Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Set in the Star Frontiers setting 100 years after the original Warriors of White Light Module pursuing all new adventures in the classic setting. Most original TSR printed game materials are constitute history in this game.

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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby donpaulie » Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:27 am

IC: SInce LIam spotted the ship, He is going to run some scans and such. What Liam is looking at is this: 1. if the ship is going to make an escape. 2. Is the Princess on board. 3. How many are aboard. 4. If our guys try to go aboard to keep track of the opfor, so we can get them before they have a chance to get us.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Inigo » Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:55 pm

Savrax pipes in, “Would you prefer Mantin, Bodger and myself proceed to the ship, or to it’s captain?”
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:27 pm

OOC: I just want to be clear Liam & Grelude and Slayerian are in the control room for the Aux Hanger. The hanger is really just an external area that was hollowed out of the asteroid to offer some protection and ships dock in there. Right outside the control booth is a service corridor that runs around the wall of the hanger with air locks set into it. The cameras just watch the outside of the ships docked here.

So far you have 2 objectives- the ship and the infamous Skee.

Sav, Bodger, and Mantin can easily go either direction and Tanar can catch up as well- that is not a suggestion as I have ideas about what will happen if you do X instead of Y or if you do Z other things will or should happen. I very much step back from the GM role and decide what an NPC will or wont know; will or wont do and determine what happens in response to your actions. So you can continue in split screen mode or regroup to take on one thing at a time.

In light of recent developments the Captian has moved Pelican to sit below the Aux hanger and WarHawk is in route there, this give you a measure of control over anyone trying to leave- should an NPC try it they will have there engines shot out. The Warhawk's crew is available for EVA inspection of the ships in the aux hanger.

IC: In light of the discovery of the Rock Hopper, the Captain asks Liam to confirm that the mechanical locking clamps are engaged on all ships in the Aux Hanger then for him to pass word protect that control function.

Liam hunkers down at the control station and traces the command tree for locking clamps and runs the test function to confirm that the mechanical clamps are locked on to every ship and the green lights all wink out while the computer runs the test and one by one the green lights come back up as the computer's confirms the clamps are engaged. Almost all of the lights turn green again but one turns red, Rock Hopper's only held in dock by its magnetic clamps.

(It would seem that Captain Skee doesn't like to obey common safety regs for his own reasons, but then again he is a pirate and a smuggler not above dealing with crack headed terrorist.)

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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Terl Obar » Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:12 am

"Okay team," Tanar calls over the teams comm, "we need to secure that ship and get our hands on 'Captain' Skee. I'm of the mind to secure the ship and then the man but if anyone things we should do it the other way around or simultaneously let me know now."

(OOC: Still waiting to hear back from the Star Law Marshall on the answer to my question.)
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Inigo » Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:17 pm

“I would advise a simultaneous approach. If we are unable to get him cleanly, he or others may get ahead of us either with the ship or do something to damage or hinder our retrieval of the object. I am sure he has many friends and eyes here on this station.” With that last comment, he was unaware that he was actually patting the holo-screen projector on his belt.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby donpaulie » Mon May 03, 2010 3:03 pm

IC: Liam is going to try to override the controls to make sure Rock Hopper gets clamped in. Liam gets on his com. "Captain, Rock Hopper is ignoring. rying to clamp manually. You might want to have a ship ready to intercept if he decides to make a run for it!"
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Wed May 05, 2010 7:04 pm

Note: Terl posted this from my email I tried to send to everyone: It seems that when my anti-virus runs every month it screws with my log in and forces me to erase cookies and temporary internet files- same thing happened beginning of last month.

below is a quick post that I did through email- will try to get back on tomorrow and do a more in depth look at the situation and address issues as need be.

Posting for Jedi

To answer Tanar- the Star Law man advises you that Skee is a very slippery character and that Star Law's ability to monitor people in the core is limited (they maintain some floater surveilence robots to watch problem areas because they were not allowed to put up camera mounts (corporate lawyers double talk and a muddled legal situation concerning the planaron asteroid). He check with a deputy back at the office and 5 minutes latter confirms that Skee is, as far as they know, still at the bar I specified earlier.

Now concerning Liam's action- He's trying to resolve the docking clamp issue and (the deity of the random number generator smiles on him with a 06) He discovers that the line of code for the clamps were disabled in the computer and he fixes it; but he also spots the line of code that would (he thinks) send out some sort of signal if the clamps were to engage- it could be an alarm or a trigger Liam doesn't know but he's managed to lock the clamps and not trigger it.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Terl Obar » Wed May 05, 2010 8:11 pm

"I understand," Tanar says to the Star Law Officer. Activating his comm to the team he starts to lay out a plan.

"After talking with the Star Law Marshall I believe we'd be better off hitting both targets simultaneously. Bodger, Savrax and Mantin, I need one more shooter on my team to go pick up Captain Skee. Which ever of you wants to join me, Niss and Ventura to pick up the captain can join up with us as we enter the Core. The other two head down to join up with Liam, Grelude, Allyson and Slayerin and prepare to board and secure the Rock Hopper.

"I'd like to time it to be as simultaneous as possible but I don't think the ship is going anywhere and taking Skee might be a bit trickier. If the ship assault team is in place first, wait for us, I don't want him spooked by a message from the ship. However, as soon as we get to Skee we're going in, as I don't want him to slip away.

"Any other suggestions or recommendations?" Tanar signs off to listen to any comments the team has. (OOC: If you guys have other ideas, let me know.)

Tanar turns to the Vrusk and Yazarian. "What can you tell me about Blue's Bar, how big, number of exits, type of patrons, etc. Anything you can give me can help."
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Wed May 05, 2010 9:23 pm

Terl Obar wrote:Tanar turns to the Vrusk and Yazarian. "What can you tell me about Blue's Bar, how big, number of exits, type of patrons, etc. Anything you can give me can help."

The Star Law marshal clears his throat, "Well whats there not to tell? Blue is big and mean and runs a tough establishment. She's been even meaner since her mate died back on Clarion. If you want my advice I'd say bring more shooters, she blames you for George's death. Apparently, he hired out for some extra creds for a snatch and grab down in Glacier Bay and got taken out by the Royal Marines. You go walking into her bar and fur is likely to fly.... That's another reason I have no surviellence in her bar, who wants to argue with a gorllian if they dont have to?"

"Its got 2 exits onto the Core's cat walk directly, can't say how many exits tunnel away from the core. In my experience most businesses like to have a back door and I've noticed quite a few of that kind of exit that's not in any data base cause; no one files a building permit."

"I've been in Blue's once and haven't bothered since as she and George we're their own bouncers and as long as they settled for simply throwing trouble makers off the catwalk into the open air of the Core and didn't bloody anyone too much, I left well enough alone."

OOC: I'll have some maps prepped this week but so you can plan the core is an hollowed out open cylinder with catwalks ringing it at multiple levels, Blues has 2 entrances roughly 50 m apart.

the access to the Rock Hopper is a simple air lock in a curving hallway (the halway circles the aux hanger which is a shallow cylinder dug into the rock where ships dock near the wall and a docking buffer/tunnel/ air lock connects to it) The ship is small so it has only one air lock and that is mated to the station.

Good question Tanar- Blue's was a clue that was a bit obscure but if you remember I said I like the AT-43 Kaman figures for gorlians and they have blue skin and white hair- but now you know the little surprise i had for you- still "Hell hath no fury like a gorlian bereaved." enjoy.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Inigo » Thu May 06, 2010 4:35 pm

Savrax responds perhaps a little too quickly. "I'll join you in aquiring the captain."
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby donpaulie » Fri May 07, 2010 1:39 pm

IC: Once Liam is finished with the docking clamps he will join up with Grelude, Allyson and Slayerin and board the Rock Hopper.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby geekmeter11 » Fri May 07, 2010 8:57 pm

OOC: Finally back up and running.

IC: OK, this sounds like a plan; but, where is the back door? Can I get two things from the computer? First,the blueprints of the area, and second a rock survey from the bar to the landing pad. If the "Capt." and "barmaid" are working together to smuggle anything, they might have a passage between the bar and pad. I might be able to find the simplest route that they may have tunneled through.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Sat May 08, 2010 6:37 am

geekmeter11 wrote:OOC: Finally back up and running.

IC: OK, this sounds like a plan; but, where is the back door? Can I get two things from the computer? First,the blueprints of the area, and second a rock survey from the bar to the landing pad. If the "Capt." and "barmaid" are working together to smuggle anything, they might have a passage between the bar and pad. I might be able to find the simplest route that they may have tunneled through.

OOC: Yea! Hes back.

1. concerning deck plans the rock is huge and with tons of levels and the corporation running it just never bothered to administrate or regulate as long as there ore processing was never affected. so no one has comprehensive plans.

2. as for a back door the type you suggest would have to cut through some many levels that someone would notice and a direct line from the bar to the aux hanger doesn't exist. that is not to say that Blues Bar doesn't have a back door, it could but it would be going all the way across the rock. just emptying out local to the bar.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Inigo » Sat May 08, 2010 7:03 pm

"Let me go in first. Unless they have a way of detecting my holo screen feedback loop, I may be able to get you some intel. Perhaps it will allow me to get into a position that would allow me to see them bolt."
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Tue May 18, 2010 11:11 am

IC: Liam, Slayerian and Grelude tramp down the metal plated and velcro lined tunnel toward Skee's ship's air lock. As they approach the turn for the lock "mr. karioke" who tagged along rather than remained at his post in the control booth says, "I have the remote for the air locks, I'll just open it for you..." His hand comes up with a type door remote and presses a button. Just meters ahead the corridor is rocked by an explosion. No one in Liam's party is hurt but Liam waves Grelude ahead to check things out.

Grelude runs his demolitions scanner and announces, "I'm detecting residue of TD-19 and fragments of a com device- it looks like a low yield amount of TD-19 was used but it blew the frag out of a shipping crate. The air lock door is blackened but looks still serviceable."

Meanwhile in the core...
The star law marshal leads the marines to a store front 60m from Blue's Bar and opens the door waving everyone in. He explains, "I had to close down this establishment last week, you can use this as a staging area to scope out Blues. If you go traipsing to within meters of the Bar its likely that the rubberneckers on the cat walks above or below will com someone in Blue's and give your gig away. If we all go in here they'll think your deal is connected to the yaz I busted for murder."

The store front is empty, having been cleaned out, it only has two rooms and one entrance that is 60m "north" of the main entrance to Blues.

Savrax having activated his holo screen and closed his helmet (so that he can whisper into his com undetected) gingerly crosses to the Main entrance of Blues. It has a single pressure door propped open and beyond he can see a large room with several patrons. He ghosts down to the secondary entrance which has a smaller single pressure door that is propped open. Inside he can see a dining area and beyond a door to a kitchen.

Savrax manages to enter to the (bar or diningroom and describes the scene for the rest of the marines who are waiting- INIGO described the spot Savrax went to) There are 3 yazirians present, one is eating alone in the diningroom, one is at the bar, and one is at a table with a human with a white bib: I put a large Y on the map next to each. There is a green skinned dancer in one corner and she is moving around quite a bit (Savrax should give her a wide berth lest she accidently reveal his presence). There is a waitress in a skimpy white outfit standing in the doorway between the diningroom and pub. No one is moving except the dancer. Blue (the only gorlian present) is behind the bar and everyone else looks like regulars.

scale: 1 square = 2m
Blues Bar1.png
Blues Bar1.png (245.37 KiB) Viewed 46102 times

planaron auxhanger1.png
planaron auxhanger1.png (514.98 KiB) Viewed 46102 times
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Inigo » Tue May 18, 2010 12:23 pm

Savrax enters Blues and carefully navigates the patrons, staying to the wall as much as possible. As he goes, he describes the scene. “What does this captain look like? We need to confirm his presence.” Sav is looking at the man seated with the Yaz as he waits for a description. He casts his eyes towards the doors leading to the kitchen and other back rooms, trying to figure out if he can get through them undetected in order to see what all is there. Until then, he looks for the captain and tries to listen in on conversations from as many suspicious characters as possible (especially skee’s).
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby donpaulie » Wed May 19, 2010 11:09 am

[quote="jedion357"]IC: Liam, Slayerian and Grelude tramp down the metal plated and velcro lined tunnel toward Skee's ship's air lock. As they approach the turn for the lock "mr. karioke" who tagged along rather than remained at his post in the control booth says, "I have the remote for the air locks, I'll just open it for you..." His hand comes up with a type door remote and presses a button. Just meters ahead the corridor is rocked by an explosion. No one in Liam's party is hurt but Liam waves Grelude ahead to check things out.

Grelude runs his demolitions scanner and announces, "I'm detecting residue of TD-19 and fragments of a com device- it looks like a low yield amount of TD-19 was used but it blew the frag out of a shipping crate. The air lock door is blackened but looks still serviceable."

IC: Captain, We just nearly walked into an explosion here, no injuries. Grelude has detected TD-19, the explosion came from a shipping crate. We believe the airlock door might still be serviciable. We will proceed and if the door is not functioning, we may need a tech team. Will keep you Posted. Liam reposts to the Pelican, who no doubt detected the explosion.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby Terl Obar » Wed May 19, 2010 1:01 pm

(OOC: Sorry, I meant to post this sooner but life got away from me again) Before the team heads to the Core, Tanar will pull the images of Skee from the Pelican's database and show everyone (if it is available) or give them all as complete a description as possible from memory. That way everyone will know what Skee looks like and can ID him if he is there.

Blue is big and mean and runs a tough establishment. She's been even meaner since her mate died back on Clarion. If you want my advice I'd say bring more shooters, she blames you for George's death. Apparently, he hired out for some extra creds for a snatch and grab down in Glacier Bay and got taken out by the Royal Marines.
"That should make this fun," Tanar replies. With the exception of myself, who was in orbit providing intel and technical assistance, you're looking at the team that took George out." As they head to the Core, Tanar passes this little tidbit of info along to the rest of the team. "Hey guys, turns out that Gorlian you took out at Glacier Bay was the husband of the bar owner. This should be fun."

While waiting for Savrax to scout the bar, Tanar receives the report from Liam. "Copy that, Liam. Looks like someone doesn't want visitors. Get inside that ship and find out what's on board. We're moving in on Captain Skee now."

Hearing Savrax request for a confirmation of Skee's description, Tanar will relay it to him again (either as an image into his helmet if possible or verbally). As soon as he hears back from Savrax on the presence or absence of Skee in the bar he'll lead the team over. (I'll post exact plan for entering once we hear from Savrax.)

OOC: Based on Jedi's post, I'm assuming that Bodger, Savrax and Mantin joined up with Tanar, Niss and Ventura to capture Skee and the other's (Liam, Grelude, Allyson and Slayerian) are taking the ship.
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby donpaulie » Thu May 20, 2010 6:21 am

IC: "Copy that, Tanar" 'OK Boys, you heard THe Boss, Lets get through that door and secure that ship. I am headed to the bridge, I need someone in engineering to "take the spark plugs out" of the engine. Sound like a plan?'
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Re: Chapter 2.2 The Revolution Endures!

Postby jedion357 » Thu May 20, 2010 2:10 pm

OOC: you were able to pull and share the a video still of Skee from the files on the Pelican and transmit it by com to the body comps on the combat harnesses.

Savrax does not see Skee among the three yaz's in the bar.

I'll post some developments latter tonight. Thursday may 20th
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