Planet of Mystery

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Wiki Editor's Note: This is a series of articles spanning several issues of the Star Frontiersman dealing with the races and background of Volturnus. They are collected here into a single location.

Ahhh... Volturnus. Many of us got our first taste of Star Frontiers in a starliner plummeting towards the desert planet, fated for adventure. It all started with the first module in the series, SF0. Who would know the voyage would lead the characters into such an amazing story?

This set of articles allows you... that’s right you... to have a chance to help the story of the planet of mystery evolve. Do you have anything to contribute to the legacy of this adventurous locale? Have you created statistics for situations or environments that arose? Do you have some pictures of the creatures or characters you’ve met along your journeys? Have you come up with more details on the Star Devils or perhaps more Sathar constructs left behind? Or have you developed further adventures entirely? I for one don’t want to feel like the story of that amazing world is over.