game somewhere. However, it is a wiki and can be used as such for any Star Frontiers source material that the users want to put there. I’ve created a bit of a hierarchy to start organizing material.
In addition, and since it doesn’t seem to exist anywhere else, I’m putting all the Star Frontiersman articles on-line there as well. Issues 1 and 2 are completely on-line and I’ve marked up the table of contents for all the other issues as well. There will also be a master index of all the articles ala Ascent’s article in issue 12 and the index w00t built. I’ll be filling in the articles over the next few weeks. But since it is a community wiki, anyone else that wants to help in that effort is more than welcome to.
Anyway, drop on over and check it out. I hope you all enjoy it and it proves to be a useful resource.